From: htoaster@yabbs To: Bolus@yabbs Subject: re: Clients/Unix.. Date: Wed Jan 26 10:06:42 1994 In message Clients/Unix.., Bolus said: > What is the advantage of running a yabbs client? It should be a lot faster, esp with regards to the lag in typing that a lot of people notice. It also will let you use any editor and pager you want. Finally it helps to keep the system load down on my machine. The only disadvantage is that it takes up a little space on your machine. Clients tend to run between 100k and 200k. > Also, is it possible to install NetBSD on my second drive (first drive is > pure DOS) and still boot into NetBSD? Can I do this without having a > small partition on the first drive?? Supposedly, but I haven't done it. If you have access to usenet post on comp.os.386bsd.questions. alex