Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["6942" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:37:32" "-0500" "" "" nil "158" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: Received: from by SMTP (5.65a) id AA11273; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:03 -0500 Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:32:46 EST Received: from by (PMDF #2529 ) id <>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:37:32 EST Message-Id: <> X-Envelope-To: X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: To: Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:37:32 -0500 (EST) Hi Netters, Ever wonder how the UFP worked before the Prime Directive was implemented? Well, I'm in the process of writing a story about the pre-Directive explorers in the Star Trek universe. This Story takes place before James Kirk and his merry band of space explorers were ever born. So join me won't you as we travel the galaxy aboard the USS Horizon(Mentioned in TOS "A Piece Of The Action"). I hope you enjoy. STAR TREK THE FIRST GENERATION: THE ADVENTURES OF THE USS HORIZON CHARACTERS: CAPTAIN STUART MANN COMMANDER ROGER BOEMAN(FIRST OFFICER) LTCOMMANDER PETER BRYCE(SCIENCE OFFICER) LTCOMMANDER AMANDA JACOBS(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER) LTCOMMANDER SERGE KOSYGIN(CHIEF ENGINEER) LIEUTENNANT SANDRA CONROY(COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER) LIEUTENNANT JOSEPH COLETTI(NAVIGATION) ENSIGN HEINRICH RICHTER ENSIGN ANNA MCKAY ENSIGN AKIRA OKIYAMA ENSIGN ROBERT JENSEN ENSIGN WILLIAM DAVIS AND 212 CREWMEN AND WOMEN(TO BE NAMED LATER) PART ONE: Stuart Mann took a deep breath as he stepped onto the bridge. He had done it several times before without hesitation. This time, however, was different. This time they were setting course for the vast unknown. Stuart sat in the command chair and stared out the viewport. He felt like he should memorize the position of each star. Like taking a final look at someone you wouldn't be seeing for a long time. Captain Mann reached for his log recorder and proceeded to make an entry. CAPTAINS LOG FOR MARCH 30,2094 USS HORIZON THE HORIZON HAS COMPLETED IT'S PRE-LAUNCH TESTS WITH FLYING COLORS AND WE ARE FINALLY READY TO GET UNDERWAY. THE REASON FOR THIS SHIP'S CONSTRUCTION IS AT HAND. AS I SIT HERE ON THE BRIDGE I WONDER WHAT WE'LL FIND OUT THERE. WE HAVE MET MANY ALIEN LIFE FORMS ALREADY WITHOUT EVEN MAKING A CONSCIOUS EFFORT. NOW, WE'LL ACTUALLY BE SEARCHING FOR THEM AND NOT ACCIDENTALLY STUMBLING ON TO THEM. I WOULD BE LYING THROUGH MY TEETH IF I SAID I WASN'T EXCITED AT THE POSSIBILITIES. OUR RACE HAS SEEN SO MANY WONDERFUL AND FRIGHTENING THINGS ALREADY. WHAT ELSE IS WAITING IN THE VOID AHEAD? MABYE I SHOULD GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD AND FIND OUT INSTEAD OF SPENDING THE NEXT THREE YEARS SITTING HERE CONTEMPLATING THE FUTURE. Captain Mann replaced the log recorder and activated the intercom. "Mister Kosygin, are we ready to go?", Mann asked waiting for a reply from his chief engineer. "Da captain, we are.", LtCommander Kosygin answered with a thick Russian accent. "Very well.",said the Captain for the sake of answering. "Mister Coletti, is the course laid in?",the Captain inquired of his chief navigator. "Aye sir, course set.", replied Lieutennant Coletti. "Good. Engage warp engines and take us to warp one.", commanded Captain Mann. Lieutennant Coletti immediately adjusted the controls and the starfield ahead of them began to expand. "Warp one achieved.", Coletti reported as the velocity indicator confirmed his statement. The Captain allowed himself a brief strech as he sat back in his chair. The mission everyone had been waiting for had finally begun. Coletti breathed a sigh of relief as he admired the view form his position. He always enjoyed his position as navigator. Sitting in the front of the bridge he felt he had the best seats in the