Initially Ansible was
commercially supported and sponsored by Ansible, Inc. It was named by DeHaan after the fictional instantaneous hyperspace
communication system featured in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game, and originally invented by Ursula K. Le Guin for her 1966 novel
Rocannon's World. This software application was created by Michael DeHaan, the author of
the provisioning server application Cobbler and co-author of the Func framework for remote administration.
Red Hat bought this system and actively
maintained it. The last version is 2.3.0 (March 15, 2017).
Ansible is written in Python and requires Python on all managed nodes.
Nodes are managed by a controlling machine over SSH.
In the simplest form /etc/hosts can serve as an inventory. Much like in many parallel execution tools like
From technology standpoint Ansible looks a lot like like JCL on a new level with some bell and whistles like parallel execution of
scripts, called playbooks on multiple modes. Program are executed in special wrappers, called modules. Ansible deploys modules to nodes over SSH. Modules are temporarily stored in the nodes and communicate with
the controlling machine through a JSON protocol over the standard output. When Ansible is not managing nodes, it does not consume
resources because no daemons or programs are executing for Ansible in the background.
While supposed design goals of Ansible were listed as:
Minimal in nature. Management systems should not impose additional dependencies on the environment.
Low learning curve. Playbooks use an easy and descriptive language based on
YAML and
Jinja templates.
They were violated in the process of development and modern Ansible is a very complex tool, unless limited to the pdsh role.
As pdsh replacement Ansible can work both as a parallel execution tool and as a parallel scp command (in Ansible terminology there are called "ad
hoc" operations):
ansible atlanta -a "/sbin/reboot"
ansible atlanta -m copy -a "src=/etc/hosts dest=/tmp/hosts"
ansible webservers -m file -a "dest=/srv/foo/b.txt mode=600 owner=joeuser group=joeuser"
This is probably overkill as simpler tools that are doing the same more efficiently exists (and
Pdsh is just one example, see
Parallel command execution) but sysadmin fields is driven by fashion more than logic ;-)
Much like JCL Ansible is perfectly suitable for perfuming installation tasks on multiple nodes. It provide some unified reporting and checks
after each step which can be useful and while trivial to implement simplify the code.
Control node: the host on which Ansible is installed and which
you use Ansible to execute tasks on the managed nodes
Managed node: a host that is configured by the control node
Host inventory: a list of managed nodes
Ad-hoc command: a simple one-off task
Playbook: a set of repeatable tasks for more complex
Module: code that performs a particular common task such as
adding a user, installing a package, etc.
Idempotency: an operation is idempotent if the result of
performing it once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions
Accounts Ansible uses
You can use root account but typically special use (for example ansible) is created on all nodes and configured for
privilege escalation via the following entry in the /etc/sudoers file:
Host inventory
The default host inventory file is /etc/ansible/hosts but can be changed via the configuration file (as shown above) or by
using the -i option on the ansible command.
Now that we have validated our host inventory, let’s do a quick check to make sure all our hosts are up and running. We will do this
using an ad-hoc command that uses the ping module:
We can see from the above output that all systems returned a successful result, nothing changed, and the result of each "ping" was
You can obtain a list of available modules using:
You can test a playbook without actually making any changes to the target hosts:
$ ansible-playbook --check myplaybook.yml
Stepping through a playbook may also be useful:
$ ansible-playbook --step myplaybook.yml
Similar to a shell script, you can make your Ansible playbook executable and add the following to the top of the file:
To execute arbitrary ad-hoc shell commands, use the command module (the default module if -m is not specified). If you need to use
things like redirection, pipelines, etc., then use the shell module instead.
Logging is disabled by default. To enable logging, use the log_path parameter in the Ansible configuration file.
As with most configuration management software, Ansible distinguishes two types of servers: controlling machines and nodes. First,
there is a single controlling machine which is where orchestration begins. Nodes are managed by a controlling machine over SSH. The
controlling machine describes the location of nodes through its inventory.
To orchestrate nodes, Ansible deploys modules to nodes over SSH. Modules are temporarily stored in the nodes and communicate with
the controlling machine through a JSON protocol over the standard output.[8]
When Ansible is not managing nodes, it does not consume resources because no daemons or programs are executing for Ansible in the background.[9]
In contrast with popular configuration management software such as Chef
and Puppet, Ansible uses an agentless architecture.[9]
With an agent-based architecture, nodes must have a locally installed daemon that communicates with a controlling machine. With an agentless
architecture, nodes are not required to install and run background daemons to connect with a controlling machine. This type of architecture
reduces the overhead on the network by preventing the nodes from polling the controlling machine.[9]
Minimal in nature. Management systems should not impose additional dependencies on the environment.[9]
Secure. Ansible does not deploy vulnerable agents to nodes. Only OpenSSH is required which is already critically tested.[9]
Highly reliable. The idempotent resource model is applied to deployment to prevent side-effects from re-running scripts.[1]
Low learning curve. Playbooks use an easy and descriptive language based on
Modules are considered to be the units of work in Ansible. Each module is mostly standalone and can be written in a standard scripting
language such as Python, Perl, Ruby, bash, etc. One of the guiding properties of modules is idempotency which means that no operations
are performed once an operation has placed a system into a desired state.[8]
Inventory Configuration
The Inventory is a description of the nodes that can be accessed by Ansible. The Inventory is described by a configuration file,
in INI format, whose default location is in /etc/ansible/hosts. The configuration file lists either the IP address or
hostname of each node that is accessible by Ansible. In addition, nodes can be
assigned to groups.[10]
This configuration file specifies three nodes. The first node is specified by an IP address and the latter two nodes are specified
by hostnames. Additionally, the latter two nodes are grouped under the webservers group name.
Playbooks express configurations, deployment, and orchestration in Ansible.[11]
The Playbook format is YAML. Each Playbook maps a group of hosts to a set of roles.
Each role is represented by calls to Ansible call tasks.
Platform Support
Control machines must have Python 2.6. Operating systems supported on control machines include most Linux and Unix distributions
such as Red Hat, Debian,
CentOS, OSX, and
BSD, among others except Windows.[12]
Managed nodes must have Python 2.4 or later. For managed nodes with Python 2.5 or earlier, the python-simplejson package
is also required.[12]
Ansible can deploy big data, storage and analytics environments including Hadoop,
Riak, and Aerospike.
The problem addressed by Ansible in these environments includes the management of resource consumption of each node. Specifically, big
data, storage, and analytics environments intend to be resource efficient by wasting as little CPU time and memory as possible. Furthermore,
Ansible provides monitoring capabilities that measure quantities such as CPU resources available which can help in the supervision of
these nodes.[8]
YAML (/ˈjæməl/,
rhymes with camel) is a human-readabledataserialization format that takes concepts from programming
languages such as C,
Perl, and
Python, and ideas from
XML and
the data format of electronic mail (RFC
2822). YAML was first proposed by Clark Evans in 2001,[1]
who designed it together with Ingy döt Net[2]
and Oren Ben-Kiki.[2]
It is available for several programming languages.
YAML is a recursive acronym for "YAML
Ain't Markup Language". Early in its development,
YAML was said to mean "Yet Another Markup Language",[3]
but it was then reinterpreted (backronyming the original acronym)
to distinguish its purpose as data-oriented, rather than document markup.
YAML syntax was designed to be easily mapped to data types common to most high-level languages:
associative array, and
Its familiar indented outline and lean appearance make it especially suited for tasks where humans are likely to view or edit data structures,
such as configuration files, dumping during debugging, and document headers (e.g. the headers found on most e-mails are very close to
YAML). Although well-suited for hierarchical data representation, it also has a compact syntax for relational data.[5]
Its line and whitespace delimiters make it friendly to ad hocgrep/Python/Perl/Ruby
operations. A major part of its accessibility comes from eschewing the use of enclosures such as quotation marks, brackets, braces,
and open/close-tags, which can be hard for the human eye to balance in nested hierarchies.
Sample document
Data structure hierarchy is maintained by outline indentation.
receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice
date: 2012-08-06
given: Dorothy
family: Gale
- part_no: A4786
descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)
price: 1.47
quantity: 4
- part_no: E1628
descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers
size: 8
price: 100.27
quantity: 1
bill-to: &id001
street: |
123 Tornado Alley
Suite 16
city: East Centerville
state: FL
ship-to: *id001
specialDelivery: >
Follow the Yellow Brick
Road to the Emerald City.
Pay no attention to the
man behind the curtain.
Notice that strings do not require enclosure in quotations. The specific number of spaces in the indentation is unimportant as long
as parallel elements have the same left justification and the hierarchically nested elements are indented further. This sample document
defines an associative array with 7 top level keys: one of the keys, "items", contains a 2-element array (or "list"), each element of
which is itself an associative array with differing keys. Relational data and redundancy removal are displayed: the "ship-to" associative
array content is copied from the "bill-to" associative array's content as indicated by the anchor (&) and reference (*)
labels. Optional blank lines can be added for readability. Multiple documents can exist in a single file/stream and are separated by
"---". An optional "..." can be used at the end of a file (useful for signaling an end in streamed
communications without closing the pipe).
Language elements
Basic components of YAML
YAML offers both an indented and an "in-line" style for denoting associative arrays and lists. Here is a sample of the components.
Conventional block format uses a hyphen+space to begin a new item in list.
--- # Favorite movies
- Casablanca
- North by Northwest
- The Man Who Wasn't There
Optional inline format is delimited by comma+space and enclosed in brackets (similar to
--- # Shopping list
[milk, pumpkin pie, eggs, juice]
Associative arrays
Keys are separated from values by a colon+space. Indented Blocks, common in YAML data files, use indentation and new lines to separate
the key: value pairs. Inline Blocks, common in YAML data streams, use comma+space to separate the key: value pairs between
--- # Indented Block
name: John Smith
age: 33
--- # Inline Block
{name: John Smith, age: 33}
Block literals
Strings do not require quotation.
Newlines preserved
--- |
There once was a short man from Ealing
Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
It said on the door
"Please don't spit on the floor"
So he carefully spat on the ceiling
By default, the leading indent (of the first line) and trailing white space is stripped, though other behavior can be explicitly
Newlines folded
--- >
Wrapped text
will be folded
into a single
Blank lines denote
paragraph breaks
Folded text converts newlines to spaces and removes leading whitespace.
Hierarchical combinations of elements
Lists of associative arrays
- {name: John Smith, age: 33}
- name: Mary Smith
age: 27
Associative arrays of lists
men: [John Smith, Bill Jones]
- Mary Smith
- Susan Williams
Advanced components of YAML
Two features that distinguish YAML from the capabilities of other data serialization languages are Structures[7]
and Data Typing.
YAML structures enable storage of multiple documents within single file, usage of references for repeated nodes, and usage of arbitrary
nodes as keys.[7]
Repeated nodes
For clarity, compactness, and avoiding data entry errors, YAML provides node anchors ( & ) and references ( * ). References
to the anchor work for all data types (see the ship-to reference in the example above).
Below is an example of a queue in an instrument sequencer in which two steps are reused repeatedly without being fully described
each time.
# sequencer protocols for Laser eye surgery
- step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001
instrument: Lasik 2000
pulseEnergy: 5.4
pulseDuration: 12
repetition: 1000
spotSize: 1mm
- step: &id002
instrument: Lasik 2000
pulseEnergy: 5.0
pulseDuration: 10
repetition: 500
spotSize: 2mm
- step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001)
- step: *id002 # refers to the second step
- step: *id001
- step: *id002
Data types
Explicit data typing is seldom seen in the majority of YAML documents since YAML autodetects simple types. Data types can be divided
into three categories: core, defined, and user-defined. Core are ones expected to exist in any parser (e.g. floats, ints, strings, lists,
maps, ...). Many more advanced data types, such as binary data, are defined in the YAML specification but not supported in all implementations.
Finally YAML defines a way to extend the data type definitions locally to accommodate user-defined classes, structures or primitives
(e.g. quad-precision floats).
Casting data types
YAML autodetects the datatype of the entity. Sometimes one wants to cast the datatype explicitly. The most common situation is a
single word string that looks like a number, boolean or tag may need disambiguation by surrounding it with quotes or use of an explicit
datatype tag.
a: 123 # an integer
b: "123" # a string, disambiguated by quotes
c: 123.0 # a float
d: !!float 123 # also a float via explicit data type prefixed by (!!)
e: !!str 123 # a string, disambiguated by explicit type
f: !!str Yes # a string via explicit type
g: Yes # a boolean True
h: Yes we have No bananas # a string, "Yes" and "No" disambiguated by context.
Other specified data types
Not every implementation of YAML has every specification-defined data type. These built-in types use a double exclamation sigil prefix
(!!). Particularly interesting ones not shown here are sets, ordered maps, timestamps, and hexadecimal. Here's
an example of base64 encoded binary data.
Many implementations of YAML can support user defined data types. This is a good way to serialize an object. Local data types are
not universal data types but are defined in the application using the YAML parser library. Local data types use a single exclamation
mark (!).
myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 }
A compact cheat sheet as well as a full specification are available at the official site.[8]
The following is a synopsis of the basic elements.
YAML streams are encoded using the set of printable Unicode
characters, either in UTF-8 or
UTF-16. For JSON compatibility, the UTF-32 encodings must also
be supported in input.
Comments begin with the number sign ( # ),
can start anywhere on a line and continue until the end of the line. Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space
characters.[9] Unless they
appear inside of a string, then they are number ( # ) sign literals.
List members are denoted by a leading hyphen (-) with one member per line, or enclosed in
square brackets
( [ ] ) and separated by
commaspace ( ,
Associative arrays are represented using the
colonspace ( :
) in the form key: value, either one per line or enclosed in
curly braces
( { } ) and separated by
commaspace ( ,
An associative array key may be prefixed with a
question mark ( ? ) to allow for liberal
multi-word keys to be represented unambiguously.
Within double-quotes, special characters may be represented with
C-style escape sequences
starting with a backslash ( \ ). According to the
documentation the only octal escape supported is \0.
Block scalars are delimited with indentation with
optional modifiers to preserve ( | ) or fold ( > ) newlines.
