From: Simurgh@yabbs To: statix@yabbs Subject: re: used vt100s Date: Sat Jun 11 20:31:40 1994 re: Stupid sysadmin action of the month. Heh... Well, a lot of sysadmins by colleges and universities don't have much time to spend working on network connections. A lot of the time is spent getting library stuff to work right, and stuff along those lines. That's assuming they're even paid to be there full time. A few sysadmins of colleges that I know are paid part time, while a bunch of incompetent assistants work full-time. Real sysadmins and netadmins that know what they're doing and work well get paid a lot. 6-digits, where the first digit is often a multiple of 3.. :) But ignoring it when someone's nice enough to tell you about it is really bad, since you can lose data or something that sue the sysadmin, since you notified that person. The good way to get through, send a cc: to their boss. On the other hand, I've seen many people be accused of trying to take the network down, when all they were doing was reporting a bug. Some sysadmins think that anyone that knows the first thing about a network topology or something must be a hacker or something. *shrug* -Simurgh