From: JasonLee@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Unix w/ other OS's. Date: Fri Feb 18 20:59:36 1994 cosmos said: If you have an 8088 it should be tossed. As for using DOS, the meek shall use DOS. I think it's written somewhere. Oh, and BIll Gates commands you to use his products. -------------------- OK, the thing about people using 8088s is that they can't afford a new computer. I know a lot of people who have to subsist with old hardware at home or work because they can't afford to upgrade. In these cases, DOS works fine, and it doesn't matter if you're "meek" or whatever. In the case of someone with an 8088 at workk, why would they want to try to run UNIX? Most of the work that gets done in an office is done with either a spreadsheet or word perfect 5.1. Workplaces are not likely to upgrade people to some kind of UNIX and also have to upgrade the software to whatever pathetic version of WP will run on a powered down system. The point of this is: not everyone can afford to run a hacker/technical operating system. I use OS/2, and I guess I'd rate its complexity and usability somewhere between dos+windows and unix. I'd recommend it for people who know what they're doing. JasonLee