From: cosmos@yabbs To: washbord@yabbs Subject: re: BSD vs. Linux. Date: Mon Mar 21 05:33:21 1994 In message BSD vs. Linux., washbord said: > Okay, am I crazy to hook NetBSD up to a 56K line? Will BSD be stable > enough to run a multiuser system under extremely grueling conditions? Or > should I fork out a couple thousand for some commercial Unix? I've been > very pleased with BSD but I'm scared of having it choke out on me. > > Hmmmm....what do you think yabbs is running on?? Why, BSD!! BSD is a very stable networking OS and you should have minimal problems. As for grueling if you have heavy users or overhead I suggest mucho RAM and a fast processor. DOnt expect a 4 meg 386sx to do much. Commercial doesnt always mean better but it does offer a few nifty features like tech support for those not comfortable with their system and the ability to run commercial apps. I needed the commercial app ability for some work and I bought myself USL UNIX System V 4.2 for $160 and the C/Motif development suite for $89. I got all the standards with X and some nifty things like Open Look and Motif, I happen to love it but will not sit here and degrade linux or netBSD as worthless. They offer a very practical solution to students and otherwise poor people that cannot fork out the dollars for a commercial OS. I say you shouldnt have a big problem with netBSD. Ask Htoaster for the tech lowdown on BSD, he's the expert. ;) Cosmos