Writing and debugging Perl One-liners
NOTE: collection of one-liners was moved back to
Perl one-liners page
According to Wikipedia:
A one-liner is textual input to the
of an operating system
shell that
performs some function in just one line of input.
The one-liner can be
- An expression written in the language of the shell.
- The invocation of an interpreter together with program source for the interpreter to run.
- The invocation of a compiler together with source to compile and instructions for executing
the compiled program.
languages such as
sed, and Perl have traditionally
been adept at expressing one-liners. Specialist
shell interpreters
such as these Unix shells
or Windows
PowerShell, allow for the construction of powerful one-liners.
Historically on-liner art started with awk and C:
The TAPL book contains 20 examples of one-liners (A
Handful of Useful awk One-Liners) at the end of the book's first chapter.
Here are the very first of them:
- Print the total number of input lines:
END { print NR }
- Print the tenth input line:
NR == 10
- Print the last field of every input line:
{ print $NF }
In this sense Perl continued this AWK tradition. For example here is one liner
for in-place edit of *.conf files changing all foo to bar
perl -p -i .bak -e 's/\bfoo\b/bar/g' *.conf
In this example we use three options that are useful for one liners
- option -e allow you to provide a short script to Perl via command line;
- option -p mean implicit loop of the statements provided in -e option plus print
statement at the bottom of the loop;
- option -i provide in place editing with the backup
I also created a collection of my favorite one liners that can serve as reference. See
Selected Perl one-liners Perl one-liners are an art and there are several artists who made important contributions to this field. I would
mention three:
They are important part of any Perl programmer arsenal as well as any system administrator arsenal.
They also form an important stage in learning Perl by system administrators, the stage on which
awk scripts can be replaced with Perl one-liners (see Perl as a command line tool for more
Here is an exotic example from Tom Christiansen one-liners
which shows how to print each line with its characters backwards:
perl -nle 'print scalar reverse $_' file1 file2 file3 ....
Here is one interesting explanation by Art Ramos
The Birth of
a One-Liner
Learning Perl has been my most enjoyable experience working as a systems administrator. Perl
isn't the easiest language to master; most programmers have to rewire their brains somewhat to "think
Perl." Once programmers have learned the basics, they have a powerful and rich tool for attacking
most any task. But you know this already.
In the old days, if you wrote a program to perform data manipulation on some file, there were
standard operations that had to be implemented to access the file's data. Your program would have
to open the file, read each record and process it, decide what to do with the newly manipulated
data, and close the file. Perl doesn't let you avoid any of these steps, but by employing some of
Perl's unique features, you can express your programs much more concisely-and they'll be faster,
In this article, we'll take a simple task and show how familiarity with Perl idioms can reduce
the size and complexity of the solution. Our task is to display the lines of a file that are neither
comments nor blank, and here's our first attempt:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Obtain filename from the first argument.
$file = $ARGV[0];
# Open the file - if it can't be opened, terminate program
# and print an error message.
open INFILE, $file or die("\nCannot open file $!\n");
# For each record in the file, read it in and process it.
while (defined($line = <INFILE>)) {
# Grab the first one and two characters of each line.
$firstchar = substr($line,0,1);
$firsttwo = substr($line,0,2);
# If the line does NOT begin with a #! (we want to see
# any bang operators) but the first character does begin
# with a # (we don't want to see any # comments), skip it.
if ($firsttwo ne "#!" && $firstchar eq "#") { next; }
# Or, if the line consists of only a newline (i.e. it's
# a blank line), skip it.
elsif ($firstchar eq "\n") { next; }
# Otherwise display the line to standard output (i.e.
# your terminal).
else { print $line; }
# Proceed to next record.
# When finished processing records, be a good programmer
# and close the input file.
close INFILE;
This script works just fine, but it's pretty large-you have to look at a lot of lines to figure
out what it does. Let's streamline this code step-by-step until we're left with the bare essentials.
First, while (<>) opens the files provided on the command line and reads input lines
without you having to explicitly assign them to a variable. Let's remove the comments and change
the Perl script to use this feature.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
while (<>) {
$firstchar = substr($_,0,1);
$firsttwo = substr($_,0,2);
if ($firsttwo ne "#!" && $firstchar eq "#") {
} elsif ($firstchar eq "\n") {
} else {
print $_;
As each line is read, it is stored in the scalar $_. We changed our call to substr
(which extracts or replaces individual characters from a string) and the print statement
to use this internal variable.
We can even make the while loop implicit as well. The -n switch wraps your program inside a loop:
LINE: while (<>) { your code }.
