From: Jeremiah@yabbs To: Sarlo@yabbs Subject: re: UNIX is for stupid people. Date: Wed Jun 15 17:47:17 1994 If Unix is so hard, then why do you need a GUI like Windows or DOS which dosen't even use the full compacity of your computer not to mention that is slooooow as hell... If Windows is the future of computers, I'll GLADLY stay here in the past..... Some people use computers for differnt things... Ever try multitasking under Windows??? It's as smart as going skinnydipping in shark infested waters... And DOS is just as bad... Jesus, you need a memory program such as QEMM to even get DOS to use your upper memory... THe only Good multitasking program under DOS that I can think of is DesqView, and it is limited by DOS.... Hell, I would think you'd at least say something intelligent besides, "Gee, Dos is easy to use... Windows has a GUI... Unix is too hard for me to use.... I think Unix is for idiots...".... I hate to use the famous expression, but "Get a Clue Lamer!"