From: washbord@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: BSD... Date: Tue Mar 22 00:07:35 1994 I'm planning on setting up an 8 line dial-up system running on BSD and providing Inet access. The system will have 1GB HD, and 16 MB of RAM, running on a 486sx-33. The 56K hook-up hardware is very expensive. I can justify the CSU/DSUs at $400 US each, but how can the IP router be $1600 US! What makes the router so expensive? Do we really need a separate IP router? If we can't get the 56K hardware any cheaper, we'll be forced to downgrade to the >much< cheaper 28.8 hook-up. 56K monthly charges are becoming very reasonable, but the set-up costs are astronomical. Any ideas on how to lower them?? Also, is Phred's lag caused by its connection, or its hardware? What speed is the connection anyways? later.