From: washbord@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: Diku/Circle MUDs Date: Sun Apr 3 20:43:35 1994 Is anyone familiar with the operation of MUDs?I mean how portable is say, DIKU MUD? Can I just throw it on to a Linux system and have it work for dial-up users? Fastjack, are you setting up a dial-up service too? You might want to try this Linux board at 408-773-0768. I got the software for it but it seems kind of massive. I'm working on creating a a decent PC/Unix board to run under Linux. So far, it is going quite smoothly. THe only snag is the transfers. Right now, I'm letting users read the files off of a text file then using rz/sz to send them. Feels real sloppy!. I'd like to get some info on RipTerm. Got any sources? Later.