SUBJECT: CONTACTEE FILE: UFO2716 Message number 736 in "CONTACT" Date: 01-31-91 21:27 From: Howard Moreland To: All Subj: contactee I write this in the hope that if their is anyone who can a) RELATE TO MY EXPERIENCE, b) have possibly had the same or similar experience, c) can tell me something that I should know, can contact me in regards to my unique experience!!! Before I continue, I feel obligated to WARN you of the nature of my story and suggest you discontinue NOW if you do not wish to share the shock with me. I know you would not be reading this message now if you had not at least some fasination with this most unusual field. I do not wish to insult your intelligence with this introduction, it's just I BELIEVE ME and wish YOU would at least TAKE ME SERIOUSLY! Without further delay, here goes it as I know it: Presently, I am 26 years old. When I was only a child of 3 and 1/2 (I'm not sure if I was quite 4 at the time -- the reason being I remember my sister got a canipy on her bed when she was 7 and she is 3 years older than I am and when this happened she didn't have a canipy yet.) Anyhow, one night (I don't remember the events neither before nor after this night--just this horrible night) I was in bed yet to have fallen asleep when my sister screamed!! I could hear my dad taking a shower and my mother walking up the hall. (I wish to point out that I understood my dad to be in the shower because the water flow sounded like it does when someone disrupts the continuious stream of water while showering.) Also, the only people in the house were 4 persons. My mother, dad , sister, and myself. When my mother came up the hall I called her in to "take me with you mamma." I'm not sure wheather or not she carried me or I walked beside (or behind) her up the hall to my sister's bedroom. We entered the room where by this time my sister was in tears and quite frightened. She, without being asked, stated "IT came in my room, Mama, IT came in my room!" My mother then acted in a way that I was not familiar with. I mean, it seemed as if she didn't really care. Not in a way a mother does when she really doesn't care but more like she COULD NOT! It was like she was on medicine or something, which I know for fact she's never taken or had to take. You know, the kind that makes like a ZOMBIE?! But then my mom did show concern--of a type, kinda' wierd, like she was afraid but couldn't scream or tell it outloud. She looked at my sister and then acknowledged her in such a way as if she already knew what IT was! She said "I know, I know" in a low , somewhat like she was appoigetic about the whole thing. I mean, she cared but she couldn't do anything about it--THAT KIND OF STATE OF MIND. She - my mom - suggested we PRAY about IT. We got down on our knees while my sister remained seated upright in bed. Then my mom did it, she actually prayed. Not that she wasn't already religious but more like DID THIS SITUATION DESERVE PRAYER. My mom is the kind that only prays on two occasions, 1) to be superficial with all her plastic friends (no insult intended), 2) when there's a catastophy or something serious like that, you know the type. As she knelt there praying and ALSO afraid, I became aware of the fact that I too should be scared; and that something was in the hall! I COULD FEEL IT!! After she prayed for us, she got up and said everything'll be better if we could just get through this night. I still wondered later on for years why she said it that way--"IF WE CAN ONLY MAKE IT TILL MORNING." After she got up, she told my sister she was going to 'tuck me in'and my sister made like she wanted to go too. We went down the hall, back to my room; the whole time my dad in the shower. My mom carried us both--obviously we were little (now I'm a fat 250 ponder!!) As we continued only a second before turning into my room, IT happened!!! I saw IT! The funy thing was, I wasn't really that afraid. I now know it was because I was too young to KNOW I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED! However, I did know this was different. DIFFIRENT than anything I'd ever seen! To me - at that time - IT looked like a horses head (maybe more like a giraffe) on a mans body! Narrow chin but with a large head with big eyes spaced far apart. The eyes were particularly unusual as if they went on into darkness forever and ever -- like a face without a soul; absolutely free of emotion or liveliness. However, there was one character of emotion in those black pools -- the type of emotion you see on someone's face who has lost ALL hope!!--...the look that's one step beyond the emotion of despair and complete HOPELESSNESS. I felt a sense of sorrow for the THING. The whole thing looked so sad. It's not like I wanted to cry--at least not openly--but I knew this thing was whatever it is when something has been so heartbroken it dies on the inside yet still shows evidence of having once felt something. I don't know wheather me at 3 or 4 years of age was so insightful (sometimes little kids CAN pick up on things) or wheather or not this thing and I were in some sort of communication. I do feel, however, that this thing and I were somehow meant for each other--I mean, it felt like I was the whole reason IT was suposed to be here in the first place! My mother put me in bed and began to do the old ritual of 'bed tuckery' yet I paid my attentions ONLY to the door we'd just entered. I knew this thing was soon to follow. My guess was correct! The thing went by the door--I, and my sister, let it be known that we thought it was going to COME IN!!! Right there into the room. But it DID NOT! WHY?! It didn't even show the slightest hint of