So we can shorten our little program even more:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
$firstchar = substr($_,0,1);
$firsttwo = substr($_,0,2);
if ($firsttwo ne "#!" && $firstchar eq "#") { next; }
elsif ($firstchar eq "\n") { next; }
else { print $_; }
In Perl, there's more than one way to do nearly anything-even good old conditionals. We can use
an alternate form-and the fact that our loop is now named LINE-to rewrite our program with
even less punctuation:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
$firstchar = substr($_,0,1);
$firsttwo = substr($_,0,2);
next LINE if $firsttwo ne "#!" && $firstchar eq "#";
next LINE if $firstchar eq "\n";
print $_;
The 'next LINE' commands aren't executed unless their if statements are true.
The intermediate variables $firstchar and $firsttwo make sense if they're going
to be used repeatedly, but for our program they aren't. They require unnecessary amounts of time
and memory. So let's eliminate them by using the substr function on the left side of the
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
next LINE if substr($_,0,2) ne "#!" && substr($_,0,1) eq "#";
next LINE if substr($_,0,1) eq "\n";
print $_;
Our Perl program is now down to three lines of code (not count-ing the #! line). By
combining the two ifs into one compound if, I can reduce the program to two lines:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
next LINE if (substr($_,0,2) ne "#!"
&& substr($_,0,1) eq "#") || substr($_,0,1) eq "\n";
print $_;
That 'next LINE' statement won't fit in one column, but as usual There's Always More
Than One Way To Shorten It. Using the match (m//) operator, you can construct regular expressions,
which determine whether a string matches a pattern. Some simple regular expressions relevant to
our task:
m/^#!/ Does the string begin (^) with '#!'
m/^#/ Does the string begin (^) with '#'
m/^\n$/ Does the string begin (^) a newline (\n) and
end ($) with it too?
The =~ and !~ operators are used to test whether the pattern on the right applies
to the string on the left. $string =~ /^#/ is true if $string begins with a#,
and $string !~ /^#/ is true if it doesn't. The program can now be shortened even further:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
next LINE if ($_ !~ m/^#!/ && $_ =~ m/^#/) || $_ =~ m/^\n$/;
print $_;
What if there are blank lines with whitespace preceding the new-line? Then m/^\n$/ won't
be true, and the line will be displayed, which isn't what we want to happen. Inside a pattern, Perl
can test for a whitespace character with \s, which matches not only spaces but tabs and
carriage returns as well. Inside a pattern, you can specify how much you want of something with
a quantifier. The quantifiers are:
* 0 or more times
+ 1 or more times
? 0 or 1 time
{x,y} at least x but not more than y times
Since we might have any amount of extraneous whitespace, even none, * fits the bill.
\s* means zero or more whitespace characters. Added into the matching operator, our program
now reads:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
next LINE if ($_ !~ m/^#!/ && $_ =~ m/^#/) || $_ =~ m/^\s*\n$/;
print $_;
Perl often uses $_ as a default variable for its operators. It does this both with pattern
matches and print:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
next LINE if (!m/^#!/ && m/^#/) || m/^\s*\n$/;
If we're applying a pattern match to $_, we can leave off the m in m//
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
next LINE if (!/^#!/ && /^#/) || /^\s*\n$/;
We can combine these two lines into one by using unless:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn
print unless !/^#!/ && /^#/ || /^\s*\n$/;
Finally, we can execute this program directly from the command line, with the -e flag.
We can even trim the semicolon because it's the last statement of a block.
% perl -wne 'print unless !/^#!/ && /^#/ || /^\s*\n$/'
The result is a script that is starting to look like the others here in TPJ. Once you get used
to these idioms, you'll spill out streamlined code like this without thinking. There are probably
some Perl hackers out there who will come up with further optimiza-tions to this code.
Have fun!
General principles of Perl debugging applies here. See
Debugging Perl Scripts
Here is short explanation by
David Farrell which may or may be not useful (he delves into details which are outside
usual needs of a programmer writing one-liner)
Quickly Debug your Perl code at the command line
Friday, 13 March by
David Farrell
I remember when I first started programming in Perl, whenever something wasn't working as I expected
it to, I would write a quick script to isolate the problem and test it. I didn't give the scripts
good names; they were throwaway, and soon I had hundreds of useless Perl scripts littered all over
my hard drive.
I rarely write scripts like that anymore. If I'm developing a module, I'll write a unit test to
bottom-out whatever problem I'm investigating - that way I'm making an investment instead of throwing
code away. Most of the time however, I just write a one liner, which is a single line of Perl code
typed directly into the terminal. One liners are fast to type and they hang around in your terminal
history for quick iterations. So if you find yourself needing to test a particular function is doing
what you think it does, or are unsure if you're carefully-crafted regex works, write a one liner.
