Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["6297" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:37:54" "-0500" "" "" nil "128" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: Received: from by SMTP (5.65a) id AA11341; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:23 -0500 Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:33:07 EST Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:37:54 EST Message-Id: <> X-Envelope-To: X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: To: Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:37:54 -0500 (EST) Star Trek the 1st Generation: The Adventures of the USS Horizon Part Two Captain's Log for April 3,2094 USS Horizon:Captain Stuart Mann We have finally reached the outer perimeter of Federation space. With the final frontier ahead we say farewell to known space. Captain Mann sat in his chair waiting for something to happen. He realized that the chances of something happening the minute they left Federation territory were nonexistant at best. Regardless, he wished something would happen. "Be careful what you wish for Captain,", he thought to himself,"you may just get it." LtCommander Kosygin was standing in sickbay admiring the work his engineering crew had done on the new accessway to the examination room. "Now that's more like it!", exclaimed Doctor Jacobs as she entered the examination room. Serge faced her. "I take it you're pleased with it then?", he asked with a tone of pride in his voice. "Pleased? I'm ecstatic! It only took you guys four days to do it. Is that how long it takes to knock a hole in the wall these days?", Amanda asked with a hint of sarcasm. "A hole in the wall!?", Serge thundered. "I'll have you know that we had to re-route seven power conduits and two coolant tubes to make room for that "hole in the wall"!" Serge's temper soared like a fighter jet. Quickly deciding that she did not want to explain to the captain why his chief engineer had a cardiac arrest while in sickbay Amanda decided to surrender before she got slugged. "You're right of course. I shouldn't have been rude about it.", she offered. Suprised at his quick victory all Serge could say was "That's right.". Before he could offer his own apology the ship shook violently. As the alert klaxon sounded LtCommander Kosygin was off. His destination: the lift to engineering. He was concerned about what happened, but, was more concerned about how the ship handled it's first "turbulance". On the bridge the captain straightened up in his chair. After a visual survey of the bridge he concluded that the bridge crew were o.k. "Damage report.", the captain ordered on complete reflex. "Reports coming in now sir.", Lieutennant Conroy answered. Captain Mann waited for the reports. Commander Boeman made his way to the sensor station where he met with the science officer. "What happened Pete?", Boeman asked ignoring protocol. LtCommander Bryce glanced over to him. "I'm still scanning sir, but, from what I'm getting it's safe to say that we're not in Kansas anymore." As he turned to report all he could think about was his log entry reference to this being a 'hell of a trip'. Captain's Log for April 4,2094 USS Horizon: Captain Stuart Mann Well, we started this trip off with a bang. According to our science officer we have traveled through a hole in space. He is still studing the sensor reports and will hopefully be able to tell us where we are. Lieutennant Conroy continues to hail Starfleet Command with no success. So far that is our best hope of determining our position. How far away are we. Our chief engineer is busy repairing damage sustained to the ship's warp engines. Fortunately the damage is minimal and he should be available for the staff meeting we are about to start. If nothing else the ship is still spaceworthy. The question that remains is where do we go from here? The conference room of the USS Horizon was silent. The officers sat motionless not wanting to be the first to speak. After a few moments the captain entered. "O.k. Mister Bryce, what happened?", Captain Mann asked as he took his seat at the head of the conference table. Everyone's attention focused on Peter Bryce. Bryce, feeling the pressure, turned to the captain. The Horizon has traveled through a "tunnel" or "wormhole" in space.", Bryce paused to allow for any reaction. The other officers sat silently. "As for our position? I just don't know. The sensors are not capable of determining position if we are out of known space. As you all know it's our job to chart the surrounding stars so other ships could navigate. I'm afraid that there are no "familiar" stars within sensor range. The only thing I can tell you conclusively is that we are lost." Bryce lowered his head feeling that he had let everyone down. "We're all in this together.", the captain said as he sensed his science officer's feelings. Captain Mann then tapped the intercom button for the bridge. "Lieutennant Conroy, any response from Starfleet?", he asked then waited for a reply. "No sir, nothing yet.", Sandra answered. "We may be a few com-days away from Starfleet sir." "No doubt.", the captain said, hoping that it may boost the morale a little that he hadn't given up. "Well, we can't just sit here until we get a response. Unless I hear any objections I think we should continue with our mission." The captain waited for a vote in the negative. Not one of the officers spoke against the idea. "I'll take that as an affirmative then." Captain Mann tapped the intercom button for engineering. "Mister Kosygin, are we ready to move?", Stuart inquired of the chief engineer. "Da captain, we are 100% operational. We await only your order.",Serge said as his russian voice reverbated through the ship's intercom system. "Very well. LtCommander Kosygin, prepare to go to impulse speed." "Da captain.", answered Serge and the intercom went silent. "Lieutennant Coletti, full impulse.", ordered captain Mann as he entered the bridge. "Heading sir?", Coletti asked out of habit then immediately regretted it. Joe turned to the captain and was about to apologize but the captain cut him off. "Just go Lieutennant.", the captain answered with a grin. Lieutennant Coletti smiled in response the returned his attention to the control board in front of him. "Full impulse, aye.",said Lieutennant Coletti as he looked out the viewport. Captain's Log Supplemental We have decided to continue our mission. We are hopeful, no, confident that we will get a response from Starfleet soon. Of the crew I can say this: I have never served with such a brave group of people. I only hope their faith is rewarded and we will some day find our way home. End Of Part Two