From: Justbob@yabbs To: Sarlo@yabbs Subject: re: UNIX is for stupid people. Date: Sat Jun 18 12:24:13 1994 Sorry, just gotta throw in my $.02 What have you been smoking? I could recount all the points everyone else has made but that seems rather redundant so i'll try and be sort of original here (try i say:) I think it's important to remember that DOS was originally designed on a UNIX box and that means it's is less than unix, also, in the past years, DOS has been moving _closer_ to unix (file handles, the command structure, hardware interfaces, etc...) and since windoze runs on top of DOS, that means it is also a less than unix. As for OS/2, i'll say it is nice when you got the presentation manager open, but remember OS/2 also has a CLI, making it very much like unix with the option of CLI or X. And if you want to run X remotely, you can get remote X clients, (which is a lot more economical than getting OS/2 and mounting a remote drive on the desktop) And like htoaster pointed out, if the others are so much better, then how come UNIX achieves similar results with so much less overhead? Mind you, i have nothing against a good GUI, but so far, the only one i (ones that is) think are mature enuff are X and OS/2, and OS/2 still requires immense resourcews (unless you are comparing it to NT;)