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Гагарина, Полина Сергеевна — Википедия
Полина Сергеевна Гагарина (род. 27 марта 1987, Москва) — российская эстрадная певица, композитор, актриса, модель, участница музыкального конкурса «Евровидение-2015», занявшая 2-е место.
Самые первые годы своей жизни Полина провела в Греции, там же окончила первый класс общеобразовательной школы. Мать Полины — профессиональная танцовщица. В 1991 году мать Полины подписала контракт с греческим продюсером на работу артисткой балета в столице Греции в балете «Алсос». В Афинах Полина прожила три года, она усиленно занималась изучением греческого языка и грамматики. В 1993 году отец Полины скончался от сердечного приступа, семья Гагариных не смогла пережить это трагическое событие вдали от Родины, и Полина с мамой приняли решение вернуться в Россию.
Но пребывание в России не стало продолжительным. К сентябрю 1993 года Полина вернулась вместе с матерью в Афины и пошла в первый класс местной школы. Вернувшись на летние каникулы в Россию, Полина оказалась на пороге выбора: оставаться на Родине и продолжать образование в России или вернуться в Афины.
По настоянию бабушки Полина осталась жить в Саратове вместе с ней. Первым делом бабушка записала юную Полину в музыкальную школу, на отборочном туре Полина исполнила композицию Уитни Хьюстон, которая стала своеобразным пропуском Полины в музыкальный класс.
После окончания контракта с греческим продюсером мать Полины вернулась в столицу, куда переехала Полина. Окончив музыкальную школу, в 14 лет Полина поступила в Государственное музыкальное училище эстрадно-джазового искусства. На 2-м курсе её педагог Наталья Андриянова предложила Полине поучаствовать в музыкальном телепроекте «Фабрика звёзд»
2003 годы: Фабрика звёзд
В 2003 году Полина попала на телевизионный проект «Фабрика звёзд-2». Она исполнила несколько песен Максима Фадеева и победила на «Фабрике». Однако по окончании проекта Полина отказалась от сотрудничества с Фадеевым.
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May 24, 2015 | The Guardian
MasonInNY, 24 May 2015
The Eurovision Contest certainly is as dreadful and cheesy as ever. The faux-American accents in almost all English-language songs are getting a bit better, though: The Swedish winner was almost perfect, but the Scandinavians and Dutch always manage to sing better in English than others (for ex., the Germans -- and far better than the French or Italians). The winning song "Heroes" is rather pedestrian: shoddy lyrics and a melody most anyone could have written in five minutes. The grandiose technical effects in the background, along with the exuberant crowd, were needed to give a dull song some pizazz. In general, Eurovision is Euro-pop at its worst (and continental European pop music since the 1960s is pretty much the world's worst). Ghastly.
SallyWa -> Ipswichone 24 May 2015 10:41
If Russians there are that powerful so they could change voting results so much and give high points to Russia, then they are not minorities. It means there are lots of them. Or that many Estonians, Latvians and etc. also vote for Russia together with them. Good for nations and people, but bad for anti-Russian agenda.
Ipswichone -> SallyWa 24 May 2015 10:36
The Baltic states have large Russian minorities, a proportion of them placed there in Soviet times (that's one of the grievances Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians have against Russia). These are the ones who mainly vote for Russia in the contest. The same applies to some other former Soviet territories. A determined minority can sway the vote if they vote en masse for a particular country, while the votes of the majority of Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians will be dispersed among the other countries. That's how it works in Russia's favour.
Richard Hunter -> Linguistician 24 May 2015 10:35
No, what you've said about the Russian musicians is that they deserved to be abused by the crowd because of what their political leaders are like. I haven't said much about the quality of the Russian song either but clearly it was a strong song and deserved to finish highly. I'm only disappointed that the German song got nothing because it was my favourite closely followed by the Georgian one, not because I care much about the result but because it would be nice for the performers. At the very least they should be able to perform their music unmolested by people trying to drag politics into it.
SallyWa 24 May 2015 10:20
What is more interesting, that we are told on daily basis that Baltic States live in a routine fear of Russia and etc., etc. But according to the voting results on eurovision.tv Latvia gave Russia 10 points, Estonia - 12 points. Poland managed to give 6.
I mean, there is obviously political agenda and there are people who obviously didn't buy it.Linguistician -> JanefromLondon 24 May 2015 10:11
ilankling's got you there Jane.
"Cultural" is wheeled out every year as an excuse for the political voting.
Let's just be honest. The ESC is political. It oozes politics. It was born out of politics and the entire format is national state pitted against other nation states.
The vast majority of the songs are (attempts at) Anglo-American music. Occasionally there's a few fusion pieces (Israel's last night for example), and very occasionally there are folksy songs (don't tend to do well though).
Yes, the Balkan states share culture, but if they are all singing songs in English (they did, with the exception of Montenegro) in similar styles, then the argument that its cultural affinity just doesn't hold water (and arguably "cultural affinity" is still just politics in different clothing).
Tallulah Hennessey -> NickBandura 24 May 2015 09:51
"It's getting too gay and political"
That is just a star quote.
NickBandura 24 May 2015 09:48
The contest unofficially pro-gay while Russia is officially anti-gay as opposed to Sweden that's officially and unofficially pro-gay. Hence no prizes for guessing which way the vote would sway for.
