From: (Mark A. Holtz) Newsgroups: Subject: Star Trek Movies List of Lists (January 2, 1992) Date: 8 Jan 92 23:27:29 GMT Reply-To: Followup-To: rec.arts.startrek.misc Organization: Sacramento Public Access Unix Star Trek Movie Lists of Lists compiled by Mark Holtz (Revised January 2, 1992) DISCLAIMER: "Star Trek", "Enterprise", and all other related items are copyright and trademarks of Paramount Communications. Any infringement of these lists on Paramount's legitimate copyright and trademarks are purely unintentional, and will be corrected upon proper notification. These lists are for the enjoyment of the reader only, and may not be sold. This is the Star Trek Movie Lists of Lists. It contains a listing of all the "Star Trek" movie series, plus some added notes. This list comes out around the 1st every month. However, a posting may not come out due to events beyond my control. If you are wondering why I compile these lists, it is strictly out of the enjoyment of "Star Trek", and enjoy a wealth of information from other people who post on the electronic networks. After being irritated by the ever constant requests for episode lists on Usenet, I decided that, in the middle of 1990, to post a list of episodes on a regular basis. It soon grew from that, and, with the contributions of other people, these lists grew to what you see today. (And still growing). The only payment I ask is thanks and contributions, I am not making a dime off these compilations. Special Requests for Lists: This list is NOT available from the author at sactoh0. However, FTP sites and a mail server are currently being set up to handle requests. NOTE: This is the first editiion, and many changes still have to be made. Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Star Trek: The Motion Picture Additional Cast Starfleet Klingons Did You Know . . . Operation SNAFU Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Additional Cast Did You Know . . . Operation SNAFU Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Did You Know . . . Operation SNAFU Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Operation SNAFU Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Thanks to..... Wesley Eugene Roddenberry {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{ Star Trek: The Motion Picture Movie Opened: December 7, 1979 Stardate: 7412.3 Additional Cast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starfleet -=======- Majel Barrett-Roddenberry - Doctor Christine Chapel Michelle Ameen Billy - Epsilon Monitoring Station Lieutenant Roger Aaron Brown - Epsilon Monitoring Station Technician Paula Crist - Crewman Steven Collins - Captain Willard Decker Gary Faga - Airlock Technician David Gatreaux - Commander Branch John D. Gowans - Transporter Assistant Doug Hale - Computer Leslie C. Howard - Crewman Sayra Hummel - Engineer Howard Itzkowitz - Cargo Deck Ensign Junero Jennings - Engineer Jon Kamael - Lieutenant Commander Sonak Persis Khambatta - Lieutenant Ilia Marcy Lafferty - Relief Navigator Chief DeFalco Terrance O'Connor - Chief Ross Michael Roygas - Lieutenant Cleary Susan J. Sullivan - Crewman Grace Lee Whitney - Transporter Chief Janice Rand Billy van Zandt - Alien Ensign Bridge Crewman: Ralph Brennan, Ralph Byers, Iva Lane, Franklyn Seales, Momo Yashima Security Officer - John Dresden, Joshua Gallegos, Rod Perry Vulcan Master: Edna Gover, Norman Stuart, Paul Weber Klingons -======- Mark Lenard - Klingon Captain Klingon Crewmen: Jimmie Booth, Joel Kramer, Bill McTosh, Dave Mordigan, Tom Morga, Tony Rocco, Joel Schultz, Craig Thomas Did you know . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . That many of the sets constructed for this movie have been re-used and re-dressed for the subsequent films and has been used (albiet painted over) on Star Trek: The Next Generation. . . . The initial set construction was originally supposed to be for a new series that was going to be a flagship of a proposed Paramount 4th network titled "Star Trek II"? . . . The recreation deck briefing consisted of mostly Star Trek fans. Word leaked out that they needed a lot of extras for a day of shooting, and many fans showed up, on word of mouth alone, for this day of shooting. A casting call was never issued. Operation SNAFU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * During the climatic scene outside of the Enterprise (inside of V'ger), Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are all wearing jackets with a colored band on the sleve. Just after they re-enter the Enterprise and are back on the bridge, the colors on Spock's and McCoy's jackets are switched. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Movie Opened: June 4, 1982 Stardate: 8130.3 Additional Cast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristie Alley - Lieutenany Saavik Bibi Besch - Doctor Carol Marcus Merritt Butrick - Doctor David Marcus Ike Eisenmann - Cadet Peter Preston Nicholas Guest - Cadet Paul Kent - Beach Joel Marstan - Crew Chief Ricardo Montalban - Khan Noonian Singh Judson Scott - Joachim Kevin Sullivan - March Russell Takaki - Madison John Vargas - Jedda Paul Winfield - Captain Clark Terrell John Winston - Transporter Chief Lieutenant Kyle Did you know . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . that all of the actors who played Khan's men were, at the time, male strippers of Chippindales? Operation SNAFU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * One of the best known SNAFU's is when Khan says to Chekov, "I never forget a face". "Space Seed" aired during the first seasion of Star Trek, and Chekov joined the crew during the second season. It was known before production started that this was an error, and yet, the powers that be did not want to leave out Walter Koenig. * The blood stain on Kirk's jacket is constantly changing. * When one of Khan's injured men is injured and says, "Yours is superior", he then dies with his eyes open. However, when Khan hugs him, his eyes suddenly close. (:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(:)(: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Movie Opened: June 1, 1984 Stardate: 8210.06 Additional Cast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Philip Richard Allen - Captain J. T. Esteban Dame Judith Anderson - T'Lar Judith Anderson - Vulcan High Priestess Merritt Butrick - Doctor David Marcus Katherine Blum - Vulcan Child Dave Cadiente - Klingon Sergeant Bob Cummings - Klingon Gunner Robin Curtis - Lieutenant Saavik Joe W. Davis - Spock Gary Faga - Security Officer Miguel Ferrer - Excelsior First Officer Conroy Gedeon - Starfleet Security Agent Robert Hooks - Admiral (Commander) Morrow John Larroquette - Maltz Mark Lenard - Ambassador Sarek Stephen Liska - Torg Christopher Lloyd - Krudge Stephen Manley - Spock Mario Marcelino - Grissom Communications Officer Scott McGinnis - Starbase Communication Officer Allan Miller - Alien Captain Jeanne Mori - Grissom Helmsman Phil Morris - Crewman Trainee Foster Vadia Potenza - Spock Branscombe Richmond - Klingon Gunner Douglas Alan Shanklin - Security Officer Cathie Shirriff - Valkris James B. Sikking - Captain Styles Paul Sorensen - Merchent Captain Carl Steven - Spock Grace Lee Whitney - Transporter Chief Janice Rand -><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> "The cast and crew of Star Trek wish to dedicate this film to the men and women of the spaceship Challenger, whose courageous spirit shall live to the 23rd century and beyond. . . ." Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Movie Opened: Stardate 8390: Kirk notes in his log entry that they are beginning their third month of exile on Vulcan. This means that this film takes place two months after the end of Star Trek III. Did you know . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . In the scene where Uhura and Chekov are looking for the nuclear vessels, a woman passes by and says "Across the bay, in Alameda." The scene was originally written with noone responding, and the woman was just passing by, unaware of any shooting that was going in. They had to track her down to get her release on the film, and she just asked for a day's pay. . . . Part of the reason whales were featured in this film was because both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are members of the "Save The Whales" organization. Operation SNAFU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * In the dinner scene between Kirk and Gillian, the candle in the middle of the table is constantly changing position. \|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\|/|\ Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Movie Opened: Did You Know . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . That the shuttlebay in Star Trek V is the repainted royal throneroom >from Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America." . . . Industrial Light and Magic was unable to do the special effects work for Star Trek V because they were overloaded with the effects work for RCA/Columbia's "Ghostbusters II" and Paramount's "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." A stock shot from Star Trek IV was used in Star Trek V, and thus, ILM has to receive credit. Operation SNAFU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * In the opening sequence, when Kirk falls off the cliff, Spock catches him before he crashes into the ground. Right after he's caught, take a close look at his shirt. One part of it is puffed out where wires are attached to keep Shatner from swaying back and forth. * Starfleet Headquarters is in the same time zone as Yosemite, when Kirk, Spock and McCoy leave Yosemite, it's dark, yes, when they are aboard the Enterprise talking to "Bob" from Starfleet, it's daytime in the background. * When Kirk, Spock, and McCoy shoot up the accesway aboard the Enterprise while escaping Sybok's men, watch the deck numbering. They pass by deck 52 twice. [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][= "For Gene Roddenberry" Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Movie Opened: December 6, 1991 TNG Sets ~~~~~~~~ - Look closely at the warp engines in Engineering. Straight out of TNG. - Also, look at the presidents office. Where the view screen is where a certain bar is located. Also, look at the windows. The president's office is Ten-Forward. Operation Snafu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Klingons on the bird of prey have purple blood, but the Klingon at the end has red blood, which is seen on the spike on his shoulder. (UV) - The closing credits have Uhura listed as "Uhuru". Oops, althouhg Uhuru is the proper Swahili spelling for "Freedom". @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ Thanks to . . . William James Cuffe, Murry Chapman, Richard F. Drushel, Allan Finkas, J. Scott Hofmann, Jon Jerome, Michael Kaufman, Paul Maserang, Robert Timlin #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=# Wesley Eugene "Gene" Roddenberry August 19, 1921 - October 24, 1991 He created a legend which continues on today, creating a show that has helped beleive that there was a future worth living for. He showed us that space is not just for space battles, but for learning new ideas and ways of thinking, and, indirectly, has done more for civil rights and the space program than Martin Luther King, Jr. and John F. Kennedy. Gene will be missed, but will not be forgotten. -- A man, trapped in the past, facing <:> UUCP: PacBell.COM! -> mholtz!sactoh0 mirror images that are not his own... <:> ucbvax!csusac! / QUANTUM LEAP! Wednesdays at 10 on NBC <:> (9p Central/Mountain/Sacramento, CA) <:> Internet: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith - the official scapegoat for r.a.s.i. Email submissions to, and questions to