Multiple documents within a single stream are separated by three
hyphens (---).
Three periods (...) optionally
end a file within a stream.
Repeated nodes are initially denoted by an ampersand
( & ) and thereafter referenced with an asterisk (
* ).
Nodes may be labeled with a type or tag using the
exclamation point (!!) followed by a string, which can be expanded into a URI.
YAML documents in a stream may be preceded by directives composed of a
percent sign ( % ) followed by a name and space
delimited parameters. Two directives are defined in YAML 1.1:
The %YAML directive is used to identify the version of YAML in a given document.
The %TAG directive is used as a shortcut for URI prefixes. These shortcuts may then be used in node type tags.
YAML requires that colons and commas used as list separators be followed by a space so that scalar values containing embedded punctuation
(such as 5,280 or can generally be represented without needing to be enclosed in quotes.
Two additional sigil
characters are reserved in YAML for possible future standardisation: the
at sign ( @ ) and
accent grave ( ` ).
Comparison to other data structure format languages
While YAML shares similarities with
XML and
SDL (Simple
Declarative Language), it also has characteristics that are unique in comparison to many other similar format languages.
syntax is a subset of YAML version 1.2, which was promulgated with the express purpose of bringing YAML "into compliance with JSON as
an official subset".[10]
Though prior versions of YAML were not strictly compatible,[11]
the discrepancies were rarely noticeable, and most JSON documents can be parsed by some YAML parsers such as Syck.[12]
This is because JSON's semantic structure is equivalent to the optional "inline-style" of writing YAML. While extended hierarchies can
be written in inline-style like JSON, this is not a recommended YAML style except when it aids clarity.
YAML has many additional features lacking in JSON, including comments, extensible data types, relational anchors, strings without
quotation marks, and mapping types preserving key order.
YAML lacks the notion of tag attributes that are found in XML and SDL.[13]For data structure serialization, tag attributes are, arguably, a feature of questionable utility, since the separation of data
and meta-data adds complexity when represented by the natural data structures (associative arrays, lists) in common languages.[14]
Instead YAML has extensible type declarations (including class types for objects).
YAML itself does not have XML's language-defined document schema descriptors that allow, for example, a document to self-validate.
However, there are several externally defined schema descriptor languages for YAML (e.g.
Kwalify and Rx) that fulfill that role. Moreover, the semantics provided by YAML's language-defined type declarations in the YAML
document itself frequently relaxes the need for a validator in simple, common situations. Additionally,
which represents YAML data structures in XML, allows XML schema importers and output mechanisms like
XSLT to be applied to YAML.
Indented delimiting
Because YAML primarily relies on outline indentation for structure, it is especially resistant to
delimiter collision.
YAML's insensitivity to quotes and braces in scalar values means one may embed XML, SDL, JSON or even YAML documents inside a YAML document
by simply indenting it in a block literal:
example: >
HTML goes into YAML without modification
message: |
<blockquote style="font: italic 12pt Times">
<p>"Three is always greater than two,
even for large values of two"</p>
<p>--Author Unknown</p>
date: 2007-06-01
YAML may be placed in JSON and SDL by quoting and escaping all interior quotes. YAML may be placed in XML by escaping reserved characters
(<, >, &, ', "), and converting whitespace; or by placing it in a
Non-hierarchical data models
Unlike SDL and JSON, which can only represent data in a hierarchical model with each child node having a single parent, YAML also
offers a simple relational scheme that allows repeats of identical data to be referenced from two or more points in the tree rather
than entered redundantly at those points. This is similar to the facility IDREF built into XML.[15]
The YAML parser then expands these references into the fully populated data structures they imply when read in, so whatever program
is using the parser does not have to be aware of a relational encoding model, unlike XML processors, which do not expand references.
This expansion can enhance readability while reducing data entry errors in configuration files or processing protocols where many parameters
remain the same in a sequential series of records while only a few vary. An example being that "ship-to" and "bill-to" records in an
invoice are nearly always the same data.
Practical considerations
YAML is line-oriented and thus it is often simple to convert the unstructured output of existing programs into YAML format while
having them retain much of the look of the original document. Because there are no closing tags, braces, or quotation marks to balance,
it is generally easy to generate well-formed YAML directly from distributed print statements within unsophisticated programs. Likewise,
the whitespace delimiters facilitate quick-and-dirty filtering of YAML files using the line-oriented commands in grep, awk, perl, ruby,
and python.
In particular, unlike mark-up languages, chunks of consecutive YAML lines tend to be well-formed YAML documents themselves. This
makes it very easy to write parsers that do not have to process a document in its entirety (e.g. balancing opening and closing tags
and navigating quoted and escaped characters) before they begin extracting specific records within. This property is particularly expedient
when iterating in a single, stateless pass, over records in a file whose entire data structure is too large to hold in memory, or for
which reconstituting the entire structure to extract one item would be prohibitively expensive.
Counterintuitively, although its indented delimiting might seem to complicate deeply nested hierarchies, YAML handles indents as
small as a single space, and this may achieve better compression than markup languages. Additionally, extremely deep indentation can
be avoided entirely by either: 1) reverting to "inline style" (i.e. JSON-like format) without the indentation; or 2) using relational
anchors to unwind the hierarchy to a flat form that the YAML parser will transparently reconstitute into the full data structure.[citation
In Ansible architecture, you have a controller node and managed nodes. Ansible is installed
on only the controller node. It's an agentless tool and doesn't need to be installed on the
managed nodes. Controller and managed nodes are connected using the SSH protocol. All tasks are
written into a "playbook" using the YAML language. Each playbook can contain multiple
plays, which contain tasks , and tasks contain modules . Modules are
reusable standalone scripts that manage some aspect of a system's behavior. Ansible modules are
also known as task plugins or library plugins.
Playbooks for complex tasks can become lengthy and therefore difficult to read and
understand. The solution to this problem is Ansible roles . Using roles, you can break
long playbooks into multiple files making each playbook simple to read and understand. Roles
are a collection of templates, files, variables, modules, and tasks. The primary purpose behind
roles is to reuse Ansible code. DevOps engineers and sysadmins should always try to reuse their
code. An Ansible role can contain multiple playbooks. It can easily reuse code written by
anyone if the role is suitable for a given case. For example, you could write a playbook for
Apache hosting and then reuse this code by changing the content of index.html to
alter options for some other application or service.
The following is an overview of the Ansible role structure. It consists of many
subdirectories, such as:
Initially, all files are created empty by using the ansible-galaxy command. So,
depending on the task, you can use these directories. For example, the vars
directory stores variables. In the tasks directory, you have main.yml
, which is the main playbook. The templates directory is for storing Jinja
templates. The handlers directory is for storing handlers.
Advantages of Ansible roles:
Allow for content reusability
Make large projects manageable
Ansible roles are structured directories containing sub-directories.
But did you know that Red Hat Enterprise Linux also provides some Ansible System Roles to manage operating system
System roles
The rhel-system-roles package is available in the Extras (EPEL) channel. The
rhel-system-roles package is used to configure RHEL hosts. There are seven default
rhel-system-roles available:
rhel-system-roles.kdump - This role configures the kdump crash recovery service. Kdump is
a feature of the Linux kernel and is useful when analyzing the cause of a kernel crash. - This role is dedicated to network interfaces. This helps to
configure network interfaces in Linux systens.
rhel-system-roles.selinux - This role manages SELinux. This helps to configure the
SELinux mode, files, port-context, etc.
rhel-system-roles.timesync - This role is used to configure NTP or PTP on your Linux
rhel-system-roles.postfix - This role is dedicated to managing the Postfix mail transfer
rhel-system-roles.firewall - As the name suggests, this role is all about managing the
host system's firewall configuration.
rhel-system-roles.tuned - Tuned is a system tuning service in Linux to monitor connected
devices. So this role is to configure the tuned service for system performance.
The rhel-system-roles package is derived from open source Linux system-roles . This Linux-system-role is
available on Ansible Galaxy. The rhel-system-roles is supported by Red Hat, so you
can think of this as if rhel-system-roles are downstream of Linux system-roles. To
install rhel-system-roles on your machine, use:
This is the default path, so whenever you use playbooks to reference these roles, you don't
need to explicitly include the absolute path. You can also refer to the documentation for using
Ansible roles. The path for the documentation is
The documentation directory for each role has detailed information about that role. For
example, the file is an example of that role, etc. The documentation is
The following is an example of a role.
If you want to change the SELinux mode of the localhost machine or any host machine, then
use the system roles. For this task, use rhel-system-roles.selinux
For this task the ansible-playbook looks like this:
- name: a playbook for SELinux mode
hosts: localhost
- rhel-system-roles.selinux
- selinux_state: disabled
After running the playbook, you can verify whether the SELinux mode changed or not.
Biradar I am an OpenSource Enthusiastic undergraduate girl who is passionate about Linux &
open source technologies. I have knowledge of Linux , DevOps, and cloud. I am also an active
contributor to Fedora. If you didn't find me exploring technologies then you will find me
exploring food! More about me
We've gone over several things you can do with Ansible on your system, but we haven't yet
discussed how to provision a system. Here's an example of provisioning a virtual machine (VM)
with the OpenStack cloud solution.
- name: create a VM in openstack
name: cloudera-namenode
state: present
cloud: openstack
region_name: andromeda
image: 923569a-c777-4g52-t3y9-cxvhl86zx345
flavor_ram: 20146
flavor: big
auto_ip: yes
volumes: cloudera-namenode
All OpenStack modules start with os , which makes it easier to find them. The
above configuration uses the osp-server module, which lets you add or remove an instance. It
includes the name of the VM, its state, its cloud options, and how it authenticates to the API.
More information about cloud.yml
is available in the OpenStack docs, but if you don't want to use cloud.yml, you can use a
dictionary that lists your credentials using the auth option. If you want to
delete the VM, just change state: to absent .
Say you have a list of servers you shut down because you couldn't figure out how to get the
applications working, and you want to start them again. You can use
os_server_action to restart them (or rebuild them if you want to start from
Here is an example that starts the server and tells the modules the name of the
Most OpenStack modules use similar options. Therefore, to rebuild the server, we can use the
same options but change the action to rebuild and add the
image we want it to use:
For this laptop experiment, I decided to use Debian 32-bit as my starting point, as it
seemed to work best on my older hardware. The bootstrap YAML script is intended to take a
bare-minimal OS install and bring it up to some standard. It relies on a non-root account to be
available over SSH and little else. Since a minimal OS install usually contains very little
that is useful to Ansible, I use the following to hit one host and prompt me to log in with
privilege escalation:
The script makes use of Ansible's raw module to set some base
requirements. It ensures Python is available, upgrades the OS, sets up an Ansible control
account, transfers SSH keys, and configures sudo privilege escalation. When bootstrap
completes, everything should be in place to have this node fully participate in my larger
Ansible inventory. I've found that bootstrapping bare-minimum OS installs is nuanced (if there
is interest, I'll write another article on this topic).
The account YAML setup script is used to set up (or reset) user accounts for each family
member. This keeps user IDs (UIDs) and group IDs (GIDs) consistent across the small number of
machines we have, and it can be used to fix locked accounts when needed. Yes, I know I could
have set up Network Information Service or LDAP authentication, but the number of accounts I
have is very small, and I prefer to keep these systems very simple. Here is an excerpt I found
especially useful for this:
- name : Set user accounts
hosts : all
gather_facts : false
become : yes
vars_prompt :
- name : passwd
prompt : "Enter the desired ansible password:"
private : yes
tasks :
- name : Add child 1 account
user :
state : present
name : child1
password : "{{ passwd | password_hash('sha512') }}"
comment : Child One
uid : 888
group : users
shell : /bin/bash
generate_ssh_key : yes
ssh_key_bits : 2048
update_password : always
create_home : yes
The vars_prompt section prompts me for a password, which is put to a Jinja2 transformation
to produce the desired password hash. This means I don't need to hardcode passwords into the
YAML file and can run it to change passwords as needed.
The software installation YAML file is still evolving. It includes a base set of utilities
for the sysadmin and then the stuff my users need. This mostly consists of ensuring that the
same graphical user interface (GUI) interface and all the same programs, games, and media files
are installed on each machine. Here is a small excerpt of the software for my young
- name : Install kids software
apt :
name : "{{ packages }}"
state : present
vars :
packages :
- lxde
- childsplay
- tuxpaint
- tuxtype
- pysycache
- pysiogame
- lmemory
- bouncy
I created these three Ansible scripts using a virtual machine. When they were perfect, I
tested them on the D620. Then converting the Mini 9 was a snap; I simply loaded the same
minimal Debian install then ran the bootstrap, accounts, and software configurations. Both
systems then functioned identically.
For a while, both sisters enjoyed their respective computers, comparing usage and exploring
software features.
The moment of truth
A few weeks later came the inevitable. My older daughter finally came to the conclusion that
her pink Dell Mini 9 was underpowered. Her sister's D620 had superior power and screen real
estate. YouTube was the new rage, and the Mini 9 could not keep up. As you can guess, the poor
Mini 9 fell into disuse; she wanted a new machine, and sharing her younger sister's would not
I had another D620 in my pile. I replaced the BIOS battery, gave it a new SSD, and upgraded
the RAM. Another perfect example of breathing new life into old hardware.
I pulled my Ansible scripts from source control, and everything I needed was right there:
bootstrap, account setup, and software. By this time, I had forgotten a lot of the specific
software installation information. But details like account UIDs and all the packages to
install were all clearly documented and ready for use. While I surely could have figured it out
by looking at my other machines, there was no need to spend the time! Ansible had it all
clearly laid out in YAML.
Not only was the YAML documentation valuable, but Ansible's automation made short work of
the new install. The minimal Debian OS install from USB stick took about 15 minutes. The
subsequent shape up of the system using Ansible for end-user deployment only took another nine
minutes. End-user acceptance testing was successful, and a new era of computing calmness was
brought to my family (other parents will understand!).