One liner basics
Perl has a ton of command line switches (see perldoc perlrun
), but I'm just going
to cover the ones you'll commonly need to debug code. The most important switch is -e
for execute (or maybe "engage" :) ). The -e
switch takes a quoted string of Perl code
and executes it. For example:
$ perl -e 'print "Hello, World!\n"'
Hello, World!
It's important that you use single-quotes to quote the code for -e
. This usually
means you can't use single-quotes within the one liner code. If you're using Windows cmd.exe or PowerShell,
you must use double-quotes instead.
I'm always forgetting what Perl's predefined special variables do, and often test them at the
command line with a one liner to see what they contain. For instance do you remember what $^O
$ perl -e 'print "$^O\n"'
It's the operating system name. With that cleared up, let's see what else we can do. If you're
using a relatively new Perl (5.10.0 or higher) you can use the -E
switch instead of
. This turns on some of Perl's newer features, like say
, which prints
a string and appends a newline to it. This saves typing and makes the code cleaner:
$ perl -E 'say "$^O"'
Pretty handy! say
is a nifty feature that you'll use again and again.
V is for version
If you ever need to check which version of Perl is installed on your system, use the -v
$ perl -v
This is perl 5, version 20, subversion 2 (v5.20.2) built for x86_64-linux
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)
Copyright 1987-2015, Larry Wall
Quick tip: if you need detailed information about the installed Perl version, use a capital:
Load modules with M
Modules can be loaded at the command line too. For instance to download and print the PerlTricks.com
homepage, I can use HTTP::Tiny:
$ perl -MHTTP::Tiny -E 'say HTTP::Tiny->new->get("http://perltricks.com")->{content}';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>PerlTricks.com - Perl programming news, code and culture</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
If you need to import functions from a module, use an equals sign followed by a comma separated
list of function names. I can check if an XML file is valid XML with
XML::Simple and it's XMLin
just by loading the XML file:
$ perl -MXML::Simple=XMLin -e 'XMLin("data.xml")'
If XMLin
doesn't emit any warnings or exceptions, the data is probably correctly
Turn on warnings with w
This one is pretty simple: use -w
to turn on warnings. This can be incredibly helpful
when code is not behaving the way you think it should. Warnings can help you identify issues that
would otherwise be hard to spot:
$ perl -E '$counter = 2; $countor = 3; say $counter'
Hmm $counter
should be 3 shouldn't it? Turning on warnings quickly identifies the
$ perl -wE '$counter = 2; $countor = 3; say $counter'
Name "main::countor" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
There are plenty of more subtle bugs that warnings won't identify directly, but the fact that
Perl issues a warning puts you onto the fact that something is wrong. Take this example:
$ perl -MTry::Tiny -wE '$pass; try { $pass = "true" } catch { say $_ } return $pass if $pass or die'
Useless use of a variable in void context at -e line 1.
Died at -e line 1.
Can you see what's wrong here? The catch
block is missing a trailing semicolon. With
warnings turned on, you can see that something is up, but it's not obvious what's wrong.
Use I to include directories
Sometimes you'll be working with modules that are not installed in Perl's standard locations.
This often happens when you're debugging an application but it's not installed via CPAN. To demonstrate
this, I'll download my WWW::curlmyip module:
$ cpan -g WWW::curlmyip
$~ tar xzf WWW-curlmyip-0.02.tar.gz
$ cd WWW-curlmyip-0.02/
WWW::curlmyip exports a function called get_ip
which returns your external IP address.
I can use it in a one liner:
$ perl -MWWW::curlmyip -E 'say get_ip'
Can't locate WWW/curlmyip.pm in @INC (you may need to install the WWW::curlmyip module) (@INC contains: /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.20.2/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.2/x86_64-linux /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.20.2/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.2 /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.20.2/lib/perl5/5.20.2/x86_64-linux /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.20.2/lib/perl5/5.20.2 .).
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
That didn't work. Perl is complaining that it can't find WWW::curlmyip. To fix this, I can include
the distribution lib
directory that contains the module using -I
$ perl -Ilib -MWWW::curlmyip -E 'say get_ip'
And the get_ip
function now works.
If you ever need to check the one liner syntax, just run perl -h
to get a summary
of the available options. Another good resource is the official documentation, which you can read
at the terminal with perldoc perlrun
This article has covered the most common command line switches used for debugging code but a whole
book could be written about Perl one liners. In fact, one has:
Perl One-Liners by Peteris
Krummins. In the book Peteris describes the various command line switches with example programs.
