From: panzer@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: linux, qic-80, etc.. Date: Fri Jan 28 14:57:52 1994 You could install linux on 80megs, 4 megs of ram without problem. The usefulness of any unix on that amount of space is kind of in question. If you just want to get the feel for unix, install away and get used to how things are set up. If you want to "run unix", pronounce heavily, then you need more drive space, more ram, bigger, faster, better... I run linux on a 386dx40 w/ 500megs HD space, 8 megs ram, I have 32 megs of swap set space, and I have a connection via slip. It all works great, and I use a pile of space on my machine. You can get X11 running with systems utilities, and everything else on an 80 meg drive. Just don't expect much space left for yourself to compile your own programs... -Panzer