Taking the time to learn and practice Ansible with this exercise showed me the true value of
its automation and documentation abilities. Spending a few hours figuring out the specifics for
the first example saves time whenever I need to provision or fix a machine. The YAML is clear,
easy to read, and -- thanks to Ansible's idempotency -- easy to test and refine over time. When
I have new ideas or my children have new requests, using Ansible to control a local virtual
machine for testing is a valuable time-saving tool.
Doing sysadmin tasks in your free time can be fun. Spending the time to automate and
document your work pays rewards in the future; instead of needing to investigate and relearn a
bunch of things you've already solved, Ansible keeps your work documented and ready to apply so
you can move onto other, newer fun things!
Ansible works by connecting to nodes and sending small programs called modules to be
executed remotely. This makes it a push architecture, where configuration is pushed from
Ansible to servers without agents, as opposed to the pull model, common in agent-based
configuration management systems, where configuration is pulled.
These modules are mapped to resources and their respective states , which are
represented in YAML files. They enable you to manage virtually everything that has an
API, CLI, or configuration file you can interact with, including network devices like load
balancers, switches, firewalls, container orchestrators, containers themselves, and even
virtual machine instances in a hypervisor or in a public (e.g., AWS, GCE, Azure) and/or private
(e.g., OpenStack, CloudStack) cloud, as well as storage and security appliances and system
With Ansible's batteries-included model, hundreds of modules are included and any task in a
playbook has a module behind it.
The contract for building modules is simple: JSON in the stdout . The
configurations declared in YAML files are delivered over the network via SSH/WinRM -- or any
other connection plugin -- as small scripts to be executed in the target server(s). Modules can
be written in any language capable of returning JSON, although most Ansible modules (except for
Windows PowerShell) are written in Python using the Ansible API (this eases the development of
new modules).
Modules are one way of expanding Ansible capabilities. Other alternatives, like dynamic
inventories and plugins, can also increase Ansible's power. It's important to know about them
so you know when to use one instead of the other.
Plugins are divided into several categories with distinct goals, like Action, Cache,
Callback, Connection, Filters, Lookup, and Vars. The most popular plugins are:
Connection plugins: These implement a way to communicate with servers in your inventory
(e.g., SSH, WinRM, Telnet); in other words, how automation code is transported over the
network to be executed.
Filters plugins: These allow you to manipulate data inside your playbook. This is a
Jinja2 feature that is harnessed by Ansible to solve infrastructure-as-code problems.
Lookup plugins: These fetch data from an external source (e.g., env, file, Hiera,
database, HashiCorp Vault).
Although many modules are delivered with Ansible, there is a chance that your problem is not
yet covered or it's something too specific -- for example, a solution that might make sense
only in your organization. Fortunately, the official docs provide excellent guidelines on
modules .
IMPORTANT: Before you start working on something new, always check for open pull requests,
ask developers at #ansible-devel (IRC/Freenode), or search the development list and/or existing
working groups to see if a
module exists or is in development.
Signs that you need a new module instead of using an existing one include:
Conventional configuration management methods (e.g., templates, file, get_url,
lineinfile) do not solve your problem properly.
You have to use a complex combination of commands, shells, filters, text processing with
magic regexes, and API calls using curl to achieve your goals.
Your playbooks are complex, imperative, non-idempotent, and even non-deterministic.
In the ideal scenario, the tool or service already has an API or CLI for management, and it
returns some sort of structured data (JSON, XML, YAML).
Identifying good and bad
"Make love, but don't make a shell script in YAML."
So, what makes a bad playbook?
- name : Read a remote resource
command : "curl -v http://xpto/resource/abc"
register : resource
changed_when : False
- name : Create a resource in case it does not exist
command : "curl -X POST http://xpto/resource/abc -d '{ config:{ client: xyz, url: http://beta,
pattern: *.* } }'"
when : "resource.stdout | 404"
# Leave it here in case I need to remove it hehehe
#- name: Remove resource
# command: "curl -X DELETE http://xpto/resource/abc"
# when: resource.stdout == 1
Aside from being very fragile -- what if the resource state includes a 404 somewhere? -- and
demanding extra code to be idempotent, this playbook can't update the resource when its state
Playbooks written this way disrespect many infrastructure-as-code principles. They're not
readable by human beings, are hard to reuse and parameterize, and don't follow the declarative
model encouraged by most configuration management tools. They also fail to be idempotent and to
converge to the declared state.
Bad playbooks can jeopardize your automation adoption. Instead of harnessing configuration
management tools to increase your speed, they have the same problems as an imperative
automation approach based on scripts and command execution. This creates a scenario where
you're using Ansible just as a means to deliver your old scripts, copying what you already have
into YAML files.
Here's how to rewrite this example to follow infrastructure-as-code principles.
- name :
xpto :
name : abc
state : present
config :
client : xyz
url : http://beta
pattern : "*.*"
The benefits of this approach, based on custom modules , include:
It's declarative -- resources are properly represented in YAML.
It's idempotent.
It converges from the declared state to the current state .
It's readable by human beings.
It's easily parameterized or reused.
Implementing a custom module
Let's use WildFly , an open source
Java application server, as an example to introduce a custom module for our not-so-good
JBoss-CLI returns plaintext in a JSON-like syntax; therefore, this approach is very
fragile, since we need a type of parser for this notation. Even a seemingly simple parser can
be too complex to treat many exceptions .
JBoss-CLI is just an interface to send requests to the management API (port 9990).
Sending an HTTP request is more efficient than opening a new JBoss-CLI session,
connecting, and sending a command.
It does not converge to the desired state; it only creates the resource when it doesn't
A custom module for this would look like:
- name : Configure datasource
jboss_resource :
name : "/subsystem=datasources/data-source=DemoDS"
state : present
attributes :
driver-name : h2
connection-url : "jdbc:h2:mem:demo;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"
jndi-name : "java:jboss/datasources/DemoDS"
user-name : sa
password : sa
min-pool-size : 20
max-pool-size : 40
This playbook is declarative, idempotent, more readable, and converges to the desired state
regardless of the current state.
Why learn to build custom modules?
Good reasons to learn how to build custom modules include:
Improving existing modules
You have bad playbooks and want to improve them, or
You don't, but want to avoid having bad playbooks.
Knowing how to build a module considerably improves your ability to debug problems in
playbooks, thereby increasing your productivity.
" abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning." -- Joel Spolsky,
The Law of
Leaky Abstractions
Custom Ansible modules 101
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) in stdout : that's the contract!
They can be written in any language, but
Python is usually the best option (or the second best)
Most modules delivered with Ansible ( lib/ansible/modules ) are written in Python and
should support compatible versions.
The Ansible way
First step:
git clone
Navigate in lib/ansible/modules/ and read the existing modules code.
Your tools are: Git, Python, virtualenv, pdb (Python debugger)
For comprehensive instructions, consult the
official docs .
An alternative: drop it in the library directory library/ # if any custom modules,
put them here (optional)
module_utils/ # if any custom module_utils to support modules, put them here (optional)
filter_plugins/ # if any custom filter plugins, put them here (optional)
site.yml # master playbook
webservers.yml # playbook for webserver tier
dbservers.yml # playbook for dbserver tier
common/ # this hierarchy represents a "role"
library/ # roles can also include custom modules
module_utils/ # roles can also include custom module_utils
lookup_plugins/ # or other types of plugins, like lookup in this case
It's easier to start.
Doesn't require anything besides Ansible and your favorite IDE/text editor.
This is your best option if it's something that will be used internally.
TIP: You can use this directory layout to overwrite existing modules if, for example, you
need to patch a module.
First steps
You could do it in your own -- including using another language -- or you could use the
AnsibleModule class, as it is easier to put JSON in the stdout ( exit_json() ,
fail_json() ) in the way Ansible expects ( msg , meta , has_changed , result ), and it's also
easier to process the input ( params[] ) and log its execution ( log() , debug() ).
module = AnsibleModule ( argument_spec = arguments , supports_check_mode = True )
try :
if module. check_mode :
# Do not do anything, only verifies current state and report it
module. exit_json ( changed = has_changed , meta = result , msg = 'Fez alguma coisa ou
não...' )
if module. params [ 'state' ] == 'present' :
# Verify the presence of a resource
# Desired state `module.params['param_name'] is equal to the current state?
module. exit_json ( changed = has_changed , meta = result )
if module. params [ 'state' ] == 'absent' :
# Remove the resource in case it exists
module. exit_json ( changed = has_changed , meta = result )
NOTES: The check_mode ("dry run") allows a playbook to be executed or just verifies if
changes are required, but doesn't perform them. Also, the module_utils directory can be used
for shared code among different modules.
The Ansible codebase is heavily tested, and every commit triggers a build in its continuous
integration (CI) server, Shippable , which includes
linting, unit tests, and integration tests.
For integration tests, it uses containers and Ansible itself to perform the setup and verify
phase. Here is a test case (written in Ansible) for our custom module's sample code:
- name
: Configure datasource
jboss_resource :
name : "/subsystem=datasources/data-source=DemoDS"
state : present
attributes :
connection-url : "jdbc:h2:mem:demo;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"
register : result
- name : assert output message that datasource was created
assert :
that :
- "result.changed == true"
- "'Added /subsystem=datasources/data-source=DemoDS' in result.msg" An alternative: bundling
a module with your role
How to spin up your infrastructure: e.g., Vagrant, Docker, OpenStack, EC2
How to verify your infrastructure tests: Testinfra and Goss
But your tests would have to be written using pytest with Testinfra or Goss, instead of
plain Ansible. If you'd like to learn more about testing Ansible roles, see my article about
using Molecule
tyberious 5 hours ago
They were trying to overcome the largest Electoral and Popular Vote Victory in American
It was akin to dousing a 4 alarm fire with a garden hose, eventually you will get burned!
play_arrow 95 play_arrow pocomotion 5 hours ago
Tyberious, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think you are correct is your assessment.
play_arrow 15 play_arrow 1 systemsplanet 4 hours ago
I found over 500 duplicate voters in Georgia, but get the feeling that it doesn't
The game is rigged y_arrow 1 Stainmaker 4 hours ago
I found over 500 duplicate voters in Georgia, but get the feeling that it doesn't
Of course it doesn't matter when you have Lester Holt interviewing Joe Biden and asking
whether Creepy Joe's administration is going to continue investigating Trump. Whatever happened
to Hunter's laptop and the hundreds of millions in Russian, Ukrainian & Chinese bribes
anyway? 7 play_arrow HelluvaEngineer 5 hours ago
So far, they are winning. Got an idea of a path to victory? I don't. Americans are fvcking
stupid. play_arrow 24 play_arrow 1 tyberious 5 hours ago
Secure shell (SSH) is at the heart of Ansible, at least for almost everything besides
Windows. Key (no pun intended) to using SSH efficiently with Ansible is keys ! Slight aside -- there are a lot of
very cool things you can do for security with SSH keys. It's worth perusing the authorized_keys
section of the sshd manual page
. Managing SSH keys can become laborious if you're getting into the realms of granular user
access, and although we could do it with either of my next two favourites, I prefer to use the
module because it
enables easy management through variables .
Besides the obvious function of placing a file somewhere, the file module also sets
ownership and permissions. I'd say that's a lot of bang for your buck with one module.
I'd proffer a substantial portion of security relates to setting permissions too, so the file
module plays nicely with authorized_keys .
There are so many ways to manipulate the contents of files, and I see lots of folk use
lineinfile . I've
used it myself for small tasks. However, the template module is so much clearer because you
maintain the entire file for context. My preference is to write Ansible content in such a way
that anyone can understand it easily -- which to me means not making it hard to
understand what is happening. Use of template means being able to see the entire file you're
putting into place, complete with the variables you are using to change pieces.
Many modules in the current distribution leverage Ansible as an orchestrator. They talk to
another service, rather than doing something specific like putting a file into place. Usually,
that talking is over HTTP too. In the days before many of these modules existed, you
could program an API directly using the uri module. It's a powerful access tool,
enabling you to do a lot. I wouldn't be without it in my fictitious Ansible shed.
The joker card in our pack. The Swiss Army Knife. If you're absolutely stuck for how to
control something else, use shell . Some will argue we're now talking about making Ansible a
Bash script -- but, I would say it's still better because with the use of the name parameter in
your plays and roles, you document every step. To me, that's as big a bonus as anything. Back
in the days when I was still consulting, I once helped a database administrator (DBA) migrate
to Ansible. The DBA wasn't one for change and pushed back at changing working methods. So, to
ease into the Ansible way, we called some existing DB management scripts from Ansible using the
shell module. With an informative name statement to accompany the task.
You can ac hieve a lot with these five modules. Yes, modules designed to do a specific task
will make your life even easier. But with a smidgen of engineering simplicity, you can achieve
a lot with very little. Ansible developer Brian Coca is a master at it, and his tips and tricks talk is always
worth a watch.
10 Ansible modules for Linux system automationThese handy modules save time and
hassle by automating many of your daily tasks, and they're easy to implement with a few
commands. 26 Oct 2020 Ricardo Gerardi (Red Hat) Feed 69
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Ansible is a complete
automation solution for your IT environment. You can use Ansible to automate Linux and Windows
server configuration, orchestrate service provisioning, deploy cloud environments, and even
configure your network devices.
Ansible modules
abstract actions on your system so you don't need to worry about implementation details. You
simply describe the desired state, and Ansible ensures the target system matches it.
This module availability is one of Ansible's main benefits, and it is often referred to as
Ansible having "batteries included." Indeed, you can find modules for a great number of tasks,
and while this is great, I frequently hear from beginners that they don't know where to
Although your choice of modules will depend exclusively on your requirements and what you're
trying to automate with Ansible, here are the top ten modules you need to get started with
Ansible for Linux system automation.
1. copy
copy module allows you to copy a file from the Ansible control node to the target hosts. In
addition to copying the file, it allows you to set ownership, permissions, and SELinux labels
to the destination file. Here's an example of using the copy module to copy a "message of the
day" configuration file to the target hosts:
- name: Ensure MOTD file is in place
src: files / motd
dest: / etc / motd
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
For less complex content, you can copy the content directly to the destination file without
having a local file, like this:
- name: Ensure MOTD file is in place
content: "Welcome to this system."
dest: / etc / motd
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
This module works
idempotently , which means it will only copy the file if the same file is not already in
place with the same content and permissions.
