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Latin Mottos, Latin Phrases, Latin Quotes and Latin SayingsB Balaenae nobis conservandae sunt! - Save the whales! Beata Virgo (Maria) - The Blessed Virgin (Mary) Beatae memoriae - Of blessed memory Beati pacifici - Blessed are the peacemakers Beati pauperes spiritu - Blessed are the poor in spirit Beati possidentes - The happy who possess. (possession is nine points of the law) (Euripides) Beatus - The blessed one Bella detesta matribus - Wars, the horror of mothers. (Horace) Bella gerant alii - Let others wage war Bellum omium contra omnes - Everyman's struggle against everyman. (Thomas Hobbes) Belua multorum es capitum - The people are a many-headed beast Bene legere saecla vincere - To read well is to master the ages. (Professor Isaac Flagg) Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - One who lives well, lives unnoticed. (Ovid) Bene, cum Latine nescias, nolo manus meas in te maculare - Well, if you don't understand plain Latin, I'm not going to dirty my hands on you Bene - Good Beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere - To accept a favour is to sell freedom. (Publilius Syrus) Bibere venenum in auro - Drink poison from a cup of gold Bis dat qui cito dat - He gives twice who quickly gives. (Publius Syrus) Bis in die (bid) - Twice a day Bis interimitur qui suis armis perit - He is doubly destroyed who perishes by his own arms. (Syrus) Bis repetita placent - The things that please are those that are asked for again and again. (Horace) Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria - He conquers twice who in the hour of conquest conquers himself. (Syrus) Bis vivit qui bene vivit - He lives twice who lives well Bona fide - In good faith. i. e. well-intentioned, fairly Bona fides (noun) - Honest intention Bona fortuna - Good luck! Bona officia - Good services's Bonum commune communitatis - General welfare. Literally, common good of the community Bonum commune hominis - Common good of man Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominis - Good wine gladdens a person's heart Bovina Sancta! - Holy cow! Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur! - Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket! Braccae tuae aperiuntur - Your fly is open Brevior saltare cum deformibus mulieribus est vita - Life is too short to dance with ugly women Brevior saltare cum deformibus viris est vita - Life is too short to dance with ugly men Brevis esse latoro obscurus fio - When I try to be brief, I speak gobbledegook Brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit longior - Our life is short but is made longer by misfortunes. (Publilius Syrus) Busillis - Baffling puzzle or difficult point Top of Page C Cacoethes scribendi - An insatiable urge to write. (Juvenal) Cadit quaestio - The question drops Caeca invidia est - Envy is blind. (Livy) Caeci caecos ducentes - Blind are led by the blind. Leaders are not more knowledgeable than the ones they lead Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei - The heavens declare the glory of God Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt - They change the sky, not their soul, who run across the sea. (Horace) Caelum videre iussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus - He bid them look at the sky and lift their faces to the stars. (Ovid) Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris - If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar Camera obscvra - Hidden room - an early photographic or painting technique utilizing optical pinholes Canis meus id comedit - My dog ate it Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet - A timid dog barks more violently than it bites. (Curtius Rufus) Capillamentum? Haudquaquam conieci esse! - A wig? I never would have guessed! Caro putridas es! - You're dead meat Carpe Cerevisi - Seize the beer! Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero - Seize the day, trust as little as possible in tomorrow. (Horace) Carpe diem - Seize the day. (opportunity) (Horace) Casus belli - An act used to justify war Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam - I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head Casus belli - Event (that is the justification for, or the cause) of war Causarum justia et misericordia - For the causes of justice and mercy Causa mortis - Death Cause Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book. (Latin Epigram) Cave canem, te necet lingendo - Beware of the dog, he may lick you to death Cave canem - Beware of the dog Cave cibum, valde malus est - Beware the food, it is very bad Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules - If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui - Beware what you say, when, and to whom Cave - Beware! Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware. (He buys at his own risk) Caveat venditor - Let the seller beware Caveat - Let him/her beware Cedant arma togae - Let arms yield to the toga. (Let violence give place to law) Cedo maiori - I yield to a greater person Certamen bikini-suicidus-disci mox coepit? - Does the Bikini-Suicide-Frisbee match start soon? Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse - You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore Certum est, quia impossibile - It is certain, because it is impossible. (Tertullianus) Cetera desunt - The rest is missing Ceteris paribus - All else being equal Christus rex - Christ the King Cineri gloria sera venit - Fame comes too late to the dead Circa (c.) - Approximately Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis - I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream Clara pacta, boni amici - Clear agreements, good friends Codex Juris Canonici - Book of canon law Cogita ante salis - Think before you leap, or look before you leap Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur - Nobody should be punished for his thoughts Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed Cogito sumere potum alterum - I think I'll have another drink Cogito, ergo sum - I think, therefore I am. (Reni Descartes) Commodum ex iniuria sua nemo habere debet - No person ought to have advantage from his own wrong Commune bonum - The common good Commune periculum concordiam parit - Common danger brings forth harmony Communi consilio - By common consent Compos mentis - Of sound mind (and judgement) Concordia discors - Discordant harmony Concordia res parvae crescent - Work together to accomplish more Conditio sine qua non - Condition without which not, or an essential condition or requirement Confer (cf.) - Compare Confiteor - I confess Congregatio de Propaganda Fide - Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith Coniecturalem artem esse medicinam - Medicine is the art of guessing. (Aulus Cornelius Celsus) Coniunctis viribus - With united powers Conlige suspectos semper habitos - Round up the usual suspects Consensu omnium - By the agreement of all Consensus audacium - An agreement of rash men. (a conspiracy) (Cicero) Consuetudinis magna vis est - The force of habit is great. (Cicero) Consule planco - In the consulship of Plancus (In the good old days) (Horace) Consummatum est - It is completed (Christ's last words, John 19:30) Contra felicem vix deus vires habet - Against a lucky man a god scarcely has power Contra mundum - Against the world Contraria contrariis curantur - The opposite is cured with the opposite. (Hippocrates) Coram populo - In the presence of the people. (Horace) Cornix cornici oculos non effodiet - A crow doesn't rip out the eyes of another crow Cornucopia - Horn of plenty Corpus christi - The body of Christ Corpus delicti - The body of a crime. (The substance or fundamental facts of a crime) Corpus Juris Canonici - The body of canon law Corpus Juris Civilis - The body of civil law Corpus vile - Worthless body Corrigenda - A list of things to be corrected. (in a book) Corripe Cervisiam - Seize the beer! Corruptio optimi pessima - Corruption of the best is worst Coruscantes disci per convexa caeli volantes - Flying saucers Cotidiana vilescunt - Familiarity breeds contempt Cotidie damnatur qui semper timet - The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned. (Syrus) Crapulam terriblem habeo - I have a terrible hangover Cras amet qui nunquam amavit; Quique amavit, cras amet - May he love tomorrow who has never loved before Credidi me felem vidisse! - I tought I taw a puddy tat! Credite amori vera dicenti - Believe love speaking the truth. (St. Jerome) Credo elvem etiam vivere - I believe Elvis lives Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse - I think we're on the same wavelength Credo quia absurdum - I believe it because it is absurd. (contrary to reason) (Tertullian) Credo ut intelligam - I believe in order that I may understand. (St. Augustine) Credula vitam spes fovet et melius cras fore semper dicit - Credulous hope supports our life, and always says that tomorrow will be better. (Tibullus) Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crevit - The love of wealth grows as the wealth itself grew. (Juvenalis) Crescite et multiplicamini - Increase and multiply Crimen falsi - Perjury Crudelius est quam mori semper timere mortem - It is more cruel to always fear death than to die. (Seneca) Crux - Puzzle Cui bono? - For whose benefit is it? (a maxim sometimes used in the detection of crime) (Cicero) Cui dono lepidum novum libellum? - To whom do I give my new elegant little book? (Catullus) Cui malo? - Who suffers a detriment? Cui peccare licet peccat minus - One who is allowed to sin, sins less. (Ovid) Cuius regio, eius religio - He who rules, his religion Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare - Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia - Patience is the cure for all suffer Culpa - A sin Culpam poena premit comes - Punishment closely follows crime as its companion. (Horace) Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt - When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults Cum grano salis - With a grain of salt. (Pliny the Elder?) Cum homine de cane debeo congredi - Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a dog Cum laude magnum - With great success Cum laude - With praise Cum tacent, clamant - When they remain silent, they cry out. (Their silence speaks louder than words) (Cicero) Cum - With Cur etiam hic es - Why are you still here? Cura nihil aliud nisi ut valeas - Pay attention to nothing except that you do well. (Cicero) Cura posterior - A later concern Cura ut valeas - Take care Curae leves loquuntur ingentes stupent - Slight griefs talk, great ones are speechless. (minor losses can be talked away, profound ones strike us dumb) Curriculum vitae - The course of one's life Cursum perficio - My journey is over, or I finish my journey Custos morum - Guardian of morals Top of Page D Da mihi basilia mille - Kiss me with a thousand kisses Da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo! - Make me chaste and pure, but not yet! Da mihi sis bubulae frustrum assae, solana tuberosa in modo gallico fricta, ac quassum lactatum coagulatum crassum - Give me a hamburger, french fries, and a thick shake Da mihi sis cerevisiam dilutam - I'll have a light beer Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo - I'll have a pizza with everything on it Damnant quod non intellegunt - They condemn what they do not understand Data et accepta - Expenditure and receipts De asini vmbra disceptare - To argue about the shadow of an ass. (petty things for petty