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There are three main dimensions of Websphere monitoring:
The JVM™ heap size allocated for the application server should be tuned and the heap usage should be continuously monitored. Verbose Garbage Collection (GC) tracing can be enabled for the application server without any significant overhead. It is a good practice to keep this on for monitoring purposes. The GC overhead should not be more than 5%; if it does go above this amount, the application should be reviewed.
If the JVM heap runs out of memory, the verbose GC traces and JVM heap dumps should be analyzed. There are number of tools that can be used to analyze the JVM Heap, and these are listed in more detail in chapter 4, "Diagnostic tools for WebSphere for z/OS", in WebSphere for z/OS Problem Determination Means and Tools, REDP-6880. Depending on the results of the analysis, the problem may or may not be application related.
The CPU utilization of the WebSphere Application Server address space may be high due to some kind of looping application code or other reason and this could slow down the rest of the work being processed by the server. System monitors and RMF information should be used to identify the source. Otherwise, profiling tools like Eclipse TPTP can pinpoint the problem to specific applications and their components. If this does not reveal the cause of the problem, an MVS™ console dump of the address space experiencing the high CPU activity should be taken for analysis. It is important to maximize the MVS systrace before taking the console dump.
High response time
The average response time of the application may not meet your goals. If this is the case, you should try to isolate which particular application request or requests are experiencing the delay. You should try to determine whether the delay is in the application request processing or the server processing. If it is determined that it is in the application, you would need to know how much time is spent in each phase of the particular request. There are application profiling tools that can be used to break down the transaction to see how much time each method is taking and this can be reviewed with the application developer to address the response time problem.
If the delay is in getting the application requests picked up by the WebSphere Application Server servant, then the WebSphere Application Server WLM goals should also be reviewed using the RMF Workload Activity reports. The number of threads per servant and number of servants may also be a contributing factor depending on workload. If the number of users of the application drastically increased and the response time went up, it could be that the application needs more resources to handle the new workload.
In WebSphere Application Server for z/OS, the default action is to ABEND the servant address space when a timeout occurs for an application request. The ABEND code is EC3 with a reason code of the form 0413000x. The server automatically takes an SVCDUMP in this case and the dump can be analyzed to determine which thread timed out and what it was doing when the timeout occurred. It also can give information about how long the request was processing in the servant and how long it took to get to the servant from the controller. If it spent most of its time waiting in the WLM queue to be picked up by the servant, then WLM goals should be looked at. If it spent all the time being processed in the servant, then that gives details on what the application is doing and can be further investigated using application profiling tools. Either way, it gives a clear indication of where the time was spent.
Average response time
Number of requests (transactions)
Number of live HTTP sessions
Web server thread pools
The Web and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) thread pools Database and connection pool size
CPU. You must observe these system resources to ensure that you have enough system resources, for example, CPU, I/O, and paging, to handle the workload capacity.
o monitor several of these statistics, WebSphere Application Server provides the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure to obtain the data, and provides the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) in the administrative console to view this data.
The server collects performance data from various WebSphere Application Server components. A client retrieves performance data from one or more servers and processes the data. WebSphere Application Server, Version 6 supports the JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Management Reference Implementation (JSR-77).
In WebSphere Application Server, Version 6 and later, PMI counters are enabled, based on a monitoring or instrumentation level. The levels are None, Basic, Extended, All, and Custom. These levels are specified in the PMI module XML file. Enabling the module at a given level includes all the counters at the given level plus counters from levels below the given level. So, enabling the module at the extended level enables all the counters at that level plus all the basic level counters as well.
JSR-077 defines a set of statistics for J2EE components as part of the StatisticProvider interface. The PMI monitoring level of Basic includes all of the JSR-077 specified statistics. PMI is set to monitor at a Basic level by default.
As shown in the following figure, the server collects PMI data in memory.
This data consists of counters such as servlet response time and data connection
pool usage. The data points are then retrieved using a Web client, a Java client,
or a Java Management Extensions (JMX) client. WebSphere Application Server contains
Tivoli Performance Viewer, a Java client which displays and monitors performance
data. See the
Monitoring performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV)
Third-party performance monitoring and management solutions
, and
Developing your own monitoring applications
topics for more information
on monitoring tools.