The copy module is a great option to copy a small number of files with static content. If
you need to copy a large number of files, take a look at the
synchronize module. To copy files with dynamic content, take a look at the
template module next.
2. template
template module works similarly to the copy module, but it processes content
dynamically using the Jinja2 templating
language before copying it to the target hosts.
For example, define a "message of the day" template that displays the target system name,
like this:
$ vi templates / motd.j2
Welcome to {{ inventory_hostname }} .
Then, instantiate this template using the template module, like this:
name: Ensure MOTD file is in place
src: templates / motd.j2
dest: / etc / motd
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
Before copying the file, Ansible processes the template and interpolates the variable,
replacing it with the target host system name. For example, if the target system name is
rh8-vm03 , the result file is:
Welcome to rh8-vm03.
While the copy module can also interpolate variables when using the
content parameter, the template module allows additional flexibility
by creating template files, which enable you to define more complex content, including
for loops, if conditions, and more. For a complete reference, check
documentation .
This module is also idempotent, and it will not copy the file if the content on the target
system already matches the template's content.
3. user
The user
module allows you to create and manage Linux users in your target system. This module has many
different parameters, but in its most basic form, you can use it to create a new user.
For example, to create the user ricardo with UID 2001, part of the groups
users and wheel , and password mypassword , apply the
user module with these parameters:
Notice that this module tries to be idempotent, but it cannot guarantee that for all its
options. For instance, if you execute the previous module example again, it will reset the
password to the defined value, changing the user in the system for every execution. To make
this example idempotent, use the parameter update_password: on_create , ensuring
Ansible only sets the password when creating the user and not on subsequent runs.
You can also use this module to delete a user by setting the parameter state:
absent .
The user module has many options for you to manage multiple user aspects. Make
sure you take a look at the module documentation for more information.
4. package
The package
module allows you to install, update, or remove software packages from your target system using
the operating system standard package manager.
For example, to install the Apache web server on a Red Hat Linux machine, apply the module
like this:
- name: Ensure Apache package is installed
name: httpd
state: present More on Ansible
This module is distribution agnostic, and it works by using the underlying package
manager, such as yum/dnf for Red Hat-based distributions and apt for
Debian. Because of that, it only does basic tasks like install and remove packages. If you need
more control over the package manager options, use the specific module for the target
Also, keep in mind that, even though the module itself works on different distributions, the
package name for each can be different. For instance, in Red Hat-based distribution, the Apache
web server package name is httpd , while in Debian, it is apache2 .
Ensure your playbooks deal with that.
This module is idempotent, and it will not act if the current system state matches the
desired state.
5. service
Use the service
module to manage the target system services using the required init system; for example,
In its most basic form, all you have to do is provide the service name and the desired
state. For instance, to start the sshd service, use the module like this:
name: Ensure SSHD is started
name: sshd
state: started
You can also ensure the service starts automatically when the target system boots up by
providing the parameter enabled: yes .
As with the package module, the service module is flexible and
works across different distributions. If you need fine-tuning over the specific target init
system, use the corresponding module; for example, the module systemd .
Similar to the other modules you've seen so far, the service module is also
6. firewalld
Use the firewalld
module to control the system firewall with the firewalld daemon on systems that
support it, such as Red Hat-based distributions.
For example, to open the HTTP service on port 80, use it like this:
- name: Ensure port
80 ( http ) is open
service: http
state: enabled
permanent: yes
immediate: yes
You can also specify custom ports instead of service names with the port
parameter. In this case, make sure to specify the protocol as well. For example, to open TCP
port 3000, use this:
- name: Ensure port 3000 / TCP is open
port: 3000 / tcp
state: enabled
permanent: yes
immediate: yes
You can also use this module to control other firewalld aspects like zones or
complex rules. Make sure to check the module's documentation for a comprehensive list of
7. file
The file
module allows you to control the state of files and directories -- setting permissions,
ownership, and SELinux labels.
For instance, use the file module to create a directory /app owned
by the user ricardo , with read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and
the group users :
You can also use this module to set file properties on directories recursively by using the
parameter recurse: yes or delete files and directories with the parameter
state: absent .
This module works with idempotency for most of its parameters, but some of them may make it
change the target path every time. Check the documentation for more details.
The lineinfile
module allows you to manage single lines on existing files. It's useful to update targeted
configuration on existing files without changing the rest of the file or copying the entire
configuration file.
For example, add a new entry to your hosts file like this:
You can also use this module to change an existing line by applying the parameter
regexp to look for an existing line to replace. For example, update the
sshd_config file to prevent root login by modifying the line PermitRootLogin
yes to PermitRootLogin no :
Note: Use the service module to restart the SSHD service to enable this change.
This module is also idempotent, but, in case of line modification, ensure the regular
expression matches both the original and updated states to avoid unnecessary changes.
Use the unarchive
module to extract the contents of archive files such as tar or zip
files. By default, it copies the archive file from the control node to the target machine
before extracting it. Change this behavior by providing the parameter remote_src:
yes .
For example, extract the contents of a .tar.gz file that has already been
downloaded to the target host with this syntax:
Some archive technologies require additional packages to be available on the target system;
for example, the package unzip to extract .zip files.
Depending on the archive format used, this module may or may not work idempotently. To
prevent unnecessary changes, you can use the parameter creates to specify a file
or directory that this module would create when extracting the archive contents. If this file
or directory already exists, the module does not extract the contents again.
The command
module is a flexible one that allows you to execute arbitrary commands on the target system.
Using this module, you can do almost anything on the target system as long as there's a command
for it.
Even though the command module is flexible and powerful, it should be used with
caution. Avoid using the command module to execute a task if there's another appropriate module
available for that. For example, you could create users by using the
command module to execute the useradd command, but you should
use the user module instead, as it abstracts many details away from you, taking
care of corner cases and ensuring the configuration only changes when necessary.
For cases where no modules are available, or to run custom scripts or programs, the
command module is still a great resource. For instance, use this module to run a
script that is already present in the target machine:
- name: Run the app installer
command: "/app/"
By default, this module is not idempotent, as Ansible executes the command every single
time. To make the command module idempotent, you can use when
conditions to only execute the command if the appropriate condition exists, or the
creates argument, similarly to the unarchive module example.
Using these modules, you can configure entire Linux systems by copying, templating, or
modifying configuration files, creating users, installing packages, starting system services,
updating the firewall, and more.
If you are new to Ansible, make sure you check the documentation on how to create
playbooks to combine these modules to automate your system. Some of these tasks require
running with elevated privileges to work. For more details, check the privilege escalation
As of Ansible 2.10, modules are organized in collections. Most of the modules in this list
are part of the ansible.builtin collection and are available by default with
Ansible, but some of them are part of other collections. For a list of collections, check the
Ansible documentation
. What
you need to know about Ansible modules Learn how and when to develop custom modules for
Ansible has no notion of state. Since it doesn't keep track of dependencies, the tool
simply executes a sequential series of tasks, stopping when it finishes, fails or encounters an
error . For some, this simplistic mode of automation is desirable; however, many prefer
their automation tool to maintain an extensive catalog for ordering (à la Puppet),
allowing them to reach a defined state regardless of any variance in environmental
YAML Ain't a Markup Language (YAML), and as configuration formats go, it's easy on the eyes.
It has an intuitive visual structure, and its logic is pretty simple: indented bullet points
inherit properties of parent bullet points.
It's easy (and misleading) to think of YAML as just a list of related values, no more
complex than a shopping list. There is a heading and some items beneath it. The items below the
heading relate directly to it, right? Well, you can test this theory by writing a little bit of
valid YAML.
Open a text editor and enter this text, retaining the dashes at the top of the file and the
leading spaces for the last two items:
Store: Bakery
Sourdough loaf
Save the file as example.yaml (or similar).
If you don't already have yamllint installed, install it:
$ sudo dnf install -y yamllint
A linter is an application that verifies the syntax of a file. The
yamllint command is a great way to ensure your YAML is valid before you hand it
over to whatever application you're writing YAML for (Ansible, for instance).
Use yamllint to validate your YAML file:
$ yamllint --strict shop.yaml || echo "Fail"
But when converted to JSON with a simple converter script , the data structure of
this simple YAML becomes clearer:
Parsed without the visual context of line breaks and indentation, the actual scope of your
data looks a lot different. The data is mostly flat, almost devoid of hierarchy. There's no
indication that the sourdough loaf and bagels are children of the name of the store.
Sequence: values listed in a specific order. A sequence starts with a dash and a space (
- ). You can think of a sequence as a Python list or an array in Bash or
Mapping: key and value pairs. Each key must be unique, and the order doesn't matter.
Think of a Python dictionary or a variable assignment in a Bash script.
There's a third type called scalar , which is arbitrary data (encoded in
Unicode) such as strings, integers, dates, and so on. In practice, these are the words and
numbers you type when building mapping and sequence blocks, so you won't think about these any
more than you ponder the words of your native tongue.
When constructing YAML, it might help to think of YAML as either a sequence of sequences or
a map of maps, but not both.
YAML mapping blocks
When you start a YAML file with a mapping statement, YAML expects a series of mappings. A
mapping block in YAML doesn't close until it's resolved, and a new mapping block is explicitly
created. A new block can only be created either by increasing the indentation level (in
which case, the new block exists inside the previous block) or by resolving the previous
mapping and starting an adjacent mapping block.
The reason the original YAML example in this article fails to produce data with a hierarchy
is that it's actually only one data block: the key Store has a single value of
Bakery Sourdough loaf Bagels . YAML ignores the whitespace because no new mapping
block has been started.
Is it possible to fix the example YAML by prepending each sequence item with a dash and
Store: Bakery
- Sourdough loaf
- Bagels
Again, this is valid YAML, but it's still pretty flat:
The problem is that this YAML file opens a mapping block and never closes it. To close the
Store block and open a new one, you must start a new mapping. The value of
the mapping can be a sequence, but you need a key first.
As you can see, this YAML directive contains one mapping ( Store ) to two child
values ( Bakery and Cheesemonger ), each of which is mapped to a
child sequence.
YAML sequence blocks
The same principles hold true should you start a YAML directive as a sequence. For instance,
this YAML directive is valid:
Each item is distinct when viewed as JSON:
["Flour", "Water", "Salt"]
But this YAML file is not valid because it attempts to start a mapping block at an
adjacent level to a sequence block :
- Flour
- Water
- Salt
Sugar: caster
It can be repaired by moving the mapping block into the sequence:
- Flour
- Water
- Salt
- Sugar: caster
You can, as always, embed a sequence into your mapping item:
- Flour
- Water
- Salt
- Sugar:
- caster
- granulated
- icing
Viewed through the lens of explicit JSON scoping, that YAML snippet reads like this:
If you want to comfortably write YAML, it's vital to be aware of its data structure. As you
can tell, there's not much you have to remember. You know about mapping and sequence blocks, so
you know everything you need have to work with. All that's left is to remember how they do and
do not interact with one another. Happy coding! Check out these related articles on Enable
Sysadmin Image 10 YAML
tips for people who hate YAML
This article describes the
different parts of an Ansible playbook starting with a very broad overview of what Ansible is and how
you can use it. Ansible is a way to use easy-to-read YAML syntax to write playbooks that can automate
tasks for you. These playbooks can range from very simple to very complex and one playbook can even be
embedded in another.
Now that you have that base
knowledge let's look at a basic playbook that will install the
I have an inventory file with two hosts specified, and I placed them in the
Let's look at the actual
playbook to see what it contains:
[root@ansible test]# cat httpd.yml
- name: this playbook will install httpd
hosts: web
- name: this is the task to install httpd
name: httpd
state: latest
Breaking this down, you see
that the first line in the playbook is
This lets you know that it is the beginning of the playbook. Next, I gave a name for the play. This is
just a simple playbook with only one play, but a more complex playbook can contain multiple plays.
Next, I specify the hosts that I want to target. In this case, I am selecting the
but I could have specified either
if I didn't want to target both systems. The next line tells Ansible that you're going to get into the
tasks that do the actual work. In this case, my playbook has only one task, but you can have multiple
tasks if you want. Here I specify that I'm going to install the
The next line says that I'm going to use the
I then tell it the name of the package,
and that I want the latest version to be installed.
When I run the
twice, I get this on the terminal:
[root@ansible test]# ansible-playbook httpd.yml
PLAY [this playbook will install httpd] ************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
TASK [this is the task to install httpd] ***********************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
[root@ansible test]# ansible-playbook httpd.yml
PLAY [this playbook will install httpd] ************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
TASK [this is the task to install httpd] ***********************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
[root@ansible test]#
Note that in both cases, I
received an
, but in the
second run of the playbook, nothing was changed. The latest version of
already installed at that point.
To get information about the
various modules you can use in a playbook, you can use the
For example:
[root@ansible test]# ansible-doc yum
> YUM (/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/packaging/os/
Installs, upgrade, downgrades, removes, and lists packages and groups with the `yum' package manager. This module only works on Python 2. If you require Python 3 support, see the [dnf] module.
* This module is maintained by The Ansible Core Team
* note: This module has a corresponding action plugin.
< output truncated >
It's nice to have a playbook
that installs
, but to make
it more flexible, you can use variables instead of hardcoding the package as
To do that, you could use a playbook like this one:
[root@ansible test]# cat httpd.yml
- name: this playbook will install {{ myrpm }}
hosts: web
myrpm: httpd
- name: this is the task to install {{ myrpm }}
name: "{{ myrpm }}"
state: latest
Here you can see that I've
added a section called "vars" and I declared a variable
the value of
. I then can
use that
variable in the playbook and adjust it to
whatever I want to install. Also, because I've specified the RPM to install by using a variable, I can
override what I have written in the playbook by specifying the variable on the command line by using
[root@ansible test]# cat httpd.yml
- name: this playbook will install {{ myrpm }}
hosts: web
myrpm: httpd
- name: this is the task to install {{ myrpm }}
name: "{{ myrpm }}"
state: latest
[root@ansible test]# ansible-playbook httpd.yml -e "myrpm=at"
PLAY [this playbook will install at] ***************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
TASK [this is the task to install at] **************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
[root@ansible test]#
Another way to make the tasks
more dynamic is to use
. In this snippet, you can see
that I have declared
as a
list to have
To use them, I use
my task:
- mailx
- postfix
- name: this will install the rpms
name: "{{ item }}"
state: installed
loop: "{{ rpms }}"
You might have noticed that
when these plays run, facts about the hosts are gathered:
These facts can be used as variables when you run the play. For example, you could have a
that sets content like:
"This is the system {{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}.