It also has an excellent "how to" for running one liners on Windows.
Finally, Perl 6 also has excellent one liner support and the switches are mostly the same as Perl
5. If you're interested, check out our article
Get started
with Perl 6 one liners.
- 20170320 : Cultured Perl One-liners 102 ( Mar 20, 2017 , www.ibm.com )
- 20120118 : I am looking forward to learn perl ( LinkedIn )
- 20120118 : Famous Perl One-Liners Explained, Part VII Handy Regular Expressions ( www.catonmat.net )
- 20060521 : Matz Kindahl - Collection of Perl programs ( Matz Kindahl - Collection of Perl programs, May 21, 2006 )
- 20041115 : Perl one-liners for the bioinformatician ( Perl one-liners for the bioinformatician, Nov 15, 2004 )
- 20041008 : Re perl one-liner for grep ( Re perl one-liner for grep, Oct 8, 2004 )
- 20040917 : chmod all files in a directory ( chmod all files in a directory, Sep 17, 2004 )
- 20040316 : Comma-delimit your output ( Comma-delimit your output, Mar 16, 2004 )
One-liners 102
More one-line Perl scripts
Teodor Zlatanov
Published on March 12, 2003
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This article, as regular readers may have guessed, is the sequel to "
," which appeared in a previous installment of "Cultured Perl".
The earlier article is an absolute requirement for understanding the
material here, so please take a look at it before you continue.
The goal of this article, as with its predecessor, is to show legible
and reusable code, not necessarily the shortest or most efficient version
of a program. With that in mind, let's get to the code!
Tom Christiansen's list
Tom Christiansen posted a list of one-liners on Usenet years ago, and
that list is still interesting and useful for any Perl programmer. We
will look at the more complex one-liners from the list; the full list is
available in the file tomc.txt (see
Related topics
to download this file). The list overlaps slightly
with the "
" article, and I will try to point out those intersections.
Awk is commonly used for basic tasks such as breaking up text into
fields; Perl excels at text manipulation by design. Thus, we come to our
first one-liner, intended to add two columns in the text input to the
Listing 1. Like awk?
# add first and
penultimate columns
# NOTE the equivalent
awk script:
# awk '{i = NF - 1;
print $1 + $i}'
perl -lane 'print
$F[0] + $F[-2]'
So what does it do? The magic is in the switches. The
switches make the script a wrapper around input that
splits the input on whitespace into the
array; the
switch adds an extra statement into the wrapper. The code of
interest actually produced is:
Listing 2: The full Monty
while (<>)
= split(' ');
$F[0] + $F[-2]; # offset -2 means "2nd to last
element of the array"
Another common task is to print the contents of a file between two
markers or between two line numbers.
Listing 3: Printing a range of lines
# 1. just lines 15 to
perl -ne 'print if 15
.. 17'
# 2. just lines NOT
between line 10 and 20
perl -ne 'print
unless 10 .. 20'
# 3. lines between
perl -ne 'print if
/^START$/ .. /^END$/'
# 4. lines NOT
between START and END
perl -ne 'print
unless /^START$/ .. /^END$/'
A problem with the first one-liner in Listing 3 is that it will go
through the
file, even if the necessary range has already
been covered. The third one-liner does
have that problem,
because it will print all the lines between the
markers. If there are eight sets of
markers, the third one-liner will print the lines inside all eight sets.
Preventing the inefficiency of the first one-liner is easy: just use
variable, which tells you the current line. Start
printing if
is over 15 and exit if
greater than 17.
Listing 4: Printing a numeric range of
lines more efficiently
# just lines 15 to
17, efficiently
perl -ne 'print if $.
>= 15; exit if $. >= 17;'
Enough printing, let's do some editing. Needless to say, if you are
experimenting with one-liners, especially ones
modify data, you should keep backups. You wouldn't be the first
programmer to think a minor modification couldn't possibly make a
difference to a one-liner program; just don't make that assumption while
editing the Sendmail configuration or your mailbox.
Listing 5: In-place editing
# 1. in-place edit of
*.c files changing all foo to bar
perl -p -i.bak -e
's/\bfoo\b/bar/g' *.c
# 2. delete first 10
perl -i.old -ne
'print unless 1 .. 10' foo.txt
# 3. change all the
isolated oldvar occurrences to newvar
perl -i.old -pe
's{\boldvar\b}{newvar}g' *.[chy]
# 4. increment all
numbers found in these files
perl -i.tiny -pe
's/(\d+)/ 1 + $1 /ge' file1 file2 ....
