From: cosmos@yabbs To: statix@yabbs Subject: re: used vt100s Date: Fri Jun 10 00:18:50 1994 In message used vt100s, statix said: > htoaster- > do you know of any companies that sell used computer equipment, > I'd like to get my hands on a used vt100 term to plug into my > linux box so my friends can play on it while I'm using it. Any ideas > on what kind of prices they may be asking? > statix Try reading and post an ad asking for can usually get one for pretty cheap. I have 12 terminals, but those were given away by the college. ;) At school, we alternatively wire them from my dorm to the adjoining two rooms via drilled holes in the wall ;) The cables fit when Mine is in the corner and theirs face the incoming walls. Its nice...they are logged into my machine and can do virtually anything, even when I am not there.