This is a {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }} version {{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] }} system."
For any system where you run
that playbook, the correct fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), operating system distribution, and
distribution version would get set, even without you manually defining those variables.
I currently work as a
Solutions Architect at Red Hat. I have been here for going on 14 years, moving around a bit over
the years, working in front line support and consulting before my current role. In my free time,
I enjoy spending time with my family, exercising, and woodworking.
about me
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So I started writing simple code in a file that could be interpreted by perl to make the
changes for me with one command per line:
uc mail_owner # "uc" is the command for
"uncomment" uc hostname cv hostname {{fqdn}} # "cv" is the command for "change value", {{fqdn}
+ } is replaced with appropriate value ...[download]
You get the idea. I started writing some code to interpret my config file modification
commands and then realized someone had to have tackled this problem before. I did a search on
metacpan but came up empty. Anyone familiar with this problem space and can help point me in
the right direction?
by likbez on Oct 05, 2020
at 03:16 UTC Reputation: 2
There are also some newer editors that use LUA as the scripting language, but none with
Perl as a scripting language. See
Here, for example, is a fragment from an old collection of hardening scripts called Titan,
written for Solaris by Brad M. Powell. Example below uses vi which is the simplest, but
probably not optimal choice, unless your primary editor is VIM.
FixHostsEquiv() { if [
-f /etc/hosts.equiv -a -s /etc/hosts.equiv ]; then t_echo 2 " /etc/hosts.equiv exists and is
not empty. Saving a co + py..." /bin/cp /etc/hosts.equiv /etc/hosts.equiv.ORIG if grep -s
"^+$" /etc/hosts.equiv then ed - /etc/hosts.equiv <<- ! g/^+$/d w q ! fi else t_echo 2
" No /etc/hosts.equiv - PASSES CHECK" exit 1 fi[download]
For VIM/Emacs users the main benefit here is that you will know your editor better,
instead of inventing/learning "yet another tool." That actually also is an argument against
Ansible and friends: unless you operate a cluster or other sizable set of servers, why try to
kill a bird with a cannon. Positive return on investment probably starts if you manage over 8
or even 16 boxes.
Perl also can be used. But I would recommend to slurp the file into an array and operate
with lines like in editor; a regex on the whole text are more difficult to write correctly
then a regex for a line, although experts have no difficulties using just them. But we seldom
acquire skills we can so without :-)
On the other hand, that gives you a chance to learn splice function ;-)
If the files are basically identical and need some slight customization you can use
patch utility with pdsh, but you need to learn the ropes. Like Perl the patch
utility was also written by Larry Wall and is a very flexible tool for such tasks. You need
first to collect files from your servers into some central directory with pdsh/pdcp (which I
think is a standard RPM on RHEL and other linuxes) or other tool, then to create diffs with
one server to which you already applied the change (diff is your command language at this
point), verify that on other server that this diff produced right results, apply it and then
distribute the resulting files back to each server using again pdsh/pdcp. If you have a
common NFS/GPFS/LUSTRA filesystem for all servers this is even simpler as you can store both
the tree and diffs on common filesystem.
The same central repository of config files can be used with vi and other approaches
creating "poor man Ansible" for you .
Get the details on what's inside your computer from the command line. 16 Sep 2019
Howard Fosdick Feed 44
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The easiest way is to do that is with one of the standard Linux GUI programs:
i-nex collects
hardware information and displays it in a manner similar to the popular CPU-Z under Windows.
displays hardware specifics and even includes a set of eight popular benchmark programs you
can run to gauge your system's performance.
KInfoCenter and
Lshw also
display hardware details and are available in many software repositories.
Alternatively, you could open up the box and read the labels on the disks, memory, and other
devices. Or you could enter the boot-time panels -- the so-called UEFI or BIOS panels. Just hit
the proper program
function key during the boot process to access them. These two methods give you hardware
details but omit software information.
Or, you could issue a Linux line command. Wait a minute that sounds difficult. Why would you
do this?
Sometimes it's easy to find a specific bit of information through a well-targeted line
command. Perhaps you don't have a GUI program available or don't want to install one.
Probably the main reason to use line commands is for writing scripts. Whether you employ the
Linux shell or another programming language, scripting typically requires coding line
Many line commands for detecting hardware must be issued under root authority. So either
switch to the root user ID, or issue the command under your regular user ID preceded by sudo
sudo <the_line_command>
and respond to the prompt for the root password.
This article introduces many of the most useful line commands for system discovery. The
quick reference chart at the end summarizes them.
Hardware overview
There are several line commands that will give you a comprehensive overview of your
computer's hardware.
The inxi command lists details about your system, CPU, graphics, audio, networking, drives,
partitions, sensors, and more. Forum participants often ask for its output when they're trying
to help others solve problems. It's a standard diagnostic for problem-solving:
inxi -Fxz
The -F flag means you'll get full output, x adds details, and z masks out personally
identifying information like MAC and IP addresses.
The hwinfo and lshw commands display much of the same information in different formats:
hwinfo --short
lshw -short
The long forms of these two commands spew out exhaustive -- but hard to read -- output:
CPU details
You can learn everything about your CPU through line commands. View CPU details by issuing
either the lscpu command or its close relative lshw :
lshw -C cpu
In both cases, the last few lines of output list all the CPU's capabilities. Here you can
find out whether your processor supports specific features.
With all these commands, you can reduce verbiage and narrow any answer down to a single
detail by parsing the command output with the grep command. For example, to view only the CPU
make and model:
The -i flag on the grep command simply ensures your search ignores whether the output it
searches is upper or lower case.
Linux line commands enable you to gather all possible details about your computer's memory.
You can even determine whether you can add extra memory to the computer without opening up the
To list each memory stick and its capacity, issue the dmidecode command:
dmidecode -t memory | grep -i size
For more specifics on system memory, including type, size, speed, and voltage of each RAM
stick, try:
lshw -short -C memory
One thing you'll surely want to know is is the maximum memory you can install on your
dmidecode -t memory | grep -i max
Now find out whether there are any open slots to insert additional memory sticks. You can do
this without opening your computer by issuing this command:
lshw -short -C memory | grep -i empty
A null response means all the memory slots are already in use.
Determining how much video memory you have requires a pair of commands. First, list all
devices with the lspci command and limit the output displayed to the video device you're
interested in:
lspci | grep -i vga
The output line that identifies the video controller will typically look something like
Now reissue the lspci command, referencing the video device number as the selected
lspci -v -s 00:02.0
The output line identified as prefetchable is the amount of video RAM on your
Memory at f0100000 ( 32 -bit, non-prefetchable ) [ size =512K ]
I / O ports at 1230 [ size = 8 ]
Memory at e0000000 ( 32 -bit, prefetchable ) [ size =256M ]
Memory at f0000000 ( 32 -bit, non-prefetchable ) [ size =1M ]
Finally, to show current memory use in megabytes, issue:
free -m
This tells how much memory is free, how much is in use, the size of the swap area, and
whether it's being used. For example, the output might look like this:
total used free
shared buff / cache available
Mem: 11891 1326 8877 212 1687 10077
Swap: 1999 0 1999
The top command gives you more detail on memory use. It shows current overall memory and CPU
use and also breaks it down by process ID, user ID, and the commands being run. It displays
full-screen text output:
Disks, filesystems, and devices
You can easily determine whatever you wish to know about disks, partitions, filesystems, and
other devices.
To display a single line describing each disk device:
lshw -short -C disk
Get details on any specific SATA disk, such as its model and serial numbers, supported
modes, sector count, and more with:
hdparm -i /dev/sda
Of course, you should replace sda with sdb or another device mnemonic if necessary.
To list all disks with all their defined partitions, along with the size of each, issue:
For more detail, including the number of sectors, size, filesystem ID and type, and
partition starting and ending sectors:
fdisk -l
To start up Linux, you need to identify mountable partitions to the GRUB bootloader. You can find this
information with the blkid command. It lists each partition's unique identifier (UUID) and its
filesystem type (e.g., ext3 or ext4):
To list the mounted filesystems, their mount points, and the space used and available for
each (in megabytes):
df -m
Finally, you can list details for all USB and PCI buses and devices with these commands:
Linux offers tons of networking line commands. Here are just a few.
To see hardware details about your network card, issue:
lshw -C network
Traditionally, the command to show network interfaces was ifconfig :
ifconfig -a
But many people now use:
ip link show
netstat -i
In reading the output, it helps to know common network abbreviations:
Loopback interface
eth0 or enp*
Ethernet interface
Wireless interface
Point-to-Point Protocol interface (used by a dial-up modem, PPTP VPN
connection, or USB modem)
vboxnet0 or vmnet*
Virtual machine interface
The asterisks in this table are wildcard characters, serving as a placeholder for whatever
series of characters appear from system to system.
To show your default gateway and routing tables, issue either of these commands:
ip route | column -t
netstat -r
Let's conclude with two commands that display low-level software details. For example, what
if you want to know whether you have the latest firmware installed? This command shows the UEFI
or BIOS date and version:
dmidecode -t bios
What is the kernel version, and is it 64-bit? And what is the network hostname? To find out,
uname -a
Quick reference chart
This chart summarizes all the commands covered in this article:
Building from scratch an agentless inventory system for Linux servers is a very
time-consuming task. To have precise information about your server's inventory, Ansible comes to be very handy, especially if you
are restricted to install an agent on the servers. However, there are some pieces of
information that the Ansible's inventory mechanism cannot retrieve from the default inventory.
In this case, a Playbook needs to be created to retrieve those pieces of information. Examples
are VMware tool and other application versions which you might want to include in your
inventory system. Since Ansible makes it easy to create JSON files, this can be easily
manipulated for other interesting tasks, say an HTML static page. I would recommend Ansible-CMDB which is very handy
for such conversion. The Ansible-CMDB allows you to create a pure HTML file based on the JSON
file that was generated by Ansible. Ansible-CMDB is another amazing tool created by Ferry Boender .
Let's have a look how the agentless servers inventory with Ansible and Ansible-CMDB works.
It's important to understand the prerequisites needed before installing Ansible. There are
other articles which I published on Ansible:
1. In this article, you will get an overview of what Ansible inventory
is capable of. Start by gathering the information that you will need for your inventory system.
The goal is to make a plan first.
2. As explained in the article Getting started with Ansible
deployment , you have to define a group and record the name of your servers(which can be
resolved through the host file or DNS server) or IP's. Let's assume that the name of the group
is " test ".
3. Launch the following command to see a JSON output which will describe the inventory of
the machine. As you may notice that Ansible had fetched all the data.
Ansible -m setup test
4. You can also append the output to a specific directory for future use with Ansible-cmdb.
I would advise creating a specific directory (I created /home/Ansible-Workdesk ) to prevent
confusion where the file is appended.
Ansible-m setup --tree out/ test
5. At this point, you will have several files created in a tree format, i.e; specific file
with the name of the server containing JSON information about the servers inventory.
Getting Hands-on with Ansible-cmdb
6. Now, you will have to install Ansible-cmdb which is pretty fast and easy. Do make sure
that you follow all the requirements before installation:
git clone
cd ansible-cmdb && make install
7. To convert the JSON files into HTML, use the following command:
ansible-cmdb -t html_fancy_split out/
8. You should notice a directory called "cmdb" which contain some HTML files. Open the
index.html and view your server inventory system.
Tweaking the default template
9. As mentioned previously, there is some information which is not available by default on
the index.html template. You can tweak the
/usr/local/lib/ansible-cmdb/ansiblecmdb/data/tpl/html_fancy_defs.html page and add more
content, for example, ' uptime ' of the servers. To make the " Uptime " column visible, add the
following line in the " Column definitions " section:
It's easier than you think to get started automating your tasks with Ansible. This gentle introduction
gives you the basics you need to begin streamlining your administrative life.
In the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, we decided to use
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
as our third operating system, next to Solaris and Microsoft Windows. I was part of the team that
tested RHEL, among other distributions, and would engage in the upcoming operation of the new OS.
Thinking about a fast-growing number of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, it came to my mind that I
needed a tool to automate things because without automation the number of hosts I can manage is
I had experience with Puppet back in the day but did not like that tool because of its complexity.
We had more modules and classes than hosts to manage back then. So, I took a look at
version in July 2016.
What I liked about Ansible and still do is that it is push-based. On a target node, only Python and
SSH access are needed to control the node and push configuration settings to it. No agent needs to be
removed if you decide that Ansible isn't the right tool for you. The
syntax is easy to read and
write, and the option to use playbooks as well as ad hoc commands makes Ansible a flexible solution
that helps save time in our day-to-day business. So, it was at the end of 2016 when we decided to
evaluate Ansible in our environment.
First steps
As a rule of thumb, you should begin automating things that you have to do on a daily or at least a
regular basis. That way, automation saves time for more interesting or more important things. I
followed this rule by using Ansible for the following tasks:
Set a baseline configuration for newly provisioned hosts (set DNS, time, network, sshd, etc.)
Test how useful the ad hoc commands are, and where we could benefit from them.
Baseline Ansible configuration
For us,
baseline configuration
is the configuration every newly provisioned host gets.
This practice makes sure the host fits into our environment and is able to communicate on the network.
Because the same configuration steps have to be made for each new host, this is an awesome step to get
started with automation.
Make sure a certain set of packages were installed
Configure Postfix to be able to send mail in our environment
Configure firewalld
Configure SELinux
(Some of these steps are already published here on Enable Sysadmin, as you can see, and others
might follow soon.)
