From: dmonger@yabbs To: Sarlo@yabbs Subject: re: UNIX is for stupid people. Date: Wed Jun 15 23:08:30 1994 Sorry, I just have to get this off my chest: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee ho ho ho ... stop, i'll pee okay, anyway: DOS is a program loader for the most part ... its not ment to be a full-blown OS, and it doesn't do a damn good job of it IMHO Windows is a program loader with pretty pictures. Agreed the standard user interface makes it much easier to figure out programs ... but once you leanr the program it can actually slow you down. Haven't played with NT too much, but the copy my friend got off his CD-ROM ate itself several times. They all have advantages and drawbacks ... but just off hand i can tell you i wouldn't have gotten my job this summer if i hadn't had all my UNIX experience. Not matter what the future direction may be i'm personally happy sticking with the system that I find most powerful NOW. Si'des ... from my work at Bellcore, i can't picture telephone service nodes running under windows (god, that's a scary thought). -peter