mind) De bene esse - It shall be so, as long as it is well De die in diem - From day to day De duobus malis, minus est semper eligendum - Of two evils, the lesser must always be chosen (Thomas a Kempis) De facto - Something that is automatically accepted De gustibus non est disputandum - There's no accounting for taste De inimico non loquaris sed cogites - Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it De integro - Repeat again from the start De iure - By law. According to law De minimis non curat praetor - The authority or king, or law does not care about trivial things De minimis - With respect to trifles De mortuis nil nisi bonum - Say nothing but good about the dead. (Chilon) De nihilo nihil - Nothing comes from nothing. (Lucretius) De novo - Anew De profundis - Up from the depths (of misery) De rervm natvra - On the nature of things. (title of Marcus Aurelius's magnum opus) Decrevi - I have decreed Dei gratia - By the grace of God Delenda est carthago - Carthage must be destroyed Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit - The wolf attacks with his fang, the bull with his horn. (Horace) Deo adiuvante - With God's help Deo favente - With God's favour Deo gratias - [We give] thanks to God Deo Optimo Maximo - To God, the Best, the Greatest Deo vindice - God will prove us right. (motto of the Confederate States of America) Deo volente - God willing Desunt cetera - The rest is missing Deus absconditus - A god who is hidden from man Deus commodo muto consisto quem meus canis sententia existo - Which, in a very ham-fisted way, with generosity, comes close to being Deus et natua non faciunt frusta - God and nature do not work together in vain Deus ex machina - A contrived or artificial solution. (literally, 'a god from a machine') Deus Misereatur - May God Have Mercy Deus vobiscum - God be with you Deus volent - (as) God will Deus vult! - God wills it! (Slogan of the Crusades) Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit! - God, look at the time! My wife will kill me! Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem! - The devil made me do it! Dic mihi solum facta, domina - Just the facts, ma'am Dictum sapienti sat est - A word to a wise person is sufficient Die dulci freure - Have a nice day Diem perdidi - I have lost a day (another day wasted) (Titus) Dies felices - Happy Days Dies Irae - Day of Wrath, or Judgment Day Dies natalis - Birthday Dies non - Business free day Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem - It is difficult to suddenly give up a long love. (Catullus) Difficile est saturam non scribere - It is hard not to write satire. (Juvenalis) Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas - It is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practice it. (Pliny the Younger) Diis aliter visum - The Gods decided otherwise Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium - Diligence is a very great help even to a mediocre intelligence. (Seneca) Diligite justitiam, o judices terrae - Cherish justice, o judges of the earth Dimidium facti qui coepit habet - Half is done when the beginning is done. (Horace) Dira necessitas - The dire necessity. (Horace) Discere docendo - To learn through teaching Disiecti membra poetae - Limbs of a dismembered poet. (Horace) Disjecta membra - The scattered remains Divide et impera - Divide and conquer Dixi - I have spoken. (I will say no more on the matter, and no one else may speak further) Do ut des - I give so that you give back Docendo discitur - It is learned by teaching. (Seneca) Doli capax - Capable of crime Domine, dirige nos - Lord, direct us Domino optimo maximo - To the Lord, the best and greatest Dominus illuminatio mea - The Lord is my light Dominus providebit - The Lord will provide Dominus tecum - May the Lord be with you (Singular) Dominus vobiscum - May the Lord be with you (Plural) Domus dulcis domus - Home sweet home Donec eris felix, multos numerabis amicos - As long as you are fortunate, you will have many friends (when you are successful, everyone wants to be your friend) Donna nobis pacem - Grant us peace Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus - Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon. (motto of Harry Potter's alma mater) Dramatis personae - Characters of the play Duc, sequere, aut de via decede - Lead, follow, or get out of the way Ducator meus nihil agit sine lagunculae leynidae accedunt - My calculator does not work without batteries Duco ergo sum - I calculate therefore I am Dulce bellum inexpertis - War is sweet for those who haven't experienced it. (Pindaros) Dulce est desipere in loco - It is sweet to relax at the proper time Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori - It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country. (Horace) Dulcius ex asperis - Through difficulty, sweetness Dum excusare credis, accusas - When you believe you are excusing yourself, you are accusing yourself. (St. Jerome) Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem - As long as we are among humans, let us be humane. (Seneca) Dum spiramus tuebimur - While we breathe, we shall defend Dum spiro, spero - While I breathe, I hope. (Cicero) Dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum - While we have the time, let us do good Dum vita est spes est - While life is, hope is. / While there is life there is hope Dum vivimus, vivamus - While we live, let us live (Epicurean philosophy) Dura lex, sed lex - The law is harsh, but it is the law Top of Page