# 5. delete all but
lines between START and END
perl -i.old -ne
'print unless /^START$/ .. /^END$/' foo.txt
# 6. binary edit
perl -i.bak -pe
's/Mozilla/Slopoke/g' /usr/local/bin/netscape
Why does
1 .. 10
specify line numbers 1 through 10? Read
the "perldoc perlop" manual page. Basically, the
iterates through a range. Thus, the script does not count 10
it counts 10 iterations of the loop generated by the
switch (see "perldoc perlrun" and Listing 2 for an example of that loop).
The magic of the
switch is that it replaces each file
with the version produced by the script's output on
that file. Thus, the
switch makes Perl into an editing
text filter. Do
forget to use the backup option to the
switch. Following the
with an extension will
make a backup of the edited file using that extension.
Note how the
switch are used. The
switch is used when you want explicitly to print out
data. The
switch implicitly inserts a
print $_
statement in the loop produced by the
switch. Thus, the
switch is better for
processing of a file,
while the
switch is better for
processing, where only specific data needs to be printed.
Examples of in-place editing can also be found in the "
" article.
Reversing the contents of a file is not a common task, but the
following one-liners show than the
switches are not always the best choice when processing an entire file.
Listing 6: Reversal of files' fortunes
# 1. command-line
that reverses the whole input by lines
# (printing each
line in reverse order)
perl -e 'print
reverse <>' file1 file2 file3 ....
# 2. command-line
that shows each line with its characters backwards
perl -nle 'print
scalar reverse $_' file1 file2 file3 ....
# 3. find palindromes
in the /usr/dict/words dictionary file
perl -lne '$_ = lc
$_; print if $_ eq reverse' /usr/dict/words
# 4. command-line
that reverses all the bytes in a file
perl -0777e 'print
scalar reverse <>' f1 f2 f3 ...
# 5. command-line
that reverses each paragraph in the file but prints
# them in order
perl -00 -e 'print
reverse <>' file1 file2 file3 ....
(zero) flag is very useful if you want to read a
full paragraph or a full file into a single string. (It also works with
any character number, so you can use a special character as a marker.) Be
careful when reading a full file in one command (
because a large file will use up all your memory. If you need to read the
contents of a file backwards (for instance, to analyze a log in reverse
order), use the CPAN module File::ReadBackwards. Also see "
," which shows an example of log analysis with
Note the similarity between the first and second scripts in Listing 6.
The first one, however, is completely different from the second one. The
difference lies in using <> in scalar context (as
does in
the second script) or list context (as the first script does).
The third script, the palindrome detector, did not originally have the
$_ = lc $_;
segment. I added that to catch those palindromes
like "Bob" that are not the same backwards.
My addition can be written as
$_ = lc;
as well, but
explicitly stating the subject of the
function makes
the one-liner more legible, in my opinion.
Paul Joslin's list
Paul Joslin was kind enough to send me some of his one-liners for this
Listing 7: Rewrite with a random number
# replace string XYZ
with a random number less than 611 in these files
perl -i.bak -pe
"s/XYZ/int rand(611)/e" f1 f2 f3
This is a filter that replaces
with a random number
less than 611 (that number is arbitrarily chosen). Remember the
function returns a random number between 0 and its
Note that
will be replaced by a
random number every time, because the substitution evaluates "int
rand(611)" every time.
Listing 8: Revealing the files' base nature
# 1. Run basename on
contents of file
perl -pe "s@.*/@@gio"
# 2. Run dirname on
contents of file
perl -pe
's@^(.*/)[^/]+@$1\n@' INDEX
# 3. Run basename on
contents of file
perl -MFile::Basename
-ne 'print basename $_' INDEX
# 4. Run dirname on
contents of file
perl -MFile::Basename
-ne 'print dirname $_' INDEX
One-liners 1 and 2 came from Paul, while 3 and 4 were my rewrites of
them with the File::Basename module. Their purpose is simple, but any
system administrator will find these one-liners useful.
Listing 9: Moving or renaming, it's all the
same in UNIX
# 1. write command to
mv dirs XYZ_asd to Asd
# (you may have to
preface each '!' with a '\' depending on your shell)
ls | perl -pe
's!([^_]+)_(.)(.*)!mv $1_$2$3 \u$2\E$3!gio'
# 2. Write a shell
script to move input from xyz to Xyz
ls | perl -ne 'chop;
printf "mv $_ %s\n", ucfirst $_;'
For regular users or system administrators, renaming files based on a
pattern is a very common task. The scripts above will do two kinds of
job: either remove the file name portion up to the
character, or change each filename so that its first letter is uppercased
according to the Perl
There is a UNIX utility called "mmv" by Vladimir Lanin that may also
be of interest. It allows you to rename files based on simple patterns,
and it's surprisingly powerful. See the
Related topics
section for a link to this utility.
