From: htoaster@yabbs To: rattler@yabbs Subject: re: Which pub *nix to run... Date: Tue Jan 25 16:47:40 1994 In message re: Which pub *nix to run..., rattler said: > 2) Yes. but linux is smaller athan netbsd. and can work with less. > the network support SEEMS to be working (ive run into some linux sites on > the net :-) > linux 1.0 is supposed to be out soon. > (or is, havent bothered to check) They've been saying that for years (about as long as 386bsd 0.2 has been promissed). So I really don't expect it anytime soon. > 3) 8Mgs can run bsd, but it is NOT comfortable. i`ve done it , and > ited swapping w/ emacs + make. This really depends. Under shared libraries (which are available) you can run in a lot less memory. Also, gnuemacs is quite a memory hog. Use something else (like vi, uemacs, or micrognuemacs) and you'll run quite fine in 8 megs (or even 6). I ran under 6 megs for about a year, without X, but with having people on yabbs all the time, with not a whole lot of swapping. These days I have 16 megs and rarely swap, even with X. Of course emacs never gets run on this machine (it isn't even on the drive, just nfs mounted from another machine). > 4) I cant say i think kernel size is an issue. on both systems you can > rebuild the kernel if you wish. True. Linux people used to say that their kernel was smaller, and thus better, but that is pretty untrue these days. The default kernel on both systems is around 500k or so... alex