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Latin word Translation Comment ad hoc "for this thing" set up temporarily for a particular purpose e.g. an ad hoc committee ad infinitum "to infinity" as in Latin agenda (pl.) "things to be discussed/done" as in Latin but usually incorrectly used in the singular e.g. an agenda! alias "elsewhere", "sometimes" another identity alibi "at" or "in another place" proof of not being in the location of a crime/misdemeanour ante meridiem (a.m.) "before noon" in the morning post meridiem (p.m.) "after noon" afternoon anno domini (A.D.) "in the year of (our) Lord" as in Latin ad nauseam "to sickness" to the point of being sick bis "two times" as in Latin (Used in singing instructions.) ceteris paribus "with the rest of the things the same/equal" all other factors held constant confer (cf.) "bring together" compare c. or circa "about" approximately compos mentis "having mastery of (one's) mind" in full possession of one's mental faculties exempli gratia (e.g.) "by the grace of example" for example ego "I" sense of importance of self et cetera (etc.) "and the rest of the things" and so on ex libris "from the books" belonging to the book collection of ex post facto "from the deed/fact, afterwards" deduced or discovered after the event with the benefit of hindsight gratis gratia "favour" or "kindness" for no payment habeas corpus "may you have the body" the right to be brought to trial within a reasonable period after arrest and imprisonment ibidem "there in the same place" as in Latin id "it" (neuter) that part of the personality which indulges the "libido"(=sexual urge) and/or behaves impulsively (psychoanalytical terminology) idem (id.) "the same thing" as in Latin id est (i.e.) "that is" that is in flagranti delicto "in the blazing crime" caught in the act in loco parentis "in the place of a parent" as in Latin in vitro "in glass" in a test tube ipso facto "by the very fact" as in Latin inter alia "among other things" among other things! memento "remember!" a token to remember someone/something by memorandum (memo) "something which is to be remembered/mentioned/spoken about" as in Latin mens sana in corpore sano "a healthy mind in a healthy body" as in Latin modus operandi "way/method of operating" way of working moratorium Americanisation of classical Latin 'mora' – "delay" an American politician's decision to stop or delay doing something nil nil/nihil "nothing" nothing, no score nota bene (N.B.) "note well" as in Latin omnibus "with everything"; "for everyone" a compilation of all the magazines/programmes; a means of transport all can use ("-bus") par "equal", "the same" used in golf to suggest a target score for a hole which players attempt to equal; also "below par" meaning not up to the usual standard (of health, achievement) post mortem "after death" examination after death post partum "after giving birth" as in Latin pro persona (p.p.) "instead of the person" as in Latin. Used when a letter is being signed (with authorisation) on behalf of someone else. primus inter pares "first among equals" an old description of the relationship between Prime Minister and Cabinet in the U.K. pro bono "for good" in the public interest or for no money (American lawyers may work part-time "pro bono".) quid pro quo "something given in exchange for something" as in Latin; a £ sterling (pound) is still called a "quid". quod videas (q.v.) "a thing which you may see " as in Latin referenda "things which are to be referred/carried back to the people" votes on a single issue by all or part of the electorate. (Sometimes – ungrammatically – called "referendums".) scilicet scirelicet "it is permitted to know" to wit, namely, that is to say sic "thus", "in this way" as in Latin sine die "without a day" without a specific date being set for the resumption of (e.g. court) proceedings sine qua non "without which (thing) not" a sine qua non is something indispensable status quo "the state in which" the existing/prevailing situation sub iudice "under a judge" the subject of ongoing/incomplete judicial proceedings subpoena / sub poena "under punishment" a demand to comply with a court request e.g. attendance in court, which imposes an automatic penalty if it is not obeyed tempus fugit "time runs away" Time flies! ter "three times" as in Latin ultra vires "beyond (his) powers" as in Latin viz. from viet, a contraction of videlicet – "it is permitted to see": the "et" resembled a "z" in medieval Latin script.
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Groupthink : Two Party System as Polyarchy : Corruption of Regulators : Bureaucracies : Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers : Harvard Mafia : Diplomatic Communication : Surviving a Bad Performance Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience : Who Rules America : Neoliberalism : The Iron Law of Oligarchy : Libertarian Philosophy
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Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient markets hypothesis : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 : Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 23, No.10 (October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments : Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 : Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 : Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan (Win32/Crilock.A) : Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers as intelligence collection hubs : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : Inequality Bulletin, 2009 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Copyleft Problems Bulletin, 2004 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Energy Bulletin, 2010 : Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26, No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 : Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05 (May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method : Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: August 22, 2019