Some of mine
The following is not a one-liner, but it's a pretty useful script that
started as a one-liner. It is similar to Listing 7 in that it replaces a
fixed string, but the trick is that the replacement itself for the fixed
string becomes the fixed string the next time.
The idea came from a newsgroup posting a long time ago, but I haven't
been able to find original version. The script is useful in case you need
to replace one IP address with another in all your system files -- for
instance, if your default router has changed. The script includes
(in UNIX, usually the name of the script) in the list of files
to rewrite.
As a one-liner it ultimately proved too complex, and the messages
regarding what is about to be executed are necessary when system files
are going to be modified.
Listing 10: Replace one IP address with
another one
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Regexp::Common qw/net/;
# provides the regular expressions for IP matching
my $replacement =
shift @ARGV; # get the new IP address
die "You must provide
$0 with a replacement string for the IP"
# we require that
$replacement be JUST a valid IP address
die "Invalid IP
address provided: [$replacement]"
$replacement =~ m/^$RE{net}{IPv4}$/;
# replace the string
in each file
foreach my $file ($0,
qw[/etc/hosts /etc/defaultrouter /etc/ethers], @ARGV)
note that we know $replacement is a valid IP
address, so this is
not a dangerous invocation
$command = "perl -p -i.bak -e
's/$replacement/g' $file";
"Executing [$command]\n";
Note the use of the Regexp::Common module, an indispensable resource
for any Perl programmer today. Without Regexp::Common, you will be
wasting a lot of time trying to match a number or other common patterns
manually, and you're likely to get it wrong.
Thanks to Paul Joslin for sending me his list of one-liners. And in
the spirit of conciseness that one-liners inspire, I'll refer you to "
" for some closing thoughts on one-line Perl scripts.
Articles by Teodor Zlatanov
Git gets
demystified and Subversion control
(Aug 27, 2009)
Build simple
photo-sharing with Amazon cloud and Perl
(Apr 06, 2009)
developerWorks: Use IMAP with Perl, Part 2
(May 26, 2005)
Complex Layered Configurations with AppConfig
(Apr 11, 2005)
Perl 6 Grammars and Regular Expressions
(Nov 09, 2004)
Genetic Algorithms Simulate a Multi-Celled Organism
(Oct 28,
Cultured Perl: Managing Linux Configuration Files
(Jun 15,
Cultured Perl: Fun with MP3 and Perl, Part 2
(Feb 09, 2004)
Cultured Perl: Fun with MP3 and Perl, Part 1
(Dec 16, 2003)
Inversion Lists with Perl
(Oct 27, 2003)
Cultured Perl: One-Liners 102
(Mar 21, 2003)
developerWorks: Developing cfperl, From the Beginning
(Jan 22,
developerWorks: Using the xinetd program for system administration
(Nov 28, 2001)
developerWorks: Reading and writing Excel files with Perl
30, 2001)
developerWorks: Automating UNIX system administration with Perl
(Jul 22, 2001)
developerWorks: A programmer's Linux-oriented setup - Optimizing your machine for
your needs
(Mar 25, 2001)
developerWorks: Cultured Perl: Debugging Perl with ease
23, 2000)
developerWorks: Cultured Perl: Review of Programming Perl, Third Edition
(Sep 17, 2000)
developerWorks: Cultured Perl: Writing Perl programs that speak English Using
(Aug 05, 2000)
developerWorks: Perl: Small observations about the big picture
(Jul 02, 2000)
developerWorks: Parsing with Perl modules
(Apr 30, 2000)
Q: Hi, I'm looking forward to learn perl, I m a systems administrator ( unix ) .I'm intrested
in an online course, any recommendations would be highly appreciated. Syed
A: I used to teach sysadmins Perl in corporate environment and I can tell you that the main danger
of learning Perl for system administrator is overcomplexity that many Perl books blatantly sell.
In this sense anything written by Randal L. Schwartz is suspect and Learning Perl is a horrible
book to start. I wonder how many sysadmins dropped Perl after trying to learn from this book
See http://www.softpanorama.org/Bookshelf/perl.shtml
It might be that the best way is to try first to replace awk in your scripts with Perl. And only
then gradually start writing full-blown Perl scripts. For inspiration you can look collection on
Perl one-liners but please beware that some (many) of them are way too clever to be useful. Useless
overcomplexity rules here too.
