From: TheDev@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: BSD... Date: Wed Mar 23 02:37:37 1994 Well, I keep the temperature of the chip WELL below the Intel specified limit of 85 degrees C. I've been running it at 80 MHz since last June, and it has never crashed once. I even run it in a highly unfriendly environment - an unairconditioned fraternity house. Of course, I wouldn't run an Internet service off of it (I'd get real machines for that) but it works very well for personal use. I can't wait to sell it and get a DX4-100 and see how high it goes. BTW, I saw an ad in the April Comp Shopper (p. 136) for a 90 MHz Pentium. My question is, since the current Pentiums run external and internal bus speeds the same, how did they get a motherboard to run at 90 MHz? That would be no minor accomplishment. The Dev