From: Fastjack@yabbs To: washbord@yabbs Subject: re: BSD... Date: Mon Mar 28 12:02:59 1994 In message re: BSD..., washbord said: > I've been told that one should opt for a faster bus over a faster > processor > when it comes to setting up an online system. I mean how much overhead > can > 8 (to 16) put on a system anyways?? Not sure about that, but it is my understanding that PC boxes tend to be lacking in hardware contexts, which is directly related to the number of processes (i/o streams???) that you can run concurrently. Now, since it's online, you can comment about 1/3 or so of the daemons out of the rc files and save some processor and process numbers there. I mean, why does someone dialed in need to use lpd, except as a security hole? This is assuming you aren't using the machine as your primary box, or something... > Also, what do I need to "make my own" IP router? The damn thing costs > like $1600! It's a freaking box. It costs more than a new system! I believe there exists software to turn a PC/ DOS with 2 network cards into a router. This may not be the best solution; the machine costs money if it isn't already lying around (and who can't find a cheap 486 with a small HD and mono VGA?) and if the software isn't PD that would probably put over the top in terms of expense....just a possibility. > When you say that 56K isn't the best bang for the buck, I think you may > be right. We are seriously considering running a 28.8 line instead of the > 56K. The 28.8 line is only $400 (CDN) per month. It doesn't have any of Well, actually I was talking about a T1. We were quoted, for a T1, twice the price of a 56. Then there is 30x the bandwidth (56kbps v. 1.54 mbps) and alot of room for growth. You have to figure-- If we had to go to t1 from 56, we would have spent enough in installation just to get it to begin with-- same story with 2 56's. Then you have spent enough for a T1, and got one fifteenth the capacity... > the horrific costs associated with 56K (ie: $848/mo., Leased lines, > CSU/DSU, > Routers, Lease line monthly charges--$200+/mo.). We are just worried that > > 28.8 won't be powerful enough when we want to expand. What do you think? If you mean a SLIP/PPP connection by 28.8 modem....not bad. Installation from your point of view should be minimal. Hell, as far as that goes, multiple 28.8's might be a possibility if your service provider wasn't so steep... Just remember; once you've got a cable strung to your house by Ameritech or whoever, you gotta use that line for quite some time to justify the installation costs....and then you gotta have a machine to use all the bandwidth.. Catch-22. Gotta have the most bang for the buck on line charges, then you end up having to grab a machine that can handle hundreds of connections at once, and then....... Sorry for the diatribe. Just working out some frustration :) How many providers are in your area? At least a few with POP's around here. Some of them have crappy rates. Shop around if it's at all possible.... Update me how the bit with the 28.8 modems go....I have heard inconsistent stuff about Rockwell and Hayes 28.8 serial flow. Something about not being able to do DTE/DCE speeds over 38.4 or something... L8r FJ