From: htoaster@yabbs To: washbord@yabbs Subject: re: BSD vs. Linux. Date: Mon Mar 21 09:11:16 1994 In message BSD vs. Linux., washbord said: > Okay, am I crazy to hook NetBSD up to a 56K line? Will BSD be stable > enough to run a multiuser system under extremely grueling conditions? Or > should I fork out a couple thousand for some commercial Unix? I've been > very pleased with BSD but I'm scared of having it choke out on me. nope. bsd is very stable with the proper hardware. if you're going to do this i would reccomend using scsi disks (something i need to upgrade to eventually) because the drivers for the adaptec 1542 card are much more stable than the drivers for ide cards, plus the adaptec card uses dma which makes it much faster in multitasking systems. i know of a public access internet site that uses netbsd to run their news system and nfs server with very little trouble. they've been running it since december, and usually get 30+ day uptimes. how many users do you plan on having on the system? what sort of hardware are you expecting to run? a 486/33 or 50 with 16 megs of memory, scsi disks (one gig or so) and a network connection could probably sustain quite a few users just fine. by comparison, phred is a 486sx/25, two ide disks (400 megs total), 16 megs of memory. i allow up to 20 yabbs users (used to allow more and have seen 35 or 40), plus people whom i've given private accounts to. i get pretty good stability (well, not over the past few days, but i've been doing some experimenting), and would get much better stability running w/ scsi (95% of my crashes have to do with the ide driver). alex