From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: washbord@yabbs Subject: re: Chr by Chr mode.. Date: Fri Apr 29 09:36:54 1994 i'm not sure how to quote here but... "i need functions to read a single chr with no wait till key hit and the complimentary func which outputs chrs..." huh? does that mean you want it to read in a char before the user inputs it? if you mean without an EOL after it, i think getch() in C, and cin.get() in C++ will do the job for char- by-char input. and then a while ((ch=cin.get())!='\n); to kill the rest of the line... cout.put(char ch) will output a char at a time in C++, is it putch(char ch) in standard C? i think so. hope that's what you needed.