From: abort@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: yes Date: Mon Jan 31 22:59:47 1994 Alright. I just installed Linux on my 386 with 4megRAM and a 65 meg Linux partition. Talk about squeezing it. Of course without Xfree i'm ok, actually have room to grow a little bit. I have been trying to get my modem to accept logins but without success. I have put an entry in my inittab to spawn a getty to watch the dev/ttyS1, which is my modem. But when I called voice to check It get an answer. I got the Serial HOWTO and am looking thru their but I dont see any differences between what they have in there and what I have set up EXCEPT. they use getty_ps.2.7 or something like that. The newest getty_ps. Do I really need to get that?