From: cosmos@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: x86 Unices multi-user perfo Date: Tue Feb 22 05:13:13 1994 The site is you can mail Karl Denninger at As for dell, I would steer clear of that one, nothing wrong with it but it is no longer supported or manufactured by dell. The latest release of USL is still System V 4.2 but is now being sold by its new owner Univel under the name Unixware. I have it and I can say that it is definately a very nice product. Not to mention that it is dirt cheap among the commercial peecee UNIX vendors. I wouldnt suggest linux for that kind of stuff you are talking about, itll come and bite you in the ass later on. You dont want to set up a multi user site that sounds like it is fairly substantial with a hobbyist Operating System. Email me here with an address of some sorts and I can answer further questions in detail. Cosmos