All of these tasks have in common that they are small and easy to start with, letting you gather
experience with using different kinds of Ansible modules, roles, variables, and so on. You can run
each of these roles and tasks standalone, or tie them all together in one playbook that sets the
baseline for your newly provisioned system.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
patch management with Ansible
As I explained on my GitHub page for
, in our environment, we deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers
for our operating departments to run their applications.
This role was written to provide a mechanism to install Red Hat Security Advisories on target nodes
once a month. In our special use case, only RHSAs are installed to ensure a minimum security limit.
The installation is enforced once a month. The advisories are summarized in "Patch-Sets." This way, it
is ensured that the same advisories are used for all stages during a patch cycle.
The Ansible Inventory nodes are summarized in one of the following groups, each of which defines
when a node is scheduled for patch installation:
[rhel-patch-phase1] - On the second Tuesday of a month.
[rhel-patch-phase2] - On the third Tuesday of a month.
[rhel-patch-phase3] - On the fourth Tuesday of a month.
[rhel-patch-phase4] - On the fourth Wednesday of a month.
In case packages were updated on target nodes, the hosts will reboot afterward.
Because the production systems are most important, they are divided into two separate groups
(phase3 and phase4) to decrease the risk of failure and service downtime due to advisory installation.
Updating and patch management are tasks every sysadmin has to deal with. With these roles, Ansible
helped me get this task done every month, and I don't have to care about it anymore. Only when a
system is not reachable, or yum has a problem, do I get an email report telling me to take a look.
But, I got lucky, and have not yet received any mail report for the last couple of months, now. (Yes,
of course, the system is able to send mail.)
Ad hoc commands
The possibility to run ad hoc commands for quick (and dirty) tasks was one of the reasons I chose
Ansible. You can use these commands to gather information when you need them or to get things done
without the need to write a playbook first.
I used ad hoc commands in cron jobs until I found the time to write playbooks for them. But, with
time comes practice, and today I try to use playbooks and roles for every task that has to run more
than once.
Here are small examples of ad hoc commands that provide quick information about your nodes.
ansible all -m command -a'/usr/bin/cat /etc/os-release'
Query running kernel version
ansible all -m command -a'/usr/bin/uname -r'
Query DNS servers in use by nodes
ansible all -m command -a'/usr/bin/cat /etc/resolv.conf' | grep 'SUCCESS\|nameserver'
Hopefully, these samples give you an idea for what ad hoc commands can be used.
It's not hard to start with automation. Just look for small and easy tasks you do every single day,
or even more than once a day, and let Ansible do these tasks for you.
Eventually, you will be able to solve more complex tasks as your automation skills grow. But keep
things as simple as possible. You gain nothing when you have to troubleshoot a playbook for three days
when it solves a task you could have done in an hour.
[Want to learn more about Ansible? Check out these
free e-books
10 Ansible modules you need to knowSee examples and learn the most important
modules for automating everyday tasks with Ansible. 11 Sep 2019 DirectedSoul (Red Hat)Feed 25
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Ansible is an open source IT
configuration management and automation platform. It uses human-readable YAML templates so
users can program repetitive tasks to happen automatically without having to learn an advanced
programming language.
Ansible is agentless, which means the nodes it manages do not require any software to be
installed on them. This eliminates potential security vulnerabilities and makes overall
management smoother.
Ansible modules are standalone
scripts that can be used inside an Ansible playbook. A playbook consists of a play, and a play
consists of tasks. These concepts may seem confusing if you're new to Ansible, but as you begin
writing and working more with playbooks, they will become familiar.
There are some modules that are frequently used in automating everyday tasks; those are
the ones that we will cover in this article.
Ansible has three main files that you need to consider:
Host/inventory file: Contains the entry of the nodes that need to be managed
Ansible.cfg file: Located by default at /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg , it has the necessary
privilege escalation options and the location of the inventory file
Main file: A playbook that has modules that perform various tasks on a host listed in an
inventory or host file
Module 1: Package management
There is a module for most popular package managers, such as DNF and APT, to enable you to
install any package on a system. Functionality depends entirely on the package manager, but
usually these modules can install, upgrade, downgrade, remove, and list packages. The names of
relevant modules are easy to guess. For example, the DNF module is dnf_module , the old YUM
module (required for Python 2 compatibility) is yum_module , while the
APT module is apt_module , the Slackpkg
module is slackpkg_module ,
and so on.
Example 1:
- name : install the latest version of Apache and MariaDB
dnf :
name :
- httpd
- mariadb-server
state : latest
This installs the Apache web server and the MariaDB SQL database.
Example 2: -
name : Install a list of packages
yum :
name :
- nginx
- postgresql
- postgresql-server
state : present
This installs the list of packages and helps download multiple packages.
Module 2:
After installing a package, you need a module to start it. The service module
enables you to start, stop, and reload installed packages; this comes in pretty
Example 1: - name : Start service foo, based on running process
service :
name : foo
pattern : /usr/bin/foo
state : started
This starts the service foo .
Example 2: - name : Restart network service for
interface eth0
service :
name : network
state : restarted
args : eth0
This restarts the network service of the interface eth0 .
Module 3: Copy
The copy module copies a
file from the local or remote machine to a location on the remote machine.
Example 1:
- name : Copy a new "ntp.conf file into place, backing up the original if it differs from the
copied version
src: /mine/ntp.conf
dest: /etc/ntp.conf
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0644'
backup: yes Example 2: - name : Copy file with owner and permission, using symbolic
copy :
src : /srv/myfiles/foo.conf
dest : /etc/foo.conf
owner : foo
group : foo
mode : u=rw,g=r,o=r Module 4: Debug
The debug module prints
statements during execution and can be useful for debugging variables or expressions without
having to halt the playbook.
Example 1: - name : Display all variables/facts known
for a host
debug :
var : hostvars [ inventory_hostname ]
verbosity : 4
This displays all the variable information for a host that is defined in the inventory
Example 2: - name : Write some content in a file /tmp/foo.txt
copy :
dest : /tmp/foo.txt
content : |
Good Morning!
Awesome sunshine today.
register : display_file_content
- name : Debug display_file_content
debug :
var : display_file_content
verbosity : 2
This registers the content of the copy module output and displays it only when you specify
verbosity as 2. For example:
ansible-playbook demo.yaml -vv
Module 5: File
The file module manages the
file and its properties.
It sets attributes of files, symlinks, or directories.
It also removes files, symlinks, or directories.
Example 1: - name : Change file ownership, group and permissions
file :
path : /etc/foo.conf
owner : foo
group : foo
mode : '0644'
This creates a file named foo.conf and sets the permission to 0644 .
Example 2: -
name : Create a directory if it does not exist
file :
path : /etc/some_directory
state : directory
mode : '0755'
This creates a directory named some_directory and sets the permission to 0755 .
It ensures a particular line is in a file or replaces an existing line using a
back-referenced regular expression.
It's primarily useful when you want to change just a single line in a file.
Example 1: - name : Ensure SELinux is set to enforcing mode
lineinfile :
path : /etc/selinux/config
regexp : '^SELINUX='
line : SELINUX=enforcing
This sets the value of SELINUX=enforcing .
Example 2: - name : Add a line to a
file if the file does not exist, without passing regexp
lineinfile :
path : /etc/resolv.conf
line : foo
create : yes
This adds an entry for the IP and hostname in the resolv.conf file.
Module 7: Git
The git module
manages git checkouts of repositories to deploy files or software.
Example 1: #
Example Create git archive from repo
- git :
repo :
dest : /src/ansible-examples
archive : /tmp/ Example 2: - git :
repo :
dest : /src/ansible-examples
separate_git_dir : /src/ansible-examples.git
This clones a repo with a separate Git directory.
Module 8: Cli_command
The cli_command
module , first available in Ansible 2.7, provides a platform-agnostic way of pushing
text-based configurations to network devices over the network_cli connection
Example 1: - name : commit with comment
cli_config :
config : set system host-name foo
commit_comment : this is a test
This sets the hostname for a switch and exits with a commit message.
This backs up a config to a different destination file.
Module 9: Archive
The archive module
creates a compressed archive of one or more files. By default, it assumes the compression
source exists on the target.
Example 1: - name : Compress directory /path/to/foo/
into /path/to/foo.tgz
archive :
path : /path/to/foo
dest : /path/to/foo.tgz Example 2: - name : Create a bz2 archive of multiple files,
rooted at /path
archive :
path :
- /path/to/foo
- /path/wong/foo
dest : /path/file.tar.bz2
format : bz2 Module 10: Command
One of the most basic but useful modules, the command module takes
the command name followed by a list of space-delimited arguments.
Example 1: - name :
return motd to registered var
command : cat /etc/motd
register : mymotd Example 2: - name : Change the working directory to somedir/ and run
the command as db_owner if /path/to/database does not exist.
command : /usr/bin/ db_user db_name
become : yes
become_user : db_owner
args :
chdir : somedir/
creates : /path/to/database Conclusion
There are tons of modules available in Ansible, but these ten are the most basic and
powerful ones you can use for an automation job. As your requirements change, you can learn
about other useful modules by entering ansible-doc <module-name> on the command line or
refer to the official documentation
is a multiplier, a tool that automates
and scales infrastructure of every size. It is considered to be a configuration management,
orchestration, and deployment tool. It is easy to get up and running with Ansible. Even a new sysadmin
could start automating with Ansible in a matter of a few hours.
Ansible automates using the SSH
protocol. The control machine uses an SSH connection to communicate with its target hosts, which are
typically Linux hosts. If you're a Windows sysadmin, you can still use Ansible to automate your
Windows environments using
as opposed
to SSH. Presently, though, the control machine still needs to run Linux.
As a new sysadmin, you might start with just a few playbooks. But as your automation skills
continue to grow, and you become more familiar with Ansible, you will learn best practices and further
realize that as your playbooks increase, using
Ansible Galaxy
becomes invaluable.
In this article, you will learn a bit about Ansible Galaxy, its structure, and how and when you can
put it to use.
What Ansible does
Common sysadmin tasks that can be performed with Ansible include patching, updating systems, user
and group management, and provisioning. Ansible presently has a huge footprint in IT Automation -- if not
the largest presently -- and is considered to be the most popular and widely used configuration
management, orchestration, and deployment tool available today.
One of the main reasons for its popularity is its simplicity. It's simple, powerful, and agentless.
Which means a new or entry-level sysadmin can hit the ground automating in a matter of hours. Ansible
allows you to scale quickly, efficiently, and cross-functionally.
Create roles with Ansible Galaxy
Ansible Galaxy is essentially a large public repository of Ansible roles. Roles ship with READMEs
detailing the role's use and available variables. Galaxy contains a large number of roles that are
constantly evolving and increasing.
Galaxy can use git to add other role sources, such as GitHub. You can initialize a new galaxy role
ansible-galaxy init
, or you can install a role directly from the Ansible Galaxy
role store by executing the command
ansible-galaxy install <name of role>
Here are some helpful
commands you might use from time to time:
ansible-galaxy list
displays a list of installed roles, with version numbers.
ansible-galaxy remove <role>
removes an installed role.
ansible-galaxy info
provides a variety of information about Ansible Galaxy.
ansible-galaxy init
can be used to create a role template suitable for submission
to Ansible Galaxy.
To create an Ansible role using Ansible Galaxy, we need to use the
command and its templates. Roles must be downloaded before they can be used in playbooks, and they are
placed into the default directory
. You can find role examples at
Create collections
While Ansible Galaxy has been the go-to tool for constructing and managing roles, with new
iterations of Ansible you are bound to see changes or additions. On Ansible version 2.8 you get the
new feature of
What are collections and why are they worth mentioning? As the Ansible documentation states:
Collections are a distribution format for Ansible content. They can be used to package and
distribute playbooks, roles, modules, and plugins.
command implements the following commands. Notably, a few of the
subcommands are the same as used with
creates a basic collection skeleton based on the default template included
with Ansible, or your own template.
creates a collection artifact that can be uploaded to Galaxy, or your own
publishes a built collection artifact to Galaxy.
installs one or more collections.
In order to determine what can go into a collection, a great resource can be found
Establish yourself as a stellar sysadmin with an automation solution that is simple, powerful,
agentless, and scales your infrastructure quickly and efficiently. Using Ansible Galaxy to create
roles is superb thinking, and an ideal way to be organized and thoughtful in managing your
ever-growing playbooks.
The only way to improve your automation skills is to work with a dedicated tool and prove the value
and positive impact of automation on your infrastructure.
Dell EMC OpenManage Ansible Modules provide customers the ability to automate the Out-of-Band configuration management, deployment
and updates for Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers using Ansible by leeveragin the management automation built into the iDRAC with Lifecycle
Controller. iDRAC provides both REST APIs based on DMTF RedFish industry standard and WS-Management (WS-MAN) for management automation
of PowerEdge Servers.
With OpenManage Ansible modules, you can do:
Server administration
Configure iDRAC's settings such as:
iDRAC Network Settings
SNMP and SNMP Alert Settings
Timezone and NTP Settings
System settings such as server topology
LC attributes such as CSIOR etc.
Perform User administration
BIOS and Boot Order configuration
RAID Configuration
OS Deployment
Firmware Updates
1.1 How OpenManage Ansible Modules work?
OpenManage Ansible modules extensively uses the Server Configuration Profile (SCP) for most of the configuration management, deployment
and update of PowerEdge Servers. Lifecycle Controller 2 version 1.4 and later adds support for SCP. A SCP contains all BIOS, iDRAC,
Lifecycle Controller, Network amd Storage settings of a PowerEdge server and can be applied to multiple servers, enabling rapid,
reliable and reproducible configuration.
A SCP operation can be performed using any of the following methods:
Export/Import to/from a remote network share via CIFS, NFS
Export/Import to/from a remote network share via HTTP, HTTPS (iDRAC firmware and above)
Export/Import to/from via local file streaming (iDRAC firmware and above)
NOTE : This BETA release of OpenManage Ansible Module supports only the first option listed above for SCP operations i.e. export/import
to/from a remote network share via CIFS or NFS. Future releases will support all the options for SCP operations.
