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Perl Database Programming
MySQL and Perl for the Web by Paul DuBois
5 out of 5 stars It lacks what...?, October 23, 2001
Reviewer: sherzodr (see more about me) from East Lansing, MI USA
If you know some Perl and some MySQL, please, DO by
"MySQL and Perl for the Web" by Paul DeBois and figure out
how those fancy web applications out there are made and learn
how to be able to write one.

Paul's "MySQL and Perl for the Web" touches upon some topics
that NONE OF THE BOOKS out there ever covered in so much details.

The style and examples are amazing. He makes use of Perl5's Object
Oriented features which itself tells you that it's a professional
textbook for professional web-programmers.

The book teaches you neither Perl nor MySQL from basics. It
assumes you already have some basic knowledge of Perl and MySQL.
So it starts off at the most fun part without waisting neither his nor
the readers' time.

Here I'll go over the chapters in case the table of contents
don't tell you much (they didn't to me).

Chapter 1 and chapter 2 go over some basic things that you need
in order to understand and/or try out the examples in the book.

Chapter 2 goes over configurting your MySQL and Apache. I believe
if you are on a hosting service, this should've been done for you already.
It also teaches you to write "A Simple Web-Based Application - To-do List
Maintenance". Although the application doesn't require a lot of
brains to create, but it does cover some basic concepts that
you'll be using all the time in web-programming.

Chapter 3 gives some information on "Improving Performance with mod_perl"
and how to write scripts that work in mod_perl compiled servers.

Chapter 4, "Generating and Proccessing Forms" goes over "Form Anatomy"
and does introduce some concepts of "Form Desgin Issues"

Chapter 5, "Writing form-Based applications" is probably the wealthiest
chapter of the book. Following sections are available under this chapter:
"Product registration", "Using Email from Within Applications", "Running a
Giveaway contest", "Conducting a Poll", "Storing and Retriving Images",
"Electronic Greeting Cards - Send a Friend a Greeting".
This chapter lasts over 80 pages.

Chapter 6, "Automating the Form-Handling process" introduces some
concepts that you can make use of in order to automate the form handling
process through the use of MySQL's table metadata, which is available
through DESC table_name ( or SHOW COLUMNS FROM table_name ) query.
Using his concept I introduced a new module to, MySQL::TableInfo.

Chapter 7, "Performing Searches" covers "Writing a Form-Based Serch
Application" and "Extending" it. It also introduces the concept of
"Link-Based Navigation". It also teaches you how to split the results of the search
over several pages; suppose you have a result of 100 rows in your search, and
you show only 20 results at a page, and provide [previos] and [next] links
so that users could navigate over your pages. Neat, isn't it?

Cahpter 8, "Session Management" was the one I have been wating for so long.
It goes over some "State Maintenance Techqniques" used in web applications, then
introduces the most favorite one, "Active Client Identification" method.
The sections the chapter covers are: "State Maintenance Techqniques", "Implementing
Session Support", "Expiring Sessions", "Storing User Prefernces", "Implementing Resumable
Sessions" and "When Sessions aren't enough"

Chapter 9, "Security and Privacy" teaches you the ways of precaution you could
take against "bad guys" ( hackers? ) to insure the security of your site/database.
Also shows you how to write a login page to provide access to some sensitive information
using the techniques he just mentioned.

Chapter 10, "E-Commerce Applications" covers such topics as Shopping carts,
credit card validation and in the end of the chapter completed a fully operating
commercial web-site.

Although the book concentrates on MySQL, I wrote several applications that make use of
Berkeley Database using the same techniques as Paul suggested. I tell you, I lerned a lot....

5 out of 5 stars This is the most important book in my library (of over 300), January 29, 2004

David M. Roberts (see more about me) from Palm City, Florida United States

Like many others, I wish I'd seen this book long ago.

The attention to detail and accuracy of the examples is just incredible!

This is by far the most used reference book in my library. After repeatedly having to tape the book together, I finally gave it away and bought a new one.

Following his examples eliminates many potential pitfalls that would otherwise result in hours of troubleshooting.

I can't imagine how I would have ever learned this information without the expert advice of the author, Paul DuBois. His coverage of is essential as well as his list of other books to read.

I think I have all his other books as well.

He even returned email almost immediately!

My only complaint is that it isn't bound in leather!

