From: Justbob@yabbs To: elixirio@yabbs Subject: re: X.25 Date: Sat Jun 25 22:42:30 1994 DOU YOY KNOW HOW CAN I ACCESS X.25 FROM UNIX ? Fraid not, but i suppose i should tel you right now (probably get flamed anyhow, but...heh..whatever) Anyhow, don't YELL, SOME PPL FIND it very annoying No reason not to go with PCI, even with a DX4 100, MCA is just getting up there to PCI/VLB throughput rates. Really, there's no reason not to, i think the only thing that's beeng IBM from going with EISA is that it's really just a kludge and is still very much ISAish underneath. With an open , fully arbitrated bus with guaranteed throughput on each and every channel at once, there's no reason not to. Plus i think they've learned the value of an open standard. Just my $.02