From: Fastjack@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Unix w/ other OS's. Date: Fri Feb 18 18:46:18 1994 Hey don't get me wrong... Unix is the best OS there is. But DOS isn't dead and shouldn't be, simply because it is a simple, single user, single tasking OS that can be crutched onto a network, ala netware. It is also all that most people need (most don't use DOS or ms-Windoze to it's full potential by any means.) You can't exactly expect to run a Unix on an 8088 w/ 10 megs-- but this is still a usable machine, great for DOS text work, file manipulation, and runs 16 bit progs. People who can use that effectively can still be more productive than those who have no clue in Windoze... FJ