Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["5637" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:38:08" "-0500" "" "" nil "113" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: Received: from by SMTP (5.65a) id AA11389; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:40 -0500 Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:33:24 EST Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:38:08 EST Message-Id: <> X-Envelope-To: X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: To: Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:38:08 -0500 (EST) Star Trek the First Generation: The Adventures of the USS Horizon Part 3 Captain's Log for April 11,2094 USS Horizon: Captain Stuart Mann Our sensors are currently tracking an object on a direct course to our position. Lieutennant Conroy is trying to hail the object in the hope that it may be a vessel that can assist us in determining our position. Lieutennant Conroy sat at her station. She wished that she would get a reply soon. "What if they can't translate our message?", she thought to herself. As if her console wanted to cheer her up, it crackled to life. She quickly tied in the translation programs and sighed in relief. "Captain!", she reported,"We are getting a reply from the unknown contact sir. Running translation programs now." Captain Mann turned to face Sandra. She couldn't help but notice the look of relief on his face. The look seemed to help her relax a little. "That's why he's the captain.", she thought to herself. Finally the translation was completed. "Captain, I have a translation.", she began,"They identify themselves as the Patrol Cruiser Tillar they ask us to maintain our current position and await their arrival." "Well, that's not an unreasonable request. Mister Coletti stand down the impulse engines and activate station keeping thrusters." With a quick "Aye sir" Coletti carried out the captain's orders. "Lieutennant Conroy send them a message that we will comply with their wishes and await their arrival.", captain Mann hesitated then added,"Also, tell them we mean them no harm." Commander Boeman looked at him quizzicly. "You can't be too careful.", answered the captain to his first officer's silent question. Sandra snapped to her task and sent the message. "This is what it's all about.", said Boeman. "Sir?", Lieutennant Coletti said. "The reason we're out here Joe. Seeking new life. New life has just asked us to hold our position. We don't even know what they will be like. Will they be humanoid? The possibilities are infinite. It's an exciting prospect.", Boeman replied. "Yes sir. I guess I just never thought about it that way.", Lieutennant Coletti looked to the viewport. He became excited to be one of the first to see the alien ship. "Captain, I have a sensor reading.",LtCommander Bryce began,"The ship is cylindrical with what appears to be an engine nacelle. I'm picking up readings indicative of fusion exhaust." "Fusion? Well, at least we know that we can out-run them if we have to.", Stuart surmized. Captain's Log Supplemental The alien vessel is only minutes away now. I can't help but get a lump in my throat. This is the first time an Earth vessel has made first contact. In the past it has been the aliens coming to us. "There it is sir!", Lieutennant Coletti reported. The half hour they waited seemed like a year. Captain Mann stood up from his chair hoping to get a better look at the ship approaching them. "Captain we are recieving another message. Translators running.", Lieutennant Conroy said as she cleared the lump in her own throat. Captain Mann grinned to himself happy that he wasn't the only one. "Message translated sir. They ask us to identify ourselves." "Run the "welcome speech" Lieutennant.",ordered the captain. Lieutennant Conroy sent the prepared greeting of the Federation. It was called the "welcome speech" because of it's length. With the captain's permission she edited it to a few sentences instead of the ten paragraphs of the original. Her version included the ship's name, it's origin, and it's peaceful intentions. "Message sent sir." "So it begins.",said the captain. They then waited as the alien vessel translated their message. Within ten minutes the reply came. Leiutennant Conroy had the response quickly. The computer now had a rudementary knowledge of the alien language. "They wish to welcome us to their planet sir. They say they are always happy to meet new friends. Their ship is the Tillar. They come from the planet Callid. They invite us to follow them to their planet.", Sandra looked at the captain. "Well, that's a friendly enough invitation. Tell them we accept.",the captain turned to Lieutennant Coletti. "Mister Coletti ready the impulse engines. Do not exceed the Callidan's speed. We don't want to tip our hat too soon. I still want to be ready if need be." "Aye sir.", answered Coletti as he set the ship engines. The Callidan ship moved slowly on it's way with the Horizon close behind. Captain's Log Supplemental The Callidan home world is not unlike Earth of the tewntieth century. It is a highly industrialized world. Their technology is seemingly behind ours. Perhaps a cultural exchange would be beneficial. Our sensors have given us the ok to shuttle down. Although the atmosphere is more dense then our own it is not unbreathable and Dr. Jacobs sees no reason why it should be toxic to humans. Myself, LtCommander Jacobs, LtCommander Bryce and Ensign Richter will be shuttling down. We have been invited by the "Prime Leader" of the planet ,Deene Marter, to a banquet in our honor. The shuttle slowly accelerated from the landing bay and made it's way through the planet's atmosphere where it was meet by a Callidan airship. Captain Mann watched out the window as Ensign Richter piloted the shuttle down. Stuart noticed that the shuttle was overtaking the airship. "We're all anxios to get there Ensign.", said Captain Mann without moving his head to face the Ensign. Ensign Richter understood the comment and decellerated. End of Part Three