Setting up a local mount point for a remote network share
Since OpenManage Ansible modules extensively uses SCP to automate and orchestrate configuration, deployment and update on PowerEdge
servers, you must locally mount the remote network share (CIFS or NFS) on the ansible server where you will be executing the playbook
or modules. Local mount point also should have read-write privileges in order for OpenManage Ansible modules to write a SCP file
to remote network share that will be imported by iDRAC.
You can use either of the following ways to setup a local mount point:
Use the mount command to mount a remote network share
# Mount a remote CIFS network share on the local ansible machine.
# In the below command, is the IP address of the CIFS file
# server (you can provide a hostname as well), Share is the directory that
# is being shared, and /mnt/CIFS is the location to mount the file system
# on the local ansible machine
sudo mount -t cifs \\\\\\Share -o username=user1,password=password,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0666 /mnt/CIFS
# Mount a remote NFS network share on the local ansible machine.
# In the below command, is the IP address of the NFS file
# server (you can provide a hostname as well), Share is the directory that
# is being exported, and /mnt/NFS is the location to mount the file system
# on the local ansible machine. Please note that NFS checks access
# permissions against user ids (UIDs). For granting the read-write
# privileges on the local mount point, the UID and GID of the user on your
# local ansible machine needs to match the UID and GID of the owner of the
# folder you are trying to access on the server. Other option for granting
# the rw privileges would be to use all_squash option.
sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/NFS -o rw,user,auto
Alternate and preferred way would be to use the /etc/fstab for mounting the remote network share. That way, you
won't have to mount the network share after a reboot and remember all the options. General syntax for mounting the network share
in /etc/fstab would be as follows:
We take our first glimpse at the Ansible
documentation on the official website. While Ansible can be overwhelming with so many
immediate options, let's break down what is presented to us here. Putting our attention on the
page's main pane, we are given five offerings from Ansible. This pane is a central location, or
one-stop-shop, to maneuver through the documentation for products like Ansible Tower, Ansible
Galaxy, and Ansible Lint: Image
We can even dive into Ansible Network for specific module documentation that extends the
power and ease of Ansible automation to network administrators. The focal point of the rest of
this article will be around Ansible Project, to give us a great starting point into our
automation journey:
Once we click the Ansible Documentation tile under the Ansible Project section, the first
action we should take is to ensure we are viewing the documentation's correct version. We can
get our current version of Ansible from our control node's command line by running
ansible --version . Armed with the version information provided by the output, we
can select the matching version in the site's upper-left-hand corner using the drop-down menu,
that by default says latest :
10 YAML tips for people who hate YAML
Do you hate YAML? These tips might ease your pain.
Posted June 10, 2019
Seth Kenlon
(Red Hat)
There are lots of formats for configuration files: a list of values, key and value pairs, INI files,
YAML, JSON, XML, and many more. Of these, YAML sometimes gets cited as a particularly difficult one to
handle for a few different reasons. While its ability to reflect hierarchical values is significant
and its minimalism can be refreshing to some, its Python-like reliance upon syntactic whitespace can
be frustrating.
However, the open source world is diverse and flexible enough that no one has to
suffer through abrasive technology, so if you hate YAML, here are 10 things you can (and should!) do
to make it tolerable. Starting with zero, as any sensible index should.
0. Make your editor do the work
Whatever text editor you use probably has plugins to make dealing with syntax easier. If you're not
using a YAML plugin for your editor, find one and install it. The effort you spend on finding a plugin
and configuring it as needed will pay off tenfold the very next time you edit YAML.
For example, the
editor comes with a YAML mode
by default, and while GNU Emacs ships with minimal support, you can add additional packages like
to help.
in YAML and whitespace mode.
If your favorite text editor lacks a YAML mode, you can address some of your grievances with small
configuration changes. For instance, the default text editor for the GNOME desktop, Gedit, doesn't
have a YAML mode available, but it does provide YAML syntax highlighting by default and features
configurable tab width:
tab width and type in Gedit.
With the
Gedit plugin package, you can make white space visible in the form of leading
dots, removing any question about levels of indentation.
Take some time to research your favorite text editor. Find out what the editor, or its community,
does to make YAML easier, and leverage those features in your work. You won't be sorry.
1. Use a linter
Ideally, programming languages and markup languages use predictable syntax. Computers tend to do
well with predictability, so the concept of a
was invented in 1978. If you're not using a linter for YAML, then it's time to adopt this 40-year-old
tradition and use
is as simple as telling it to check a file. Here's an example of
's response to a YAML file containing an error:
$ yamllint errorprone.yaml
23:10 error syntax error: mapping values are not allowed here
23:11 error trailing spaces (trailing-spaces)
That's not a time stamp on the left. It's the error's line and column number. You may or may not
understand what error it's talking about, but now you know the error's location. Taking a second look
at the location often makes the error's nature obvious. Success is eerily silent, so if you want
feedback based on the lint's success, you can add a conditional second command with a double-ampersand
). In a POSIX shell,
fails if a command returns anything
0, so upon success, your
command makes that clear. This tactic is somewhat
superficial, but some users prefer the assurance that the command did run correctly, rather than
failing silently. Here's an example:
$ yamllint perfect.yaml && echo "OK"
The reason
is so silent when it succeeds is that it returns 0 errors when
there are no errors.
2. Write in Python, not YAML
If you really hate YAML, stop writing in YAML, at least in the literal sense. You might be stuck
with YAML because that's the only format an application accepts, but if the only requirement is to end
up in YAML, then work in something else and then convert. Python, along with the excellent
library, makes this easy, and you have two
methods to choose from: self-conversion or scripted.
In the self-conversion method, your data files are also Python scripts that produce YAML. This
works best for small data sets. Just write your JSON data into a Python variable, prepend an
statement, and end the file with a simple three-line output statement.
import yaml
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
"SortAs": "SGML",
"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
"Acronym": "SGML",
"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
"GlossSee": "markup"
Run the file with Python to produce a file called
$ python3 ./example.json
$ cat output.yaml
Abbrev: ISO 8879:1986
Acronym: SGML
GlossSeeAlso: [GML, XML]
para: A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.
GlossSee: markup
GlossTerm: Standard Generalized Markup Language
SortAs: SGML
title: S
title: example glossary
This output is perfectly valid YAML, although
does issue a warning that the
file is not prefaced with
, which is something you can adjust either in the Python
script or manually.
Scripted conversion
In this method, you write in JSON and then run a Python conversion script to produce YAML. This
scales better than self-conversion, because it keeps the converter separate from the data.
Create a JSON file and save it as
. Here is an example from
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
"SortAs": "SGML",
"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
"Acronym": "SGML",
"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
"GlossSee": "markup"
Create a simple converter and save it as
. This script imports both the
YAML and JSON Python modules, loads a JSON file defined by the user, performs the conversion, and then
writes the data to
Save this script in your system path, and execute as needed:
$ ~/bin/ example.json
3. Parse early, parse often
Sometimes it helps to look at a problem from a different angle. If your problem is YAML, and you're
having a difficult time visualizing the data's relationships, you might find it useful to restructure
that data, temporarily, into something you're more familiar with.
If you're more comfortable with dictionary-style lists or JSON, for instance, you can convert YAML
to JSON in two commands using an interactive Python shell. Assume your YAML file is called
There are many other examples, and there are plenty of online converters and local parsers, so
don't hesitate to reformat data when it starts to look more like a laundry list than markup.
4. Read the spec
After I've been away from YAML for a while and find myself using it again, I go straight back to
to re-read the spec. If
you've never read the specification for YAML and you find YAML confusing, a glance at the spec may
provide the clarification you never knew you needed. The specification is surprisingly easy to read,
with the requirements for valid YAML spelled out with lots of examples in
chapter 6
5. Pseudo-config
Before I started writing my book,
Developing Games on the
Raspberry Pi
, Apress, 2019, the publisher asked me for an outline. You'd think an outline would be
easy. By definition, it's just the titles of chapters and sections, with no real content. And yet, out
of the 300 pages published, the hardest part to write was that initial outline.
YAML can be the same way. You may have a notion of the data you need to record, but that doesn't
mean you fully understand how it's all related. So before you sit down to write YAML, try doing a
pseudo-config instead.
A pseudo-config is like pseudo-code. You don't have to worry about structure or indentation,
parent-child relationships, inheritance, or nesting. You just create iterations of data in the way you
currently understand it inside your head.
Once you've got your pseudo-config down on paper, study it, and transform your results into valid
6. Resolve the spaces vs. tabs debate
OK, maybe you won't
resolve the
spaces-vs-tabs debate
but you should at least resolve the debate within your project or organization. Whether you resolve
this question with a post-process
script, text editor configuration, or a blood-oath
to respect your linter's results, anyone in your team who touches a YAML project must agree to use
spaces (in accordance with the YAML spec).
Any good text editor allows you to define a number of spaces instead of a tab character, so the
choice shouldn't negatively affect fans of the
Tabs and spaces are, as you probably know all too well, essentially invisible. And when something
is out of sight, it rarely comes to mind until the bitter end, when you've tested and eliminated all
of the "obvious" problems. An hour wasted to an errant tab or group of spaces is your signal to create
a policy to use one or the other, and then to develop a fail-safe check for compliance (such as a Git
hook to enforce linting).
7. Less is more (or more is less)
Some people like to write YAML to emphasize its structure. They indent vigorously to help
themselves visualize chunks of data. It's a sort of cheat to mimic markup languages that have explicit
For some users, this approach is a helpful way to lay out a YAML document, while other users miss
the structure for the void of seemingly gratuitous white space.
If you own and maintain a YAML document, then
get to define what "indentation" means.
If blocks of horizontal white space distract you, then use the minimal amount of white space required
by the YAML spec. For example, the same YAML from the Ansible documentation can be represented with
fewer indents without losing any of its validity or meaning:
I'm a big fan of repetition breeding familiarity, but sometimes repetition just breeds repeated
stupid mistakes. Luckily, a clever peasant woman experienced this very phenomenon back in 396 AD
(don't fact-check me), and invented the concept of the
If you find yourself making YAML document mistakes over and over, you can embed a recipe or
template in the YAML file as a commented section. When you're adding a section, copy the commented
recipe and overwrite the dummy data with your new real data. For example:
I'm a fan of YAML, generally, but sometimes YAML isn't the answer. If you're not locked into YAML
by the application you're using, then you might be better served by some other configuration format.
Sometimes config files outgrow themselves and are better refactored into simple Lua or Python scripts.
YAML is a great tool and is popular among users for its minimalism and simplicity, but it's not the
only tool in your kit. Sometimes it's best to part ways. One of the benefits of YAML is that parsing
libraries are common, so as long as you provide migration options, your users should be able to adapt
If YAML is a requirement, though, keep these tips in mind and conquer your YAML hatred once and for
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Enable SysAdmin
is an open source tool for software provisioning, application deployment, orchestration,
configuration, and administration. Its purpose is to help you automate your configuration processes
and simplify the administration of multiple systems. Thus, Ansible essentially pursues the same goals
as Puppet, Chef, or Saltstack.
What I like about Ansible is that it's flexible, lean, and easy to start with. In most use cases,
it keeps the job simple.
I chose to use Ansible back in 2016 because no agent has to be installed on the managed nodes -- a
node is what Ansible calls a managed remote system. All you need to start managing a remote system
with Ansible is SSH access to the system, and Python installed on it. Python is preinstalled on most
Linux systems, and I was already used to managing my hosts via SSH, so I was ready to start right
away. And if the day comes where I decide not to use Ansible anymore, I just have to delete my Ansible
controller machine (control node) and I'm good to go. There are no agents left on the managed nodes
that have to be removed.
Ansible offers two ways to control your nodes. The first one uses
These are simple ASCII files written in
Yet Another Markup Language (YAML)
, which is easy to read and write. And second, there are the
, which allow you to run a command or
without having to create a playbook first.
You organize the hosts you would like to manage and control in an
file, which offers flexible format options. For example, this could be an INI-like file
that looks like:
I would like to give you two small examples of how to use Ansible. I started with these really
simple tasks before I used Ansible to take control of more complex tasks in my infrastructure.
Ad-hoc: Check if Ansible can remote manage
a system
As you might recall from the beginning of this article, all you need to manage a remote host is SSH
access to it, and a working Python interpreter on it. To check if these requirements are fulfilled,
run the following ad-hoc command against a host from your inventory:
Playbook: Register a system and attach a
This example shows how to use a playbook to keep installed packages up to date. The playbook is an
ASCII text file which looks like this:
# Make sure all packages are up to date
- name: Update your system
- name: Make sure all packages are up to date
name: "*"
state: latest
Now, we are ready to run the playbook:
[jkastning@ansible]$ ansible-playbook yum_update.yml
PLAY [Update your system] **************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************
ok: []
TASK [Make sure all packages are up to date] *******************************************************
ok: []
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
Here everything is ok and there is nothing else to do. All installed packages are already the
latest version.
Today, Ansible saves me a lot of time and supports my day-to-day work tasks quite well. So what are
you waiting for? Try it, use it, and feel a bit more comfortable at work.
What to read next
10 YAML tips for people who hate YAML
Do you hate YAML? These tips might ease your pain.
June 10, 2019
Seth Kenlon
(Red Hat)
Getting started with Ansible
Get started
Jörg Kastning
Joerg is a sysadmin for over ten years now. He is a member of the Red Hat Accelerators and runs
his own blog at
about me
Related Content
tips for people who hate YAML
Do you hate YAML? These tips might ease your pain.
June 10, 2019
Seth Kenlon
(Red Hat)
The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or of Red Hat.
Red Hat and the Red Hat logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other
Objective Our goal is to build rpm packages with custom content, unifying scripts
across any number of systems, including versioning, deployment and undeployment. Operating
System and Software Versions
Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5
Software: rpm-build 4.11.3+
Requirements Privileged access to the system for install, normal access for build.
Difficulty MEDIUM Conventions
# - requires given linux commands to be executed with root
privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command
$ - given linux
commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user
Introduction One of the core feature of any Linux system is that they are built for
automation. If a task may need to be executed more than one time - even with some part of it
changing on next run - a sysadmin is provided with countless tools to automate it, from simple
shell scripts run by hand on demand (thus eliminating typo errors, or only save
some keyboard hits) to complex scripted systems where tasks run from cron at a
specified time, interacting with each other, working with the result of another script, maybe
controlled by a central management system etc.