interest, almost as if IT were ignorant we were there in the room by the long hall way. I do believe it knew, afterall, it saw us turn into the room. Then, my concern shifted. IT was headed for my dad and mom's room. I was afraid for my dad. He was a large man and recently passed away to cancer. I always believed him to be powerful and potentially a theat to an attacker. But this thing was bigger than he was!!! (I am aware that most reports speak of 'tiny' aliens--almost cute. THIS WAS NOT!!! It was at least several inches taller than my dad when compared to the hall corridors--my dad stood 6'3''. After that, I must have instantly fell asleep. Or, what I remembered was removed. It wasn't till later that I awoke to find my nightlight off and sliding door half way opened. At one part, I felt as if I wasn't even in MY room. I do remember being in a doctor's office like room but somewhat stale and with things on the floor--things that looked like clothes made of plastic and, wierd as it seems, a wreath! I felt like getting up but wasn't sure if I should. This was my first experience with anxiety. I was worried at this point--things were so unfamiliar. Then, I was back in my own room. But I was not alone. It first stood in my doorway and then soon entered the room. WHY? WHY? WHY? I couldn't help but to wonder "WHY?" It then got too close. I didn't even have to make my legs jump me out of the bed! When I stood next to its waste level--my eyes to its waste. I didn't try to run at first, I'm not sure why. Maybe IT stalled me? Who knows what all this (these) thing(s) can do--could it have held me there with thought waves or some funky thing like that? Then, I did make my move. I got to the door entrance in a hurry! Surely it would chase me, I thought. But IT didn't--not at first. IT just looked at me all sad like. I felt like I could have been its friend at some point(s). Before I could like the thing, It came towards me. It seemed unbelievably fast--or maybe It walked slow but the shock caused me to lapse out for a brief moment and upon returning to sound consiousness it was really close to me. I then fled down the hall towards my mom and dad's room only to a locked shut door. On the way down it almost seemed as if I was pulled back by an unseen force. I banged and banged on the door as IT got closer and closer! Then the door was opened - my dad was there - it was a beautiful sight him being there and all. I felt as if he were SUPERMAN to the rescue! Some rescue. He actually asked me "WHAT'S THE MATTER?-WHAT'S THE MATTER?!?" As if he couldn't see this BIG thing right there. He attempted to hold me by the shoulders as if to shake me out of hysteria. I dropped to the floor and managed to slip through his legs and jumped in the bed with my mom. She told me "IT'S ALRIGHT" repeatedly. She also said it was 'DAWN'. I thought she meant the creatures name was DAWN. Only later did I realize she meant MORNING was either near or already on us. Then my dad spoke to the thing in a way that seemed as if the monster was someone he knew. He asked IT a question, maybe several--in fact, it seemed as if he and THE THING were in conversation. He turned to my mom and asked what some number plus some number was. Why was he suddenly interested in adding (or subtracting, multiply, etc.) numbers? My mother responded with a quick answer. Since when was she a MATHEMATICIAN!?!? My dad then appeared to have handed this thing something that looked like money. The thing took it and was no more! Later on in life I had dreams and many dreams; all of which growth was accompanied by severe parinoia and anxiety. I was even hospitalized! Doctors said I was Schiziphrenic but yet by ability to perform under extreme presure amazingly well contradicted such a label. I saw one doctor after another until on my fifth one, the most normal of the bunch, said "I DON'T THINK YOU'RE ANY WIERDER THAN ANYONE ELSE, JUST HIGHER STRUNG!" I had a host of problems from anxiety to paranoia, deppression too. Plus, I developed STRANGE ideas without explaination that had much signifigance. In some cases I predicted things that DID, IN FACT HAPPEN!!! Almost everyday to this day, I think of something or someone that within 24 hours to several days, rarely more, that in some way comes to pass. The most IMPORTANT information in my head NOW is this: By 1999 the world that WE know will change dramatically! The fact is "JESUS CHRIST HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THESE UFO's!!!" I didn't even know this thing was an alien until oneday I saw "COMMUNION" on a book disply and I shrieked and thought "there IT is, the BIG-horses-head-on-a-man's-body THING! Then it hit me! What I was looking at was an ALIEN--not a man with a horses head! Then I accepted the fact that it was an ALIEN ENCOUNTER I had had. I read Whitley's book and was SHOCKED to see I was NOT alone. This is why I am writing this for YOU now. In the hope that you can benifit in some way with my facts--to examine, disagree or agree--WHATEVER IT IS YOU'LL DO FROM HERE. I do believe in the "VISIONS" or rather put, INSIGHTS I'm having. Here they are: 1) JESUS CHRIST was a combination of both man and ALIEN. See the term "ELOHIM"! It means 'many of a life form'. The ELOHIM (the word for GOD in the BIBLE and other sources) was a group of many, often seen in past times, who -- though many -- acted synonomously acted as ONE BEING. It is even stated that Jesus was made in the form of sin that knew no sin! God (ELOHIM) made JESUS like a man in order to SAVE man; to allow US to become as THEY are! However, I must STOP here, NOW! ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************