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QuIX Gopher: Bulletin

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 *  <blockquote>http:gopher-menu
 *  Active rigs in the Northeast have, yet again, hit another all-time low at 30 rigs for the week-ending June 3, down by 66% over the past year and by two rigs over the past week.plain
 *  Massive downward revisions to oil output in Brazil and Iraqhttp:gopher-menu
 *  Net Income_zpsoxne1mv2gif
 *  SenecaCliffjpeg
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 *  US CC_zpsw579iad0jpeg
 *  energy_bulletin1999html
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 *  energy_bulletin2014html
 *  energy_bulletin2015html
 *  energy_bulletin2015.shtml?cf_action=sync_comments&post_id=11348plain
 *  energy_bulletin2016html
 *  energy_bulletin2017html
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 *  energy_bulletin2020html
 *  new_page_12.htmhttps:gopher-menu
 *  simple-smilepng
 *  switchboardhtml

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