From: washbord@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: Boards... Date: Wed Mar 30 01:22:42 1994 About the 56K line. Man, I live in Canada, there is only one provider and his price is $800+ per month. I think we have to go with 28.8 Optimas. My other project: I gotta set some teenager up with a Well calibre system on a tiny budget. This kid wants an 8 line chat/MUD, DL system running on a DX2/66 w/ 8 MB, 340MB HD, 4 internal 14.4s, and 4 external 2400s hooked up via a 4 port serial board. I pretty well convinced that it can be done but I'm really iffy about the compatibility of ther serial board and the >ugh< Panasonic 562B non-SCSI CD-ROM drive! Ewww. What do you think? I'm really worried about compatibiliyt problems. What I really need is a nice NetBSD manual. Later.