From: htoaster@yabbs To: Jeremiah@yabbs Subject: re: Size of FreeBSD Date: Fri Jul 1 12:47:18 1994 It'll fit in 40 (like cosmos said), but I'd reccomend at least 80 for a working installation (ie, something you really want to use). If you want X you'll probably want at least 120 for it. I personally run this machine with about 500 megs of disk (right now), but 75 megs of that is for swap space. At the end of the summer it'll probably have between 750 and a gig depending on how much i feel like spending. Most of it isn't for the base system though (yabbs takes up about 30, X is about 30, my /usr/local is about 60, and user accounts take up about 100). I also try and keep about 100 megs free as scratch space. alex