Return-Path: Received: from CHEM.BU.EDU by SMTP (5.65a) id AA23173; Wed, 24 Jun 92 17:13:48 -0500 Received: from BUCHMF.BU.EDU by (5.61+++/JLK-1.5) id AA19159; Wed, 24 Jun 92 18:13:39 -0400 Received: by (5.61+++/Spike-2.1) id AA07628; Wed, 24 Jun 92 18:14:05 -0400 Message-Id: <108240967662381EMU0000@buchmf> From: (shimkevi) To: Subject: Grey Stars Data File Date: Wed Jun 24 18:14 EDT 1992 1. The Bridge of the U.S.S. Resilient: (and some observations on it) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turbolift door ______________________ 6 7 ________ | | | - 1 | |______| _______ _______ \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ 3 4 / / 2 \ --------| |-------- / 5 \ | | / \ ______| |______ / / / \ \ /_____/ \_____\ ==================== Main viewscreen 1 - Captain's chair 2 - Science Officer Station 3 - Helm 4 - Navigation 5 - First Officer Station (communication and weapons systems) 6,7 - Auxilliary stations (usually not manned) The reasons for placing bridge consoles in certain places have always been mostly psychological. It is still a tradition that a helmsman and a navigator should be facing the main viewscreen and, as we can see, it was still observed in the bridge design for the Resilient. The first officer, unlike the Enterprise-D, has his own station and a rather heavy share of workload, which stems from the fact that the Surya-class starships have a much smaller crew as compared to the Galaxy class (it is worthwhile to remember that Spock, the first officer on board the original Enterprise, also doubled as a Science Officer). Regardless of that, this bridge still has more in common with the Enterprise-D bridge than with the original Enterprise bridge. In the times of James T. Kirk, the general design philosophy was that the captain should oversee the work of the bridge personnel, thus all the stations were on the perimeter so that the captain could (in theory) observe each display from his (or her...) chair. However, this was rarely the case due to two reasons: the distance was still too great to pay attention to any details, besides, the personnel manning those stations were more qualified in their respective fields, anyway. Besides being rather ineffective, that particular bridge design had another drawback, mostly psychological. It is a conditioned reflex for all military personnel (OK, para-military) to face the captain if addressed. As the bridge was designed in the TOS, Spock and Uhura had to turn around every time Kirk asked them a question (Uhura, in fact, was always sitting half-turned), which clearly reduced efficiency and created a conflict of interest (of a kind). In contrast, the TNG bridge has most of its workstations in the back, which are usually manned by people excluded from the decision-making process and, therefore, rarely addressed by the captain. Those, whose opinions count (First Officer and Counselor) are seated next to the captain. True, there is an exception: when Data mans (androids?) the navigation, he often turns around to talk to the captain, but then again, Data is probably the only navigator/helmsman in Starfleet whose opinions count. Now, on the Resilient, the first officer and the science officer are important in the decision-making process. Both, however, have a large workload to take care of as well. Therefore, they are seated at large consoles AND facing the captain. The only drawback is that they cannot see the main viewscreen, but that's not really necessary for the kind of work they do. There is a small screen in each of their consoles, anyway. 2. The Dropship. As it always is with military technology, a breakthrough in one field leads to the development of techniques designed to counter it. A transporter is no exception: widely available (on the black market, that is) and relatively inexpensive jamming equipment makes it impossible to use the transporter in most SWAT operations. Thence the need for a dropship. The standard SWAT dropship (like the one on board the U.S.S. Resilient) is actually two ships - a warp-capable assault craft and a landing module. There are many different kinds of landing modules - some are nothing more than short-range shuttlecraft that can separate and maneuver independently, others are basically armored personnel carriers. If needed, a specialized module can be constructed on board the RRF starship to meet the requirements of a specific operation. After the separation of the assault craft and the landing module, the latter proceeds to acccomplish the main objective of the mission. The assault craft assists the SWAT team by providing air support, jamming the short-range enemy communcations, etc. In case of a space-based counterattack, the objective of the assault craft is to engage the enemy until the landing module returns to the mothership. The assault craft is armed with two forward-firing disruptors for space combat, two phaser banks for air-to-ground attacks plus a variable complement of missile weapons. It also carries powerful subspace jamming equipment. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------