From: jcjc@yabbs To: abort@yabbs Subject: re: yes Date: Thu Feb 3 06:39:51 1994 well, I had the same problem, just do this: first, if its linux, then like - take it out of inittab then, run kermit, or just cat > /dev/ttyS1 then init the modem completly! then /bin/getty -mt60 19200,9600,2400,1200,300 /dev/ttyS1 & then try it out, if it works, then great, if not then I have no idea.. check the normal shit though (i.e,. do I have unix installed really, do I have /bin/getty, or ugetty, etc...... do I have a modem, is my modem turned on hahhahaha, gets pretty ridiclous,, any ways. .Hasta -Call Backwarding-