Path:!msunews!!!utnut!torn!!!!magic!Monture_&_Wicks From: Monture_& (Monture & Wicks) Reply-To: Monture_& Newsgroups: Distribution: world Subject: The Talisman 1/7 Date: 05 Dec 1994 01:20:11 GMT Message-ID: <> Organization: Magic Online Services Toronto Inc. Lines: 74 This is my first posting in this forum ... I hope everyone likes my story. It contains shamanism, shape-shifting, pseudo-science, and a lot of speculation. I started writing it after Scully disappeared, and this represents the way I would have like to have seen the plot develop, but alas ... and because I like Mulder, he is the central focus of this story. Also please note that the Mohawk words used are phonetic representations, rendered as much as possible in an English format. I have included a phonetic key at the end of the story. There are also aspects of this story that are not (and I repeat not) in keeping with traditional Native American practices, so don't for one minute think that it represents any of those sacred ceremonies and rites. I have ultimately created my own intepretation of what may or may not happen, but among my people, there are still those who practice the craft of the "wadayoneras". I hope I have treated the idea of their art with the respect and reverence that it deserves. This story is based on the characters and situations created by Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and the Fox Broadcasting Company. No infringement of copyright is intended. The Talisman ... An X-Files Tale (1 of 7 parts) Prologue New York State, 50 miles west of Albany October 17, 1994 10:02 p.m. The strange light careened in front of the rain-streaked windshield, darting back and forth, coming forward and then bolting away again teasingly just at the edge of his vision. Mulder cursed under his breath, squinting through the heavy downpour, trying to keep one eye on the winding road, keeping the car away from the railings marking the Mohawk river valley beside him, and the other eye tracking the peculiar light. He was in deepest upstate New York, far away from the lights of the Big Apple and in a hilly, somehow desolate region of the country. The towns he had passed through were ancient, some of them having gone bust in the years when the Erie Canal was the major transportation artery, others full of historical plaques and markers, Colonial houses looking skeletal in the autumn rain. He had come here on the trail of what his sources at NICAP told him was a week of unprecedented activity in an area hitherto devoid of sightings. The folks at NICAP thought it was weird that such intense energy be expended in an area without the usual targets, such as a military base or a nuclear power facility, but Mulder knew better. He was carrying with him a classified document bearing the location of a secret base just west of Albany codenamed Arrowhead Peak. He kept on hand on the steering wheel and turned on the interior light, fumbling with a map that marked the base's location. Scully was still in hospital in Washington, her memory gone. She kept mumbling something about a secret base and five men, and could only whimper uselessly when pressed. Her fine mind seemed to have disintegrated, and Mulder hurt more than he believed was possible. He had vowed to find the parties responsible for her abduction and obvious brain injury. It had taken two nightmarish weeks of furtive investigation and running around in circles to get this far. Mr X would not help him. A fool's errand, he said. Let it go, he said. But Mulder couldn't let it go. And at last, Mr X gave him the map. It was the only lead he had. The maddening light that he had been following for the last five miles chose at that instant to flare at the edge of the car's hood. Mulder threw an instinctive arm to shield his eyes from the sudden explosion of light, brighter than any sun. The car lurched forward and he had only time to brace himself as the car left the rain-slicked pavement and plunged in the dark valley below. Part 1 of 7 ends