From: GPF@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: UNIX is for stupid people. Date: Mon Jun 20 16:58:19 1994 nonsense.... 15 years is MORE than enough time for dos to have become something more than a program loader (can you say os/2?) the reason is that there has never been any real competition to good ol' dos so there was subsequently no reason for them to change it...... the increasing popularity of dr.dos (now knows as novell dos) promppted microsoft to bloat their dos equally, with all sorts of idiotic disk compression utilities and things.... now microsoft sees some REAL competition _starting_ to appear (os/2, taligent(vaporware), mabye some unix(who knows?) so they have been forced to get off their butts and slap together windoze nt and chicago. oh, and to your point about ms wanting dos to look like unix, that's ridiculous... microsoft wants everything they sell to be easy to use for the moron market (did any of you see the mouse tutorial in windoze 3.1? sheeeeeeesh) and unix ain't exactly known for being luser-friendly.... oh well, i seem to have drifted off topic here... ln -s /dev/null ~/mail/flames l8r.... gp