The figure shows the overall PMI architecture. On the right side, the server
updates and keeps PMI data in memory. The left side displays a Web client, a
Java client, and a JMX client retrieving the performance data.
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Extract from the documentation follows (OpenSmart has an excellent documentation !)
10.7. Monitoring WebSphere Application Server.
What should you configure in
10.7.1. Checks for monitoring WebSphere application serverosagent.conf.xml
to monitor your WebSphere application server / J2EE application ?
- Checking running java jvm processes with PROC
- Checking open sockets on port ( web-container(s), admin-console, servlet container ) with SOCKETS
- check, if your web-container returns a defined result WEBAPP
- Checking the SystemOut.log / SystemErr.log with LOGS
- Checking your WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries) with Section 9.21, "Configuration for the mqs check"
<!-- ... --> <PROC> <PROCESS> <!-- check the node agent (listed as process in ps -ef) --> <PROCNAME>/usr/WebSphere/nodeagent/bin/java</PROCNAME> <ERRORLEVEL>ERROR</ERRORLEVEL> <DESCRIPTION> The NodeAgent of the application server isn't running. This is maybe a bad sign - but you can try to restart it by /usr/WebShere/Deployment/bin/startNode.sh </DESCRIPTION> </PROCESS> <!-- check the websphere jvm (listed as process in ps -ef) --> <PROCNAME>/usr/WebSphere/appsrv/bin/java</PROCNAME> <ERRORLEVEL>ERROR</ERRORLEVEL> <DESCRIPTION> WebSphere isn't running - look at your SystemOut.log / SystemErr.log and restart it - if possible </DESCRIPTION> </PROCESS> </PROC> <SOCKETS> <CHECK4SOCKET> <!-- Maybe you have do define the right interface definition for your system http port, https port, admin console, servlet container etc. --> <INTERFACE></INTERFACE> <PORT>9080</PORT> <ERRORLEVEL>FATAL</ERRORLEVEL> <DESCRIPTION>Socket of servlet container doen't exists - check logfiles</DESCRIPTION> </CHECK4SOCKET> <!-- More sockets you want to check --> </SOCKETS> <WEBAPP> <APP2CHECK> <!-- Test your servlet container if the response is correct, also report the reponse time (this will be done by default) --> <APPNAME>Web-Application-1</APPNAME> <HOST>www.myownwebserver.de</HOST> <PORT>80</PORT> <HTTPRQST>GET / HTTP/1.0</HTTPRQST> <TEXT2CHECK>if you can read this, the servlet works correctly</TEXT2CHECK> <ERRORLEVEL>ERROR</ERRORLEVEL> </APP2CHECK> <!-- More webapps you want to check --> </WEBAPP> <LOGS> <LOGFILE> <LOGFILENAME>/usr/WebSphere/appsrv/logs/SystemOut.log</LOGFILENAME> <!-- java exceptions --> <LOGFILTER> <REGEX>.*Exceptions in thread.*</REGEX> <ERRORLEVEL>ERROR</ERRORLEVEL> </LOGFILTER> <!-- user logged off the app isn't important --> <LOGFILTER><REGEX>user.*logged off.*</REGEX></LOGFILTER> <LOGFILTER><REGEX>user.*no longer active in.*</REGEX></LOGFILTER> <LOGFILTER> <REGEX>.*</REGEX><!-- Everything unknown --> <PRIORITY>1000</PRIORITY> <!-- That is AFTER all default priorities! --> <ERRORLEVEL>WARNING</ERRORLEVEL> </LOGFILTER> </LOGFILE> <!-- More logs you want to check --> </LOGS>
IBM - WebSphere Studio Application Monitor - Product Overview
Analyzing WebSphere Application Server Logs Using the WebSphere Studio Log Analysis Tool
IBM WebSphere® Application Server for Distributed Platforms and z/OS®: An Administrator's Guide
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: March 12, 2019