5 out of 5 stars Clear explanations and excellent examples, November 3, 2003

Stan Burkes from Roanoke, VA USA
This is an excellent book. I knew my way around Perl and had done a few relatively simple CGIs before being handed a project to build an application that would allow 50 or 60 employees to enter several thousand customer complaints and email them to the right recipents based on the complaint content. I had a three-week deadline.

I bought the book and started patching elements of the example applications together until I what I needed almost working. One problem delayed me a couple of days so I emailed DuBois with a question and received a solution within the hour.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who has a moderate grasp of Perl and Apache. It's one of the most lucid computer books I've ever read.

3 out of 5 stars MySQL and Perl but no templates?, August 20, 2003

Dave Howorth from Herts, United Kingdom

This isn't a complete review but readers should be aware that this book does NOT cover templates (it doesn't appear in the contents or the index). There's no mention of Template Toolkit or HTML::Template, for example. (Text::Template and HTML::Mason get mentioned as an aside, but that's it) Similarly, there are three chapters on forms, but no mention of CGI::FormBuilder.

Seems like a big omission to me. YMMV.

4 out of 5 stars very good intermediate book, November 13, 2002

broadwaynyc (see more about me) from NJ United States

As I emailed Paul DuBois, I wish there was a MySQL-PHP as good as this one. I prefer to write in PHP. (I bought and sold MySQL and PHP for Web Development by Welling and Thompson. - just didn't like it)

Even though I'm not keen on using Perl - it's a preference, this book is excellent for learning good practices in writing scripts for various tasks.

This book is best for someone who's somewhat familiar with Perl and MySQL. So far, through the first 5 chapters, it has not been Perl intensive at all which is good for me.

The coverage of forms and form elements is very helpful. I cannot wait to read the chapter about storing and retrieving images.

[Feb 20, 2017] How to delete or remove a MySQL-MariaDB user account on Linux or Unix

Feb 20, 2017 |
How to delete or remove a MySQL/MariaDB user account on Linux or Unix by Vivek Gite on February 15, 2017 last updated February 16, 2017 in Linux , MySQL , UNIX I created a MySQL / MariaDB user account using this page . Now, I have deleted my wordpress blog and I want to delete that user account including database too. How do I delete or remove a MySQL or MariaDB user account on Linux or Unix-like system using mysql command line option?

Both MySQL and MariaDB is an open source database management system. In this quick tutorial, you will learn how to delete ore remove user account in MySQL or MariaDB database on Linux or Unix-like system.

Warning : Backup your database before you type any one of the following command.

Step 1 – Steps for removing a MySQL/MariaDB user

If you decided to remove open source application such as WordPress or Drupal you need to remove that user account. You need to remove all permissions/grants, and delete the user from the MySQL table. First, login as mysql root user to the MySQL/MariaDB server using the shell, run:
$ mysql -u root -p mysql
$ mysql -u root -h server-name-here -p mysql
Sample outputs:

Fig.01: The MySQL/MariaDB shell

Fig.01: The MySQL/MariaDB shell

Step 2 – List all mysql users

Once you have a MySQL or MariaDB prompt that looks very similar to fig.01, type the following command at mysql> or mariadb> prompt to see a list of MySQL/MariaDB users:
mariadb> SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user;
Sample outputs:

Fig.02: How to see/get a list of MySQL/MariaDB users accounts

Fig.02: How to see/get a list of MySQL/MariaDB users accounts
In this above example, I need to delete a mysql user named 'bloguser'@'localhost'.

Step 3 – List grants for a mysql user

To see what grants bloguser have, enter:
mariadb> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'bloguser'@'localhost';
Sample outputs:

Fig.03: Display user grants

Fig.03: Display user grants

  1. bloguser – Mysql/Maridb user name
  2. localhost – Mysql/Mariadb host name
  3. mywpblog – Database name
Step 4 – Revoke all grants for a mysql user

Type the following sql command:
mariadb> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM 'bloguser'@'localhost';
Sample outputs:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Step 5 – Remove/Delete the user from the user table

Type the following sql command:
mariadb> DROP USER 'bloguser'@'localhost';
Sample outputs:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Step 6 – Delete the database

Type the following command:
mariadb> DROP DATABASE mywpblog;
Sample outputs:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

And there you have it. A MySQL/MariaDB user deleted or removed from the server on Unix or Linux via command line option.

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Created May 16, 1997; Last modified: December 26, 2017