I would also recommend to avoid OO features on Perl that many books oversell. A lot can be done
using regular Algol-style programming with subroutines and by translating awk into Perl. OO has
it uses but like many other programming paradigms it is oversold.
Perl is very well integrated in Unix (better then any of the competitors) and due to this it opens
for sysadmin levels of productivity simply incomparable with those levels that are achievable using
shell. You can automate a lot of routine work and enhance existing monitoring systems and such with
ease if you know Perl well.
109. Match something that looks like an IP address./^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/
This regex doesn't guarantee that the thing that got matched is in fact a valid IP. All it does
is match something that looks like an IP. It matches a number followed by a dot four times. For
example, it matches a valid IP and it also matches an invalid IP such as
Here is how it works. The ^ at the beginning of regex is an anchor that matches the
beginning of string. Next \d{1,3} matches one, two or three consecutive digits. The
\. matches a dot. The $ at the end is an anchor that matches the end of the string.
It's important to use both ^ and $ anchors, otherwise strings like foo213.3.1.2bar
would also match.
This regex can be simplified by grouping the first three repeated \d{1,3}\. expressions:
119. Replace all <b> tags with <strong>$html =~ s|<(/)?b>|<$1strong>|g
Here I assume that the HTML is in variable $html. Next the <(/)?b> matches
the opening and closing <b> tags, captures the optional closing tag slash in group
$1 and then replaces the matched tag with either <strong> or </strong>, depending
on if it was an opening or closing tag.
These are one liners that might be of use. Some of them are from the net and some are one that I
have had to use for some simple task. If Perl 5 is required, the perl5 is used.
- perl -ne '$n += $_; print $n if eof'
perl5 -ne '$n += $_; END { print "$n\n" }'
- To sum numbers on a stream, where each number appears on a line by itself. That kind of
output is what you get from cut(1), if you cut out a numerical field from an output.
There is also a C program called
sigma that does this faster.
- perl5 -pe 's/(\w)(.*)$/\U$1\L$2/'
perl5 -pe 's/\w.+/\u\L$&/'
- To capitalize the first letter on the line and convert the other letters to small
case. The last one is much nicer, and also faster.
- perl -e 'dbmopen(%H,".vacation",0666);printf("%-50s: %s\n",$K,scalar(localtime(unpack("L",$V)))while($K,$V)=each(%H)'
- Well, it is a one-liner. :)
You can use it to examine who wrote you a letter while you were on vacation. It examines the
file that vacation(1)
- perl5 -p000e 'tr/ \t\n\r/ /;s/(.{50,72})\s/$1\n/g;$_.="\n"x2'
- This piece will read paragraphs from the standard input and reformat them in such a manner
that every line is between 50 and 72 characters wide. It will only break a line at a whitespace
and not in the middle of a word.
- perl5 -pe 's#\w+#ucfirst lc reverse $&#eg'
- This piece will read lines from the standard input and transform them into the Zafir language
used by Zafirs troops, i.e. "Long Live Zafir!" becomes "Gnol Evil Rifaz!" (for some reason they
always talk using capital letters).
Andrew Johnson and I posted slightly different versions, and we both split the string unnecessarily.
This one avoids splitting the string.
- perl -pe '$_ = " $_ "; tr/ \t/ /s; $_ = substr($_,1,-1)'
- This piece will remove spaces at the beginning and end of a line and squeeze all other sequences
of spaces into one single space.
This was one of the "challenges" from comp.lang.perl.misc
that occurs frequently; I am just unable to resist those. :)
In the Perl spirit of "Programming is fun", here are some one-liners
that might be actually useful. Please
mail me yours, the best one-liner writer
wins a Perl magnetic poetry kit.
Contest closes July 31st, 2000. Please note that it is me personally running this competition, not
NRCC, CBR or IMB. "Best" is subjective, and will be determined by an open vote.
Take a multiple sequence FASTA sequence file and print the non-redundant
subset with the description lines for identical sequence concatenated with ;'s. Not a small one-liner,
but close enough.
perl -ne 'BEGIN{$/=">";$"=";"}($d,$_)=/(.*?)\n(.+?)>?$/s;push
@{$h{lc()}},$d if$_;END{for(keys%h){print">@{$h{$_}}$_"}}' filename
Split a multi-sequence FastA file into individual files named after
their description lines.
perl -ne 'BEGIN{$/=">"}if(/^\s*(\S+)/){open(F,">$1")||warn"$1
write failed:$!\n";chomp;print F ">", $_}'
Take a blast output and print all of the gi's matched, one per line.
perl -pe 'next unless ($_) = /^>gi\|(\d+)/;$_.="\n"' filename
Filter all repeats of length 4 or greater from a FASTA input file.
