From: Fastjack@yabbs To: washbord@yabbs Subject: Net connecttion Date: Tue Mar 22 20:00:33 1994 Hola... I don't know how much your connection will be a month; our best quote was a little less than a grand. Hookup is is my opinion, T56 is not the most bang for the buch. The CSU/DSU price sounds okay; look into decicating a messy-DOS machine with special software in place of the router. If not, I recommend the Cisco :). Don't forget the little things: ethernet, hub if necessary, term server/digicard, etc. it all adds up quickly. I am in the same boat. I'd be interested in hearing more about your loc. and setup... FJ ps: Anyone got any T1 CSU/DSU's they need rid of? Oh, yeah, almost forgot: If your goin' full commercial, they make ya pay through the nostrils if they can get away with it...:)