From: htoaster@yabbs To: reefa@yabbs Subject: re: bbs software Date: Mon Jan 24 09:42:32 1994 In message bbs software, reefa said: > hi all.. > well, i dont really know how many times this question has been asked, > but does anyone haveny recomendations as to bbs software for unix? i am > running slackware linux at the moment on a 200meg hdd, i want something > that is fairly versatile but not a prick to setup (1001 config files.. > argh!).. i have heard that eagle bbs and ubbs are pretty decent, and i > have gotten myself a copy of the UNIXBBS.FAQ, but im more after a users > personal opinion, not just some reviewer guy's... Well, this is probably pretty biased, but why don't you try yabbs (what this system is running on). You can get the source code for it from this machine by anon-ftp, and it should be pretty easy to compile on linux (if you have problems tell me and I'll help you out). Configuration is done in two files, it doesn't take much space (this system takes up 5 megs, not including the gfiles). Personally I don't like eagles bbs a whole lot. I think that their cute interface can get very cumbersome when you really want to use it. I haven't played with ubbs a whole lot. alex