This one is thanks to Lincoln Stein and Gustavo Glusman's discussions on the
bio-perl mailing list.
perl -pe 'BEGIN{$_=<>;print;undef$/}s/((.+?)\2{3,})/"N"x
length$1/eg' filename
By : anonymous
( Fri Oct 8 01:39:43 2004 )
Try using the -P option with grep. This enables perl regular expressions
in grep e.g.
grep -P "\S+\s+\S+" file
By : anonymous ( Fri Sep 17 20:22:02 2004 )
perl -e 'chmod 0000 $_ while <*>'
By : anonymous
( Tue Mar 16 15:05:27 2004 )
perl -wne 'BEGIN{$" = ","} @fields = split/\s+/;
print "@fields\n";'
Softpanorama Recommended
One-liner program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perl One-Liners Explained, Part I File Spacing
Here is the general plan:
Perl One-Liners Explained, Part VII Handy Regular Expressions
by Jeff Bay,
Essential One-Liners
Perl Scripts
And One Liners - www.socher.org
TPJ One Liners
- The Perl Journal, Fall 1998
Perl tricks by Neil
Groupthink :
Two Party System
as Polyarchy :
Corruption of Regulators :
Bureaucracies :
Understanding Micromanagers
and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers :
Harvard Mafia :
Diplomatic Communication
: Surviving a Bad Performance
Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as
Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience :
Who Rules America :
: The Iron
Law of Oligarchy :
Libertarian Philosophy
War and Peace
: Skeptical
Finance : John
Kenneth Galbraith :Talleyrand :
Oscar Wilde :
Otto Von Bismarck :
Keynes :
George Carlin :
Skeptics :
Propaganda : SE
quotes : Language Design and Programming Quotes :
Random IT-related quotes :
Somerset Maugham :
Marcus Aurelius :
Kurt Vonnegut :
Eric Hoffer :
Winston Churchill :
Napoleon Bonaparte :
Ambrose Bierce :
Bernard Shaw :
Mark Twain Quotes
Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient
markets hypothesis :
Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 :
Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 :
Vol 23, No.10
(October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments :
Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 :
Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 :
Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan
(Win32/Crilock.A) :
Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers
as intelligence collection hubs :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 :
Inequality Bulletin, 2009 :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 :
Copyleft Problems
Bulletin, 2004 :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 :
Energy Bulletin, 2010 :
Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26,
No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult :
Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 :
Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification
of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05
(May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method :
Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law
Fifty glorious years (1950-2000):
the triumph of the US computer engineering :
Donald Knuth : TAoCP
and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman
: Linus Torvalds :
Larry Wall :
John K. Ousterhout :
CTSS : Multix OS Unix
History : Unix shell history :
VI editor :
History of pipes concept :
Solaris : MS DOS
: Programming Languages History :
PL/1 : Simula 67 :
C :
History of GCC development :
Scripting Languages :
Perl history :
OS History : Mail :
: CPU Instruction Sets :
SPARC systems 1987-2006 :
Norton Commander :
Norton Utilities :
Norton Ghost :
Frontpage history :
Malware Defense History :
GNU Screen :
OSS early history
Classic books:
The Peter
Principle : Parkinson
Law : 1984 :
The Mythical Man-Month :
How to Solve It by George Polya :
The Art of Computer Programming :
The Elements of Programming Style :
The Unix Hater’s Handbook :
The Jargon file :
The True Believer :
Programming Pearls :
The Good Soldier Svejk :
The Power Elite
Most popular humor pages:
Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society :
Ten Commandments
of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection
: BSD Logo Story :
The Cuckoo's Egg :
IT Slang : C++ Humor
The Perl Purity Test :
Object oriented programmers of all nations
: Financial Humor :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2008 : Financial
Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related
Humor : Programming Language Humor :
Goldman Sachs related humor :
Greenspan humor : C Humor :
Scripting Humor :
Real Programmers Humor :
Web Humor : GPL-related Humor
: OFM Humor :
Politically Incorrect Humor :
IDS Humor :
"Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian
Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer
Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church
: Richard Stallman Related Humor :
Admin Humor : Perl-related
Humor : Linus Torvalds Related
humor : PseudoScience Related Humor :
Networking Humor :
Shell Humor :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2011 : Financial
Humor Bulletin, 2012 :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2013 : Java Humor : Software
Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor :
Education Humor : IBM
Humor : Assembler-related Humor :
VIM Humor : Computer
Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled
to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer
The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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Last updated:
November 25, 2019