Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["8328" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:38:22" "-0500" "" "" nil "196" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: Received: from by SMTP (5.65a) id AA11416; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:45 -0500 Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:33:32 EST Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:38:22 EST Message-Id: <> X-Envelope-To: X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: To: Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:38:22 -0500 (EST) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc Path:!!scheetz From: (Christopher Scheetz) Subject: Star Trek The 1st Generation Pt 4 Message-ID: <> News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.4-b1 Sender: Organization: Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1992 02:09:00 GMT Star Trek The First Generation: The Adventures Of The USS Horizon Captain's Log April 11,2094 USS Horizon: Captain Stuart Mann We are about to land on the planet Callid. So far there has been no show of force(that I'm familiar with). The airship has gone on it's merry way. What are we about to see? We are the first Terrans to visit this world. What will their reaction to us be? "Captain welcome!", Deene Marter trumpeted as the away party came into the entrance hall. The interior of the mansion was lavishly decorated. An air of royalty was sensed by the Horizon's crew. Deene Marter stood on a raised platform from the hall floor. He was a portly humanoid, however, he held himself with regality and grace. He was flanked by two others. The two were equally stout. They seemed to be servants of the Deene. One held a lavishly ornate device with a wire that led to his ear. "Perhaps this is the interperter.",thought Bryce as he surveyed the room. "Thank you for inviting us sir.",was Stuart's reply. His own translator was working very quickly now. "Please join me for a bite to eat.", offered the Deene. He motioned their attention to doorway beyond the one he now occupied. The captain couldn't help but grin to himself as he saw the Deene and his entourage waddle away toward the other room. The away team quickly followed them into another ornate room. "Sit Captain, judging from your appearance you must be starving." The Captain's party sat down with the Deene. One of the servants backed away to the doorjam and stood. The interperter remained by the Deene's side. He bent and whispered to Deene Marter. Without hesitation Dr. Jacobs had her scanner out. As she scanned the food the captain turned to Deene Marter to explain her actions. "Please don't be offended she is merely checking to see if your food is toxic to us." Stuart waited as Marter's interperter whispered the translation in his ear. "You need not apologize Captain. I know that some races cannot injest our food. No need to worry.", Deene Marter assured the captain. "So, what planet did you say you were from again?", the Deene inquired. "Earth sir, but we represent a federation of planets.",the captain explained. "Oh a federation. How wonderful.",the Deene looked very interested. "The food is ok sir.", reported Dr. Jacobs. "Thank you doctor.",Stuart said. "According to the doctor your food is not toxic to us.",reported the captain to the Deene. "Wonderful. Then let's eat." The Deene quickly grabbed the leg of a baked animal and proceeded to devour it. The away team paused at the ferocity of Deene Marter's eating. The Captain, not wanting to be rude, followed suit. He immediately motioned the others to follow his example. Within a few seconds the table was in a frenzy of eating. After the meal the captain spoke."That was excellent. My compliments to the chef." "I'm pleased that you liked it.", was the Deene's reply. "I know that this may sound presumptuious of me but, I was hoping you may be able to help us.", said the captain. "Not at all my dear friend how may I be of assistance?" "During dinner you mentioned that you were in contact with several worlds through your trade. I was wondering if you or any of your associates may know where our planet is and how to get there from here." "I say are you lost?", asked Marter as a spark of intelligence radiated his brain. "Yes we slipped into a hole in space and here we are." "Oh I see. This is serious indeed. I will see to it immediately." "Thank you sir.",said Mann. "Yes quite. You do understand of course that I just can't do this without something in trade?" Stuart grinned as if he knew this was coming. "What exactly were you thinking of?",he asked. "Well, I am rather fond of that translator device of yours.", replied the Deene. "That sounds fair. I'll tell you what. I'll give you two translator units and plans to make more if you see about our getting home." "Yes I like that deal. I'll see to it. In the mean time please go and see our lovely city.", Marter suggested. "That sounds like an excellent suggestion.", agreed Stuart and he stood up. He held out his hand to the Deene. Deene Marter looked back questioning his action. "Is something wrong with your hand?", he asked. "No sir, this is how we seal a bargain on Earth.",he explained. "Oh I see.", said Deene Marter as he held out his hand parallel to Stuart's. Stuart grabbed the Deene's hand and shook it. "Oh yes I see now.",he said. "Go with Callid captain.", said the Deene as he motioned his servents to follow him. The away team followed them out of the dining room and out to the entrance hall. Science Officer's log April 11,2094 USS Horizon: LtCommander Peter Bryce The atmosphere of Callid is thick but not unbearable. The city itself is reminisant of the Roman Ruins, but, only slightly. It's hard to describe something you've never seen before. "Captain, a garden.", reported Ensign Richter. The party looked over to see it. It was a large garden in the center of the city square. The group decided to check it out. As they approached they saw statues surrounding the garden. The garden was lush green with yellow, blue and orange blossoms. The captain, however, was more interested in the statues. "They must be sculptures of the alien races the Callidans have traded with.", observed the captain. As he surveyed the statues he found something he never would have guessed he'd see. Something familiar. "Is this what I think it is?", asked the captain of anyone who would listen. "It can't be.",added Peter Bryce. "It looks like one to me.",offered Amanda. The statue was of a humanoid. He was tall and slender. He carried what looked like a rifle and a dagger strapped to his side. Under his feet were bones. His hair was neatly cut and he had pointed ears. "That can't be a Vulcan.",said Stuart,"They are scientists not warriors." "Regardless that would seem to be a Vulcan sir.",said Bryce. Before the Captain could ponder the notion his communicator beeped. He quickly retrieved it from his belt. "This is Captain Mann, what is it?", asked the Captain. "Sir this Is Commander Boeman. We are tracking three ships traveling at warp speed to this position." "That's not good. Raise the shields. We'll be back as soon as we warn the Deene. Mann Out." Stuart replaced the communicator on his belt. "You three get back to the shuttle and get it ready to go. I'll meet you as soon as I warn the Deene. Off you go.",ordered the captain. "Aye sir.", they said in unison and off they went. Stuart headed to the Mansion. When he arrived in the entrance hall noone was there. "Deene Marter!", he yelled. "What is it captain?", said Marter as he entered. "We are tracking several ships heading this way at high speed. I suggest you get up your defences." "NO no. They are only my friends rushing to your aid.",said the Deene in a unconvincing tone. "Oh,",said Stuart,"then I'd better get to my ship so I can greet them." "No you can have your meeting here. There is no reason to go back to your ship." Stuart for the second time saw something he recognized. This time in Deene Marter's face. It was the look of fear. "What are you afraid of?", inquired the Captain. "Afraid what are you talking about?",was the Deene's reply."I simply think your meeting would be better facilitated here!" "I've had it with your stalling Deene. Good bye.",said the Captain as he stormed out of the room. "Stop Him!",screamed the Deene. Before Mann could reach the door two armed figures moved in front of him. The Captain was so taken aback by what was standing in front of him he could only mutter one word. "Vulcans?" End of Part Four