While this freedom and rich toolset indeed adds to productivity, there is a catch: as a
sysadmin, you write a useful script on a system, which proves to be useful on another, so you
copy the script over. On a third system the script is useful too, but with minor modification -
maybe a new feature useful only that system, reachable with a new parameter. Generalization in
mind, you extend the script to provide the new feature, and complete the task it was written
for as well. Now you have two versions of the script, the first is on the first two system, the
second in on the third system.
You have 1024 computers running in the datacenter, and 256 of them will need some of the
functionality provided by that script. In time you will have 64 versions of the script all
over, every version doing its job. On the next system deployment you need a feature you recall
you coded at some version, but which? And on which systems are they?
On RPM based systems, such as Red Hat flavors, a sysadmin can take advantage of the package
manager to create order in the custom content, including simple shell scripts that may not
provide else but the tools the admin wrote for convenience.
In this tutorial we will build a custom rpm for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 containing two
bash scripts, and to provide a
way that all systems have the latest version of these scripts in the
/usr/local/sbin directory, and thus on the path of any user who logs in to the
Distributions, major and minor versions In general, the minor and major version of the
build machine should be the same as the systems the package is to be deployed, as well as the
distribution to ensure compatibility. If there are various versions of a given distribution, or
even different distributions with many versions in your environment (oh, joy!), you should set
up build machines for each. To cut the work short, you can just set up build environment for
each distribution and each major version, and have them on the lowest minor version existing in
your environment for the given major version. Of cause they don't need to be physical machines,
and only need to be running at build time, so you can use virtual machines or containers.
In this tutorial our work is much easier, we only deploy two scripts that have no
dependencies at all (except bash ), so we will build noarch packages
which stand for "not architecture dependent", we'll also not specify the distribution the
package is built for. This way we can install and upgrade them on any distribution that uses
rpm , and to any version - we only need to ensure that the build machine's
rpm-build package is on the oldest version in the environment. Setting up
building environment To build custom rpm packages, we need to install the
rpm-build package:
# yum install rpm-build
From now on, we do not useroot user, and for a good reason. Building
packages does not require root privilege, and you don't want to break your building
Building the first version of the package Let's create the directory structure needed
for building:
$ mkdir -p rpmbuild/SPECS
Our package is called admin-scripts, version 1.0. We create a specfile that
specifies the metadata, contents and tasks performed by the package. This is a simple text file we
can create with our favorite text editor, such as vi . The previously installed
rpmbuild package will fill your empty specfile with template data if you use
vi to create an empty one, but for this tutorial consider the specification below
called admin-scripts-1.0.spec :
Name: admin-scripts
Version: 1
Release: 0
Summary: FooBar Inc. IT dept. admin scripts
Packager: John Doe
Group: Application/Other
License: GPL
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Package installing latest version the admin scripts used by the IT dept.
%setup -q
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/sbin
cp scripts/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/sbin/
%dir /usr/local/sbin
* Wed Aug 1 2018 John Doe
- release 1.0 - initial release
Place the specfile in the rpmbuild/SPEC directory we created earlier.
We need the sources referenced in the specfile - in this case the two shell
scripts. Let's create the directory for the sources (called as the package name appended with
the main version):
As this tutorial is not about shell scripting, the contents of these scripts are irrelevant. As
we will create a new version of the package, and the is the script we
will demonstrate with, it's source in the first version is as below:
echo "news pulled"
exit 0
Do not forget to add the appropriate rights to the files in the source - in our case,
execution right:
We'll get some output about the build, and if anything goes wrong, errors will be shown (for
example, missing file or path). If all goes well, our new package will appear in the RPMS directory
generated by default under the rpmbuild directory (sorted into subdirectories by
$ ls rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/
We have created a simple yet fully functional rpm package. We can query it for all the
metadata we supplied earlier:
$ rpm -qpi rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/admin-scripts-1-0.noarch.rpm
Name : admin-scripts
Version : 1
Release : 0
Architecture: noarch
Install Date: (not installed)
Group : Application/Other
Size : 78
License : GPL
Signature : (none)
Source RPM : admin-scripts-1-0.src.rpm
Build Date : 2018. aug. 1., Wed, 13.27.34 CEST
Build Host :
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager : John Doe
Summary : FooBar Inc. IT dept. admin scripts
Description :
Package installing latest version the admin scripts used by the IT dept.
And of cause we can install it (with root privileges): Installing custom scripts with rpm
As we installed the scripts into a directory that is on every user's $PATH , you
can run them as any user in the system, from any directory:
news pulled
The package can be distributed as it is, and can be pushed into repositories available to any
number of systems. To do so is out of the scope of this tutorial - however, building another
version of the package is certainly not. Building another version of the package Our package
and the extremely useful scripts in it become popular in no time, considering they are reachable
anywhere with a simple yum install admin-scripts within the environment. There will be
soon many requests for some improvements - in this example, many votes come from happy users that
the should print another line on execution, this feature would save the
whole company. We need to build another version of the package, as we don't want to install another
script, but a new version of it with the same name and path, as the sysadmins in our organization
already rely on it heavily.
First we change the source of the in the SOURCES to something even
more complex:
echo "news pulled"
echo "another line printed"
exit 0
We need to recreate the tar.gz with the new source content - we can use the same filename as
the first time, as we don't change version, only release (and so the Source0 reference
will be still valid). Note that we delete the previous archive first:
cd rpmbuild/SOURCES/ && rm -f admin-scripts-1.tar.gz && tar -czf admin-scripts-1.tar.gz admin-scripts-1
Now we create another specfile with a higher release number:
We don't change much on the package itself, so we simply administrate the new version as
shown below:
Name: admin-scripts
Version: 1
Release: 1
Summary: FooBar Inc. IT dept. admin scripts
Packager: John Doe
Group: Application/Other
License: GPL
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Package installing latest version the admin scripts used by the IT dept.
%setup -q
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/sbin
cp scripts/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/sbin/
%dir /usr/local/sbin
* Wed Aug 22 2018 John Doe
- release 1.1 - v1.1 prints another line
* Wed Aug 1 2018 John Doe
- release 1.0 - initial release
All done, we can build another version of our package containing the updated script. Note that
we reference the specfile with the higher version as the source of the build:
If the build is successful, we now have two versions of the package under our RPMS directory:
ls rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/
admin-scripts-1-0.noarch.rpm admin-scripts-1-1.noarch.rpm
And now we can install the "advanced" script, or upgrade if it is already installed.
Upgrading custom scripts with rpm
And our sysadmins can see that the feature request is landed in this version:
rpm -q --changelog admin-scripts
* sze aug 22 2018 John Doe
- release 1.1 - v1.1 prints another line
* sze aug 01 2018 John Doe
- release 1.0 - initial release
We wrapped our custom content into versioned rpm packages. This means no
older versions left scattered across systems, everything is in it's place, on the version we
installed or upgraded to. RPM gives the ability to replace old stuff needed only in previous
versions, can add custom dependencies or
provide some tools or services our other packages rely on. With effort, we can pack nearly any of
our custom content into rpm packages, and distribute it across our environment, not only with ease,
but with consistency.
When performing the change process, metadata is used for analytical purposes. This may be in the
form of reports or a direct search in the database or the databases where metadata is maintained.
Trace information is often used-for instance, to determine in which configuration item changes are
required due to an event. Also information about variants or branches belonging to a configuration
item is used to determine if a change has effects in several places.
Finally metadata may be used to determine if a configuration item has other outstanding event
registrations, such as whether other changes are in the process of being implemented or are awaiting
a decision about implementation.
Consequence Analysis
When analyzing an event, you must consider the cost of implementing changes. This is not always
a simple matter. The following checklists, adapted from a list by Karl Wiegers, may help in analyzing
the effects of a proposed change. The lists are not exhaustive and are meant only as inspiration.
All requirements affected by or in conflict with the proposed change
The consequences of not introducing the proposed change
Possible adverse effects and other risks connected with implementation
How much of what has already been invested in the product will be lost if the proposed change
is implemented-or if it is not
Check if the proposed change
Has an effect on nonfunctional requirements, such as performance requirements (ISO 9126, a
standard for quality characteristics, defines six characteristics: functional, performance, availability,
usability, maintainability, and portability. The latter five are typically referred to as nonfunctional.)
May be introduced with known technology and available resources
Will cause unacceptable resource requirements in development or test
Will entail a higher unit price
Will affect marketing, production, services, or support
Follow-on effects may be additions, changes, or removals in
User interfaces or reports, internal or external interfaces, or data storage
Designed objects, source code, build scripts, include files
Test plans and test specifications
Help texts, user manuals, training material, or other user documentation
Project plan, quality plan, configuration management plan, and other plans
Other systems, applications, libraries, or hardware components
The configuration (or change) control board (CCB) is responsible for change control. A configuration
control board may consist of a single person, such as the author or developer when a document or
a piece of code is first written, or an agile team working in close contact with users and sponsors,
if work can be performed in an informal way without bureaucracy and heaps of paper. It may also-and
will typically, for most important configuration items-consist of a number of people, such as the
project manager, a customer representative, and the person responsible for quality assurance.
Process Descriptions
The methods, conventions, and procedures necessary for carrying out the activities in change control
may be
Description of the change control process structure
Procedures in the life cycles of events and changes
Convention(s) for forming different types of configuration control boards
Definition of responsibility for each type of configuration control board
Template(s) for event registration
Template(s) for change request
Connection with Other Activities
Change control is clearly delimited from other activities in configuration management, though
all activities may be implemented in the same tool in an automated system. Whether change control
is considered a configuration management activity may differ from company to company. Certainly it
is tightly coupled with project management, product management, and quality assurance, and in some
cases is considered part of quality assurance or test activities. Still, when defining and distributing
responsibilities, it's important to keep the boundaries clear, so change control is part of configuration
management and nothing else.
1–10 shows an example of a process diagram for change control. A number of processes are depicted
in the diagram as boxes with input and output sections (e.g., "Evaluation of event registration").
All these processes must be defined and, preferably, described. 1.5 Status Reporting
Status reporting makes available, in a useful and readable way, the information necessary to effectively
manage a product's development and maintenance. Other activity areas in configuration management
deliver the data foundation for status reporting, in the form of metadata and change control data.
Status reporting entails extraction, arrangement, and formation of these data according to demand.
1–11 shows how status reporting is influenced by its surroundings .
The result of status reporting is the generation of status report(s). Each company must define
the reports it should be possible to produce. This may be a release note, an item list (by status,
history, or composition), or a trace matrix. It should also be possible to extract ad hoc information
on the basis of a search in the available data.
Process Descriptions
The methods, conventions, and procedures necessary for the activities in status re-porting may
Procedure(s) for the production of available status reports
Procedure(s) for ad hoc extraction of information
Templates for status reports that the configuration management system should be able to produce
The librarian is responsible for ensuring that data for and information in status reports are
correct, even when reporting is fully automated. Users themselves should be able to extract as many
status reports as possible. Still, it may be necessary to involve a librarian, especially if metadata
and change data are spread over different media.
Connection with Other Activities
Status reporting depends on correct and sufficient data from other activity areas in configuration
management. It's important to understand what information should be available in status reports,
so it can be specified early on. It may be too late to get information in a status report if the
information was requested late in the project and wasn't collected. Status reports from the configuration
management system can be used within almost all process areas in a company. They may be an excellent
source of metrics for other process areas, such as helping to identify which items have had most
changes made to them, so these items can be the target of further testing or redesign. 1.6 False
Friends: Version Control and Baselines
The expression "false friends" is used in the world of languages. When learning a new language,
you may falsely think you know the meaning of a specific word, because you know the meaning of a
similar word in your own or a third language. For example, the expression faire exprs in French
means "to do something on purpose," and not, as you might expect, "to do something fast." There are
numerous examples of "false friends"-some may cause embarrassment, but most "just" cause confusion.
This section discusses the concepts of "version control" and "baseline." These terms are frequently
used when talking about configuration management, but there is no common and universal agreement
on their meaning. They may, therefore, easily become "false friends" if people in a company use them
with different meanings. The danger is even greater between a company and a subcontractor or customer,
where the possibility of cultural differences is greater than within a single company. It is hoped
that this section will help reduce misunderstandings.
Version Control
"Version control" can have any of the following meanings:
Configuration management as such
Configuration management of individual items, as opposed to configuration management of deliveries
Control of versions of an item (identification and storage of items) without the associated
change control (which is a part of configuration management)
Storage of intermediate results (backup of work carried out over a period of time for the
sole benefit of the producer)
It's common but inadvisable to use the terms "configuration management" and "version control"
indiscriminately. A company must make up its mind as to which meaning it will attach to "version
control" and define the term relative to the meaning of configuration management. The term "version
control" is not used in this book unless its meaning is clear from the context. Nor does the concept
exist in IEEE standards referred to in this book, which use "version" in the sense of "edition."
"Baseline" can have any of the following meanings:
An item approved and placed in storage in a controlled library
A delivery (a collection of items released for usage)
A configuration item, usually a delivery, connected to a specific milestone in a project
"Configuration item" as used in this book is similar to the first meaning of "baseline" in the
previous list. "Delivery" is used in this book in the sense of a collection of configuration items
(in itself a configuration item), whether or not such a delivery is associated with a milestone or
some other specific event-similar to either the second or third meaning in the list, depending on
The term "baseline" is not used in this book at all, since misconceptions could result from the
many senses in which it's used. Of course, nothing prevents a company from using the term "baseline,"
as long as the sense is clear to everyone involved.
1.Distro: RHEL/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu Linux
2.Jinja2: A modern and designer friendly templating language for Python.
3.PyYAML: A YAML parser and emitter for the Python programming language.
4.parmiko: Native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
5.httplib2: A comprehensive HTTP client library.
6.Most of the actions listed in this post are written with the assumption that they will be executed by the root user running the
bash or any other modern shell.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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