house. As everyone settled into their respective seats LtCommander Bryce decided to look over his own log entry. SCIENCE OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30,2094 USS HORIZON THE NEW SENSOR ARRAY OF THE HORIZON IS AMAZING. WE NOW HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF SCANNING ENTIRE PLANETS AND DETERMINING WHETHER THEY CAN SUPPORT HUMAN LIFE. WE NO LONGER HAVE TO SEND DOWN A PROBE TO TAKE SAMPLES. WE CAN ALSO DETECT LIFE FORMS BEFORE SHUTTLING DOWN. IF NOTHING ELSE THESE SENSORS WILL DEFINITELY MAKE MY JOB EASIER. Satisfied with the entry Bryce logged it into his log recorder. Although it would be easier to log in by voice Bryce always perferred typing it in. This way, he thought, he could smooth out the report and make it look more professional. "Lieutennant Conroy, give me ship-wide intercom please.", Mann ordered as he straightened his uniform. Sandra Conroy quickly manipulated the controls and reported,"channel open sir." "Attention crew, this is Captain Mann. I just want you all to know that your work in preparing for this mission has been exemplary. I can only ask that you continue that fine work for the remainder of our mission. I can't tell you what lies ahead, however, I am confident in your abilities as Starfleet personnel. I know that whatever we face we will not be un-prepared. Again I thank you all for your efforts and I pray for our safety as we enter the unknown. That is all.", said Captain Mann as he motioned to Sandra to cut the channel off. Lieutennant Conroy quickly responded to his silent order. CHIEF ENGINEERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON THE CAPTAIN HAS JUST ORDERED US TO WARP ONE. THE ENGINES ARE PERFORMING WIHTOUT SO MUCH AS A WIMPER. I AM SURE THEY WILL SERVE US WELL OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS AND BEYOND. THE INTRODUCTION OF AN AUXILLIARY DRIVE (THE IMPULSE ENGINE) IS DEFINITELY AN INTERESTING DESIGN CONCEPT. ONE I HOPE WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO ALL FUTURE VESSELS. WITH ALL THE INNOVATIONS YOU WOULD THINK WE'D HAVE A DECENT GALLEY. I GUESS THAT'S SOMETHING I'LL HAVE TO LIVE WITH FOR NOW. CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON I AM NOT PARTICULARLY OVERJOYED WITH THE LAYOUT OF THIS SICKBAY. IN MY PERSONAL OPINION THE SIZE OF THE SICKBAY IS INADEQUATE. NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT IT'S COMPLETELY CUT OFF FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM. NO DOUBT A DOCTOR HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DESIGN OF THIS SHIP. I MUST SPEAK WITH THE CHIEF ENGINEER AND SEE IF SOMETHING CAN BE DONE TO RECTIFY THIS FIASCO. FIRST OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON I'VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS MISSION EVER SINCE I WAS ASSIGNED TO THIS SHIP. IMAGINE ME, FIRST OFFICER ABOARD THE FLAGSHIP OF THE FLEET! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT WHEN I SAW MY NAME ON THE CREW MANIFEST. I HAVE A FEELING THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A TRIP. COMMUNICATION OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON THE WARP RADIO SYSTEM RECENTLY INSTALLED ABOARD THE HORIZON IS INDEED A GREAT INNOVATION. WE WILL NO LONGER HAVE TO DROP RELAY BOUYS ALONG OUR FLIGHT PATH TO MAINTAIN COMMUNICATION. I LOVE THIS POSITION ESPECIALLY REGARDING OUR CURRENT MISSION. JUST THE THOUGHT THAT I WILL BE ONE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE AN ALIEN RACE WILL HEAR. IT'S JUST PLAIN EXCITING! NAVIGATORS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON THE CONTROL CONSOLE FOR THE HORIZON'S NAVIGATION SYSTEM IS VERY WELL LAID OUT. I DO, HOWEVER, THINK IT'S A LITTLE MUCH FOR ONE OPERATOR TO H HANDLE. I MAY BRING THIS UP TO THE CAPTAIN AND SEE WHAT HE THINKS. The Horizon moved out into space. It's crew awed at the prospect of traveling where no man has gone before. END OF PART ONE