From: Justbob@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: elvis/vnelvis Date: Thu Aug 11 17:46:47 1994 This is sort of unix related, so i thought i'd post it here for all us ppl stuck with dos (hopefully not for long) vnelvis: a must have! It's vi for DOS, it just kicks ass, no if ands or buts about it. and the cool thing is, it's real vi, right down to swapping in and out of a tmp file, so that there's just about no limit on file size, unlike EDIT.COM or QBASIC /edit [same thing] And it's in color. It's just darn nifty, i like it. [Pulled up a 640K doc on my 386sx 20 in about a minute, under windoze....that's faster than it takes EDIT to find out that it's out of memory:)]