From: Zbadba@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: used vt100s Date: Fri Jun 10 16:30:15 1994 Doncha love corporations? Right now I'm trying to get my hands on three old HP900 series workstations (oops, make that HP 9000 series). Two were CAD stations (one has a 17" monitor), and ther third was the file server. They don't need them any more, and no school in the area will take them, so if I'm lucky, I might be able to get them as "salvage" for 3 cents a pound. Right now they're running some bizzare proprietary OS (I truly have no Idea what it is, but it has a pascal compiler), but mayhaps I can install HP/UX on them and SLIP them to the unieversity.