From: htoaster@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: unix vs dos Date: Mon Jun 20 20:21:58 1994 argh... everyone go learn your unix api's and dos api's and come back then...unix and dos are completely different designs...yes, dos adapoted the tree structed file system of unix, but that is about it...the way the two file systems are laid out on disk is totally different... if you really want to have this argument i'd reccomend going to your local university library and getting a book on operating system design...i personally like "Modern Operating Systems" by Tanebaum (spelling?). in the back it has a history of both ms-dos and unix (and cooler stuff like mach), so read those... btw, the main problem with dos is that it wasn't designed to scale to todays computing systems. its memory managment is designed around the segmented architecture of 8086's, not the paged systems that most current processors use (or the paged-segmented system of the 386/486). pointers are usually kept in reference to the local segment, and segment sizes are 64k, which makes dealing with more memory more of a pain (yes, FAR pointers work around that)... and it just doesn't have a no-brainer interface to accessing more than 640k of memory. alex