From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: linux, qic-80, etc.. Date: Fri Jan 28 19:05:56 1994 Well here is my system: 486 DX2/66 w/ 16 megs ram 1.3 GIG SCSI Hard Drive 250 meg tape drive 15" SVGA monitor I am going to be running netBSD .09 on 1 GIG space. The rest is dos/windows development. I dont play games or other crap only have ms word 6.0 and the microsoft c/c++ 7.0 compiler and windows sdk development for school. As for the power of UNIX...shit I ran ATT SYS V UNIX on 2 megs ram and 67 meg hard drive on a motorola 68010 processor and it ran smoothly. Sure it was slower but it was fully functional. I might be getting a cd-rom drive for cheap and I already have access to the NeXT step cd roms full developers version so only time will tell... Linux, netBSD, freeBSD,'s all better than dos/windows. Cosmos