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this is a comedy, so you should not expect too much.
This movie came in 2009 and was definitely heavily influenced it the first part by 2006 ground breaking (for female sociopaths) movie The Devil Wears Prada .
Sandra Bullock definitely knows her audience. The type of character she plays here - an abusive female bully hiding a very vulnerable, lonely interior - is played to perfection. This is the type of character she is known-for: her "brand." Only first 25 minutes of the film make sense. After the the plot disintegrates in third rate melodrama.
The setup of the first 25 minutes clearly apes the set-up of David Frankel's The Devil Wears Prada but has some notable scenes (firing episode; bulling her assistant to marry her) that has some educational value.
Sandra Bullock project the character of a cold and often cruel personality of a female bully pretty well. She's also mean-spirited, pointing out personal faults that she generally has no business to reveal.
But she is less stereotypical boss from Hell, then the main character of The Devil Wears Prada or Office space. But may be beacuse for those monents we saw her there was no downsizing efforts of the floor ;-)
Bullock is playing female bully who is book editor (Margaret Tate), a workaholic careerist who instills fear into her entire office. Her bullied assistant Andrew Paxton, Reynolds caters to her every whim in the hopes that she eventually will help boost his publishing career. The scene when she blackmails Andrew into pretending that he's her fiancé is probably the best in the movie. One of the few that deserve watching it several times.
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B. MerrittShopper, September 13, 2009While You Were Sleeping ...Take 2,
January 24, 2010 Although entertaining to a point, there are too many similarities to other comedies to make THE PROPOSAL anything but ordinary.
Most notably I found the plot to be very similar to another, older Sandra Bullock movie, While You Were Sleeping. But this time we have an accomplice in the deceit and he's not in a coma. Seriously. Think about it...
A woman who is in need of something (in this case a need NOT to be deported) comes up with a plan to achieve that goal (whether by accident - While You Were Sleeping - or not - The Proposal). Girl falls for the wrong guy. Guy falls for wrong girl. Family gets fooled. Girl confesses and thinks she's lost everything. Guy chases down girl with the approval of the family. Everyone lives happily ever after. Ta-da!
The entertainment value in the film comes from the first half of the movie in which we have plenty of comedic zingers flying about, including quite a few from Grandma Annie (Betty White) while trying to dress Margaret (Sandra Bullock, The Lake House) in a wedding dress and losing - then finding - her breasts.
The cast is good in their respective roles, including main love interest Ryan Reynolds (Smokin' Aces) playing Andrew Paxton, a sort of rich boy playing poor boy in order to tick-off his father, Joe, played by Craig T. Nelson (The Family Stone). Nelson just seems to be going through the motions during the entire film and never really gains any traction. As does Mary Steenburgen (The Dead Girl) who plays Reynold's mother.
The other problem with the casting is that we just don't get that romantic air between Bullock and Reynolds' characters. She is obviously much older than him (can you say "cougar?"), which isn't always a problem but, again, there just didn't seem much attraction going on. They fight, argue and never really resolve anything before miraculously falling in love ...because of one kiss?
Let's get real...
Even with these flaws, the comedic timing is excellent and the visual backdrops of Boston and the (supposed) Alaskan countryside can take one's breath away. Also, the Paxton family house is stunning to see.
Looking for something original? Not here. Want a fantastic romance story? Not here either. Looking for something entertaining, funny, and visual appealing? Give this one a try.
DO (love this comedy)...If you have just survived another tough week at the office and are looking for a weekend pick me up, "The Proposal" is your sure bet. Yes, I laughed outloud often, and so did most of the audience. The comment frequently heard as the credits rolled was: "Ooohhh, that was sooo goooood!".
The story: a tough lady-boss (Bullock) is being deported to Canada for willful non-compliance with the US immigration department. To save herself, she directs her doormat of an assistant (Reynolds) to marry her. He reluctantly agrees to play along, after she "helps" him understand the virtues of being employed. If you think you know where this story is going... well, you are right. The "happily ever after" cannot be avoided. 'Tis a comedy after all...What is fresh is how skillfully the writers and the director allow the story to veer away from the "happily ever after" course, keeping us on the edge of our seats until the satisfying end, which we have known all along was bound to arrive.
The chemistry between the two leads is another pleasant surprise. I am not a particular fan of either Bullock or Reynolds. Though each smoking hot and talented, neither has made many inspired project choices. However, the roles here suit the pair's natural acting styles reasonably well, which in turn further enhances the believability of their characters.
The look of constipated doom on Reynold's face, as he's being informed he's engaged, is side-splitting! I do regret Bullock does not play "mean" better; the intended juxtaposition of her supposedly tough as nails character against her overly compliant secretary is lost at times. We are TOLD she is a witchy boss, and yet she comes across nothing more then efficient (Sandra: call me! I'll give you some pointers. In return you can teach me how to find a secretary as hot as Reynolds ;0) ).
Another gem in this comedy is Ms Betty White (of "The Golden Girls" fame), an octogenarian in real life as well as playing one in "The Proposal". She has made an art of delivering "campy" with emotional intelligence. She does not dissapoint here either.
Final verdict? Will this film change the course of modern cinematography?
Not a fat chance!
Did it chase my blah's away until Monday morning?
AFFIRMATIVE!!! ...Till Wednesday... at least!
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