From: Fastjack@yabbs To: Hellion@yabbs Subject: re: SLIP/PPP Date: Thu Mar 17 20:05:35 1994 Hey.... I happen to know about packet-driving over serial lines. First- I have seen *no* implementations of SLIP or PPP that don't require either a kernal rebuild or loadable module (a la Solaris). These usually have a daemon running to handle the connection. The lines are usually connected to a term server that is dedicated to PPP/SLIP instead of one with a menu that is usually used for terminal access. It could be run with a serial board in the server though. It requires quite a bit of setup to do on the server end... If you can't get the sysadmin to do it, it won't get done. I know of at least one school that offers SLIP access 24-7 on a dedicated 14.4 modem. Depending on where in Maryland he is, JasonLee might be interested. They charge $40/month and access is, of course, limited to non-commercial use :) Fastjack