From: washbord@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: BSD... Date: Thu Mar 24 15:40:12 1994 I've been told that one should opt for a faster bus over a faster processor when it comes to setting up an online system. I mean how much overhead can 8 (to 16) put on a system anyways?? Also, what do I need to "make my own" IP router? The damn thing costs like $1600! It's a freaking box. It costs more than a new system! When you say that 56K isn't the best bang for the buck, I think you may be right. We are seriously considering running a 28.8 line instead of the 56K. The 28.8 line is only $400 (CDN) per month. It doesn't have any of the horrific costs associated with 56K (ie: $848/mo., Leased lines, CSU/DSU, Routers, Lease line monthly charges--$200+/mo.). We are just worried that 28.8 won't be powerful enough when we want to expand. What do you think? Also, has anyone had any experience with satellite Usenet feeds. The systems cost under $500 and look very interesting. Any comments? Later.