The problem with the contest it's getting too gay and political - what's needed is diversity. Things need to straighten up a bit. Hating on Russia must go too.
Mundialbatross 24 May 2015 09:41
Yep songs from Eurovision song contest aren't master pieces,but generally not worst or better than a lots of "pop" canned rubbish that is passed here in UK and all over the world. Because of that I can not understand why some here in UK are so critical about Eurovision contest... If also here "we "listen" so much trash...
CaptTroyTempest -> fireadmin2cats 24 May 2015 09:02
This result should hardly come as a surprise to anyone in Sweden. There is no other nation that invests more time and money in this competition at the regional and national levels than Sweden (a nation of 10 million) with numerous pre-qualification and qualification rounds, all of which are aired on national TV. Not only has the Melodifestival (now known as 'Melo') become a gravy train for countless Swedish 'has been' song writers, artists, producers and their sidekicks. It has also become a drain on the monies made available for drama, children's, documentary, arts and other programmes, of course, at the taxpayers' expense. A reporter who allegedly researched this enormous scam a few years back was gagged by SVT (the Swedish equivalent of BBC) for attempts to tarnish the name and reputation of the competition … and its 'entourage'.
It has to be said that Sweden understands the 'Science' of Eurovision better than any other European nation. Namely by finding something that goes down with average televoter throughout Europe, even if it means plagiarizing other people's work, and testing the water by putting these tunes to European juries during the qualification rounds. In other words, holding a 'mini-Eurovision' prior to the 'big event'. (I'm not kidding, Sweden really does this).
The result is invariably a ditty that is unoriginal, predictable and 'safe'. Because so many people's livelihoods and reputations depend on this being the winning entry, heads roll if it doesn't come out on top. Needless to say, there will be many sighs of relief today amongst all those on the Swedish Melodifestival gravy train/drain. They have yet another year to sponge their backs off the Swedish taxpayers.
PhillFiorini -> Antwerpenaar 24 May 2015 08:50
I think you are right. However, nowadays nearly every country in the West uses the words "democracy" and "freedom of expression" to counteract regimes that are not aligned with Western interests. I heard about "democracy" and "freedom" when the US intervened in Iraq and Libya. But after the war there is no freedom nor democracy there. Even worse, they are all pariah states today. I don't hear "democracy" and "freedom" when John Kerry visits Saudi Arabia; a country that shares the same religious views with ISIS, and a country that beheads as many people as ISIS. They are "friends" of the West.
Once I observe the electoral options the US electorate have I don't see much of a difference from Russia. Both Democratic and Republican parties obey to the same corporation conglomerates that have enough lobbying power and funds to pressure the White House to make decisions that go against the interests of the 99% of the US citizens.
The same can be said in the UK once you see the disproportionate power that the City of London and its elites exert on Westminster.
Obviously, the difference between the West and Russia is enormous when it comes to freedom of expression, but I have the feeling that the gap is getting narrower and not in a good way.
2thep01nt 24 May 2015 08:13
I have always been baffled by the Eurovision Song Contest, right from the start as a youngster becoming musically aware, around the times of primarily Elvis, then the Beatles, Beach Boys and Stones started shaking up the airwaves. Later, during the 70s, I couldn't understand why music lovers would enthuse over mediocrity, kitsch and just downright poor taste. Maybe that was it, a celebration of just that, poor taste as that levelled the playing field to allow the 'also rans' to have a chance.
I suffered though last nights 2015 Eurovision Song Contest and got bored very quickly and found myself channel hopping after 20 minutes. I kept going back to Eurovision however, but I still managed to pick up one of the iconic movie lines, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" which got me thinking why do artists put themselves up for this. To bastardise Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore's words, "Either you sing, or watch". I can't sing so I'd just have to watch. I watched the last hour uninterrupted and put the remote out of reach. The more I watched the more cringeworthy it became. Even Graham Norton seemed like he was struggling to become enthused. Maybe that's it, he said mockingly.
The voting system seems to be tweaked every year to make it fairer, but every year fails and is just as predictable. Out of all those meaningful, passion filled songs I heard and saw last night the highlight would still be the snatches of 'Apocalypse Now' that made more of an impression on me. I mean if the Beatles were still together and they entered "All You Need is Love" as the UK's entry last night, I doubt if it would've made any impact. Probably wouldn't do better than Electro Velvet's 4th last either. None of the songs or tracks I endured last night would ever make it into my iTunes library. I wouldn't even consider just one of them for even sentimental reasons. The multi-million selling or downloaded artists of the UK, who incidentally sell and are downloaded in the European market, are still seem to be more popular than all the artist who appeared on last nights Eurovision song Contest. Why does this contest not inspire our artist to take part, like "Florence + the Machines" for example or "Bring Me the Horizon" and even the Irish band U2 for Ireland?
Every year I just think, "Oh Dear". Last night it was so poor I only echoed Colonel Kurtz's words, "The horror... the horror... "
I still don't get it. Please explain what the huge expense, all the pageantry, the attempt to make it witty and insightful is all about. Seriously, I really would like to know? Maybe I'm just one of the few that just don't get it and never will?
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