From: Famine@yabbs To: Justbob@yabbs Subject: re: UNIX is for stupid people. Date: Mon Jun 20 12:05:58 1994 Yes, I think I agree with you, on that view but, you didn't really consider the reliability aspect of unix versus Windows NT, or also the fact that code written under dos or windows suffers from the architecture being very recursion unfriendly. Another point to consider would be the scalability of unix i.e. it runs on everything to super computers, with vastly differing architectures, I think dos would find it very difficult to handle a full vector processor. Ok UNIX is unfriendly, unless you want to use X, or some front end, but you have to remember it wasn't designed in the days that the word gui could be used to non-tech people and they might have a chance of knowing what you mean. To be honest I prefer the horses for courses approach, i.e. client server networks, with p.c. where necessery running X, far nicer. Famine >:^>