From: cosmos@yabbs To: Case@yabbs Subject: re: Which *nix? Date: Mon May 9 10:54:05 1994 Here we go...draw the battle lines....its a religous flame war waiting to happen...;) Seriously, there really is not one "better" or "best" UNIX out there. It all depends on your taste and preference. Also, what you want to do has alot to do with what version/flavor UNIX you should use. Linux....not a bad flavor at all. Highly supported by its users and has plenty of add on features and all the standards of a sysv type unix. Problems: It caters to the low end, people who come from a non UNIX background like dos. ITs install is painlessly easy but they bundle everything under the sun with the kernel and all the utilities. Most of the time, I have spent stripping the not needed crap out of my kernel when I use it. FreeBSD: VERY solid, excellent PC unix. Ask HT about it as well. ITs about the same, not as much user support(ie, there arnt hundreds of kid son IRC to help you out), but the newsgroups and mailing lists take care of 98% of the problems you may encounter. It is not intended for the rank novice though ;) Its install is easy if you can read and follow directions but there is no nice menu system or other stuff. It has about the same number of utilities etc...but they are not included in the base need to get them from the ports and packages directorys. To get either....FTP to: Linux ---> FreeBSD ---> Have fun. Cosmos